AMAC in the Media

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Posted on Friday, December 25, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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John Beach
John Beach
4 years ago

Ignorance and fear have been the two factors most destructive of the power of citizens to push back against the obvious violations of rights and excesses concerning due process of law regarding the election. Liberalism, by definition, is the attitude of willful disregard for the specifications of the law and strict obedience to it. It was predictable and an immediate cause for a reaction of grave concern that the permissiveness of “mail-in balloting” and a many months-long period of balloting, extraordinary to the official Election Day, first Tuesday of November, would be controversial, problematic and, now, provably, fraudulent. Everyone should fear the illegitimacy of a federal government administration and the proof of legitimacy must be obtained. Democrats have campaigned on a platform which is, blatantly, unconstitutional with respect to the enumerated rights of citizens. The notion that most Americans are content with this concept, if true, represents alienated, foreign and altered mindsets which are antithetical to the values held and the sacrifices made by many generations of our forebears and ourselves.
Democrats are completely out of touch with the heritage and history of the United States and have chosen to pervert truth and commit themselves to dangerous internationalism which weakens the entire fabric of American society, labor-economics and national defense.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Fauci and Birx have been lying all along. Unfortunately, our great president waited too long before switching to Dr. Adams and others who actually work in the real world–not in government-run labs! And, of course, our “sewer stream” media are so CORRUPT! Owned and run by globalist billionaires!

Gloria Hensley
Gloria Hensley
4 years ago

Too many traitorous RINOS betrayed the President. He carried them along for 4 years, but when he needs them just to be truthful about the fraud, they betray and dessert him. All they think about is money, money, money, but it would have cost nothing to tell the truth (except for the bribes they were getting from the CCP.) This nation is already in socialism. That was snuck in while we slept. IF Biden gets in, we will be immediately under Marxism. A great cleanup is needed and needed now. Either join the fight – or move to Communist China.

Gloria Hensley
Gloria Hensley
4 years ago

Not all of us think the vaccine is good news, especially when there are medications can do the same without all the wondering if Bill Gates has “marked” us. After people have the vaccination, they are told to keep wearing a mask. What’s that all about, especially when the mask has been proven not to stop the virus germs from going through the mask. Now, it’s ‘have a possibly worthless and dangerous vaccination shot and keep wearing the worthless dangerous masks. (masks causing bacterial pneumonia, teeth falling out, sinus infections, depression and emotional problems in children). Any more ‘good news?’.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

It certainly is a great time of the year. However concerns abound. First the vaccine. What a project but the estimates indicate July as when most people will be able to have taken advantage of it. AOC is essential? Fauci has now upped the ante by saying 90% vaccination rate will create herd immunity. He had started at 70%. Let it be said that I am skeptical of all of the hype. THIS IS THE GOVERNMENT ASSIGNING PRIORITIES. RACE HAS EVEN GOTTEN INTO THE CONVERSATION REGARDING DISTRIBUTION.
The GA runoffs are another issue. What price glory? Each Dumorat has raised over $100,000,000 via SMALL DONATIONS. YEAH SURE. The Republicans are way behind that. Combine the original election and now the runoffs you are talking some real money. WHAT A PRICE TAG FOR PUBLIC OFFICE!

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

It certainly is a great time of the year. However concerns abound. First the vaccine. What a project but the estimates indicate July as when most people will be able to have taken advantage of it. AOC is essential? Fauci has now upped the ante by saying 90% vaccination rate will create herd immunity. He had started at 70%. Let it be said that I am skeptical of all of the hype. THIS IS THE GOVERNMENT ASSIGNING PRIORITIES. RACE HAS EVEN GOTTEN INTO THE CONVERSATION REGARDING DISTRIBUTION.
The GA runoffs are another issue. What price glory? Each Dumorat has raised over $100,000,000 via SMALL DONATIONS. YEAH SURE. The Republicans are way behind that. Combine the original election and now the runoffs you are talking some real money. WHAT A PRICE TAG FOR PUBLIC OFFICE!

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