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President Trump Delivers Remarks to Honeywell Workers in Arizona
Honeywell’s Manufacturing Efforts
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, we hear from a few of Honeywell’s extraordinary workers who are leading the charge to equip our healthcare heroes and marshal our manufacturing might — that’s what it is. It’s a manufacturing might that we haven’t seen for a long time.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “In normal times, it would take 9 months to stand up one facility like this, but Honeywell has built this in less than five weeks, creating 500 new jobs in Arizona and another 500 jobs in Rhode Island. Together, these new factories will soon produce more than 20 million N95 respirators every single month – a truly miraculous achievement.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “More than 150 Honeywell employees are working around the clock, three shifts a day, six days a week. You are the greatest industrial — and think of this, what you’ve done: You’re part of this incredible industrial mobilization, the biggest since World War II.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “You make America proud, you really do. And want to thank you very much. That’s why I’m here.”
Harnessing American Industry
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “To defeat the virus, we are harnessing the unrivaled power of American industry. We’re using the Defense Production Act to manufacture over 100,000 additional ventilators on top of our fast-growing national supply. We have mobilized our country.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We are now at a point where everybody in this country that’s needed a ventilator … has gotten it, especially here in Arizona.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’ve dramatically accelerated development of new therapies and potential vaccines. Johnson & Johnson, Oxford — great places. And we have 90 clinical trials underway and hundreds more on the way.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Through FEMA, HHS, and our private sector partners, we’re equipping our frontline medical workers with more than 70 million N95 respirators, 112 million surgical masks, 7 million face shields, 18 million gowns, and nearly one billion gloves.”
Bringing Back American Manufacturing
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “This pandemic has underscored the vital importance of reshoring our supply chains and constructing a powerful domestic manufacturing base. I’ve been talking about that for a long time … The United States declared its independence nearly 250 years ago, but in recent decades, Washington politicians allowed our independence to be offshored, outsourced, and ceded to foreign countries. But we’re taking it back and we’ve been taking it back.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We know it matters where something is made, and we want essential medicine, supplies, and equipment to be manufactured, produced, and made right here in the good old U.S.A.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “My administration believes in two simple rules: buy American and hire American.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Honeywell workers helped make America the world’s greatest manufacturing superpower. This is a great company and it played a very big role. Now, in the Twenty-First Century, right here in Phoenix, Arizona, you’re reclaiming the noble heritage and writing the next chapter of this incredible American story.”
Fighting the Invisible Enemy
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “This terrible plague, has inflicted grave hardships on our people. We mourn for every life lost, we pray for every victim and we shoulder this burden together as one people, one family, and one great American nation. Thanks to the profound commitment of our citizens, we’ve flattened the curve and countless American lives have been saved.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’re reopening and it’s going to be something very special. I was saying before that we’re going to have a transition period, third quarter, it’s going to transition. Fourth quarter’s going to be very good – we think – very good. And I think next year we’re going to have one of the strongest years we’ve had in a long time.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The people of our country are warriors. With your help, we will vanquish the virus and build a future of greatness and glory.”