AMAC in the Media

HHS Secretary Comments on Positive Results for COVID-19 Treatment Trial

Posted on Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

HHS Secretary Alex Azar issued the following statement:

“Today’s (April 29) promising news from the NIH Remdesivir trial is a beacon of hope for all Americans and everyone around the world waging war on the COVID-19 pandemic. NIH began this trial back on February 21, working with patients in the United States and around the world to secure results as quickly as possible. The close cooperation with the private sector that got us these rapid results is exactly what President Trump has called for in his all-of-America approach to defeating the virus. Through the efforts of NIH, FDA, and other parts of HHS, the Trump Administration has been working relentlessly to get promising treatments like Remdesivir to the frontlines and save lives.”

You can read the press release from HHS here.

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