Moron Biden doesn’t know how old he is.. at 78 he is useless. Not one sane person actually believes Biden won fair, and square. He and the democrats have stolen this election and God will reveal the truth. The truth will make the United States free. We will have our president, Donald J Trump for at least 4 more years.
Brenda Johns
3 years ago
All I can say is Lord help us!
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago
RINOs and DIMMwits don’t WANT to see any evidence! That doesn’t mean that there isn’t any! Otherwise, why were GOP monitors thrown out of the counting rooms? How did hundreds of 100-year-old vote in MI? How did dead people vote? How about thousands of PA votes with no down-ballot votes–only BiteMe for Prez!
GT Patriot
3 years ago
Red states need to succeed and form their own union. All of the wealth in the nation is in the red states including
the military. All manufacturing is the reds. The Dims plan for the red states to bail out the wrecked , mismanaged
state budgets of the blue states running huge deficits ( Calif, NY)
GT Patriot
3 years ago
Dosen’t amaze me at all. Any party that believes in killing the newborn ie govenor of Virginia would kill anyone.
Loreena Haire
3 years ago
I believe these people committed High Treason!
Nero Wolfe
3 years ago
God almighty decides when we die,Is this a coded message as to what the Joe Biden Regime plans to do to people over 75 to rid America of the elderly. Biden then should set the example, he qualifies.
3 years ago
So, since Biden is 77 y.o., HE should be the first to be put down!
Steve Curry
3 years ago
Thank you Amac. This is one of the few platforms that are talking about the red flags. My wife is a naturalized US citizen and as she watches news from her former country she is seeing the information that you are reporting here and she is astounded when I tell her the information what our (US) sources are reporting. You are correct, US media is focused on Biden as the President elect when in fact it is not over. Again thanks for covering this story with some degree of integrity.
Steve Curry
3 years ago
pat dipalma
3 years ago
the geronticide is to prepare us for when Joe Biden bites the dust at 77(75) and must cede the presidency to kamala!!!
3 years ago
If dems are advocating 75 as the limit for people to live, what does that say about Biden or Pelosi (I heard someone say she could pass for 75+ but don’t know her age.) All of that designer ice cream could be having a deliterious effect…
3 years ago
Ezekiel Emanuel?? Oh my gosh… Well, that’s one way to drain the old swamp!
Audrey Dunn
3 years ago
I KNEW IT!! BIDEN’s stupidity is showing more and more every day. No wonder the said at the final debate that America had a great relationship with Hitler. Biden wants to finish what Obama started 12 years ago, rid this nation of the elderly/disabled, to commit genocide.
M. Stufflebeam
3 years ago
Your opening statement seems a bit contradictory for a Biden Team member since Joe is already over 75. Puts the remaining arguments in the “bit suspect” category.
While many mainstream media outlets have stated that Biden is the president elect all have made it plain that states have to certify the election results and published or stated dates when that will happen. One could make that case that Biden is not until Congress opens the electoral college vote envelopes on 6th Jan 2021. Given the voting figures as published and that trump’s own HS people have declared no evidence of fraud found in the election. Biden will probably be the winner and trump the loser.
Linda Gregory
3 years ago
So, let me see if I have this right—Reading this from actually two different sites this morning, a suggestion that anyone over the age of 70/75 should be denied the Covid vaccine? Hmmmm, Mr. Biden, Ms. Pelosi, and all of your other 70+ buddies?? Reading also that the Democratic hopeful is planning on opening the gates to immigrants far and wide—Where are you planning on putting them? More tents in all the major cities? Have you forgotten all the American citizens that are out of work due to your buddy Xi’s little gift to the world? Short of the organized voter fraud in this country right now, and the media’s total control of anything said, whose America is this anyway?
Preston Smith
3 years ago
Fox News WAS the only news source that I was following. That has now ended. They have become simply another of the fake news media. I’m starting to seek out truly factual news sources which hold to solid views regarding our US constitution, and which do not seek to control people through misinformation.
3 years ago
Can’t even share this….it is blocked. So, I guess I will e-mail to my friends and family. So if after 75 no life waving medications? If that would ever go thru…There are a lot of politicians that will be gone. One way to drain the Swamp.
John A. Fallon
3 years ago
cavuto, like all msm and fauxnews “journalists”? Care ONLY about thier GROSSLY OVERPAID jobs? Like pro athletes, hollywierd elites, billionaires and teachers and professors, they ONLY SAY what thier chinese MASTERS tell them to say, they have sold thier souls and AMERICA for thier own financial benifit, how many other elections were stolen? mayors, governors, house and senate seats, district attorney, town councils, this has been going on for decades and ONLY PRESIDENT TRUMP has made it public, “WE THE PEOPLE” need to send a letter to ATTORNEY GENERAL BARR and tell him who we voted for and demand that ALL ILLEGAL VOTING be prosecuted and PUNISHED, every voter who voted for TRUMP should respond and see what happens. GOD BLESS TRUMP AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!
3 years ago
Joe Biden is living proof that a human being can exist without a brain. God only knows what this man and his panels will do to our country.
3 years ago
With mountains of evidence in this corrupt election it will sadly go nowhere because no judge will ever let it come to life for fear of his/her career, family, or life being in jeopardy by the mafia / terrorist like tactics the democrats employ to get and maintain power.
3 years ago
well as usual the I no what good for you elites will be exempt from the 75 yo rural they will get what they need to live
as long as they can
Nicki R Green
3 years ago
For some reason I am not able to watch the entire video on my iPhone. It stops after Emanuel is brought up.
Alvin Baldwin
3 years ago
It’s been hinted for some time that our president can’t get fair and open press coverage. Now it’s been proven beyond a doubt.
I’m suggesting that you broadcast for him. Speaches, press releases, tweets….anything that comes from our president. We members can share it in emails, on social networks, by mouth.
The American people need to know what our leader is saying.
Art A
3 years ago
The brother of the man who coined the phrase ” Don’t let a crisis go to waste” needs to do a base jump without a parachute from a 1000FT tall building. Maybe his pronouncement is politically motivated so that the load on SS would be relieved and they could give the money to Illegals. As far as Election Integrity is concerned there are too many loose ends to be inspected and verified. Dr. Shiva has proven that there statistically are too many highly dubious variances in the voting. As far as Cavuto is concerned, I have a suggestion that I located the other day. HOW ABOUT CAVUTO ACTUALLY DO SOME INTENSE INVESTIGATIVE WORK HIMSELF! IT IS HIS JOB TO PRODUCE EVIDENCE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. HE IS ANOTHER MEDIA TRUMP HATING ELITIST. THE ELECTION IS NOT OVER. MAGA/A TRUMP-PENCE 2020.
Julie Kane
3 years ago
Julie Kane
I don’t know why some of you cannot ‘see’ the video. I did with no problem. Running Windows 10 and this morning, removed the ADOBE Flash Player as I was instructed to do, but they (ADOBE) said it must be done (they are killing it) by the end of December. So, wonder if that could be the problem some of you are having ??
3 years ago
Guess that means Biden is over-the-limit.
3 years ago
Biden did not win. We all know it.
3 years ago
The pencil neck Cavuto is just one more leftist in a sea of leftists. I don’t trust him! There’s no balance in the fraud national news media – it’s all in on hating Trump! God help us!
3 years ago
Guess Joe is going have to be euthanized. He is 77….. Wikipedia has declared him to president-elect even though the hasn’t been. The media needs to the read the Constitution of the United States. Lame brains…. influencing the unschooled!
john palumbo
3 years ago
If the election results stand then we maybe in for a time in our country that WILL be worse than 1860-1865! there very well maybe another civil war.
I am 70 year old US Army veteran and I cannot believe what I have been seeing for the past 4 years! Looking back on growing up in a somewhat lower income family we were taught by our parents that the Dumb-O- Crats were all for the people and the Republicans were the anti Christ. But looking back over the past 30 years that was obviously wrong.
I still don’t understand how anyone with a minimum of logic or common sense could have voted for the Dumb-O-Crats. Yet no one can give a resaonable answer as to why they dislike(HATE) President Trump with so much passion and vitriol. Regardless of the election outcome we must stand our ground and resist anything and everything the Biden Wermacht tries to jam down our throats. Stay locked and loaded the worst maybe on the horizon
Richard Krewson
3 years ago
This Video Being Blocked From Viewing!!!!!
3 years ago
If Cavuto would just pull his head out of the sand, deep sand, he’d have plenty of proof of election felonious fraud. Too bad leftists don’t pass out and then shut up with their heads so deeply self sunken in the sand of their dennials of truth.
3 years ago
The Leftist Communist in Biden’s COVID pannel who wants Americans over 75 to die are implementing just one additional Democrat policy that is to be enforced for thee, not for me. Though shalt die at 75, the Leftist elites however, shall live, thrive, enjoy the opulence of their elevated elitist status into their eighties or like Soros,into their 90s.
3 years ago
Fist to the dim-wits on the left, I am 77 and plan on living another 25 years so get over it ! The Supreme Court needs to step in and clean up our voting process, do you hear me, Chief Justice John Roberts ! The news media has been in the pockets of the left for the past 30 years, President Trump forced them to show themselves. GOD SAVE AMERICA
Deploreable Sam
3 years ago
Not to change the subject here but, and go ahead and call this my conspiracy theory:
First, Fauci, head of CDC or whatever agency it is and also being a demo shill
Second, what was that story about Fauci and the CDC trying to develop a virus like this, then being shutdown by Homeland, only to export the research to China on the taxpayers’ dime?
Finally, and this is the kicker, I have not heard of anyone running the numbers on how much money the SSA has quit having to pay out in Social Security benefits to all the victims.
As a side thought, how many of those victims voted democrat this election cycle?
Y’all think about it and have a nice day.
Bruce Koczman
3 years ago
Just wanting to get the truth. The whole truth…and nothing but the TRUTH. Thank you all for bringing us truth. God’s Word is truth…besides His Word…everything else comes under scrutiny and suspicions. God help us.
Bruce Koczman
3 years ago
Joy P. Hart
3 years ago
So what can we do as we are forced to accept Biden as president. I am so glad we have AMAC fighting for our rights!
Mike Stow
3 years ago
Why did utube take this video down.
Thelma Nelson
3 years ago
I can’t watch it either on my iPhone:/
Joy P. Hart
3 years ago
I am also unable to view the video.
Margaret P. Smith
3 years ago
I can’t watch the video. Got a message an error had occurred. Tried several times.
Margaret P. Smith
3 years ago
I can’t watch the video. Got a message an error had occurred. Tried several times.
Moron Biden doesn’t know how old he is.. at 78 he is useless. Not one sane person actually believes Biden won fair, and square. He and the democrats have stolen this election and God will reveal the truth. The truth will make the United States free. We will have our president, Donald J Trump for at least 4 more years.
All I can say is Lord help us!
RINOs and DIMMwits don’t WANT to see any evidence! That doesn’t mean that there isn’t any! Otherwise, why were GOP monitors thrown out of the counting rooms? How did hundreds of 100-year-old vote in MI? How did dead people vote? How about thousands of PA votes with no down-ballot votes–only BiteMe for Prez!
Red states need to succeed and form their own union. All of the wealth in the nation is in the red states including
the military. All manufacturing is the reds. The Dims plan for the red states to bail out the wrecked , mismanaged
state budgets of the blue states running huge deficits ( Calif, NY)
Dosen’t amaze me at all. Any party that believes in killing the newborn ie govenor of Virginia would kill anyone.
I believe these people committed High Treason!
God almighty decides when we die,Is this a coded message as to what the Joe Biden Regime plans to do to people over 75 to rid America of the elderly. Biden then should set the example, he qualifies.
So, since Biden is 77 y.o., HE should be the first to be put down!
Thank you Amac. This is one of the few platforms that are talking about the red flags. My wife is a naturalized US citizen and as she watches news from her former country she is seeing the information that you are reporting here and she is astounded when I tell her the information what our (US) sources are reporting. You are correct, US media is focused on Biden as the President elect when in fact it is not over. Again thanks for covering this story with some degree of integrity.
the geronticide is to prepare us for when Joe Biden bites the dust at 77(75) and must cede the presidency to kamala!!!
If dems are advocating 75 as the limit for people to live, what does that say about Biden or Pelosi (I heard someone say she could pass for 75+ but don’t know her age.) All of that designer ice cream could be having a deliterious effect…
Ezekiel Emanuel?? Oh my gosh… Well, that’s one way to drain the old swamp!
I KNEW IT!! BIDEN’s stupidity is showing more and more every day. No wonder the said at the final debate that America had a great relationship with Hitler. Biden wants to finish what Obama started 12 years ago, rid this nation of the elderly/disabled, to commit genocide.
Your opening statement seems a bit contradictory for a Biden Team member since Joe is already over 75. Puts the remaining arguments in the “bit suspect” category.
While many mainstream media outlets have stated that Biden is the president elect all have made it plain that states have to certify the election results and published or stated dates when that will happen. One could make that case that Biden is not until Congress opens the electoral college vote envelopes on 6th Jan 2021. Given the voting figures as published and that trump’s own HS people have declared no evidence of fraud found in the election. Biden will probably be the winner and trump the loser.
So, let me see if I have this right—Reading this from actually two different sites this morning, a suggestion that anyone over the age of 70/75 should be denied the Covid vaccine? Hmmmm, Mr. Biden, Ms. Pelosi, and all of your other 70+ buddies?? Reading also that the Democratic hopeful is planning on opening the gates to immigrants far and wide—Where are you planning on putting them? More tents in all the major cities? Have you forgotten all the American citizens that are out of work due to your buddy Xi’s little gift to the world? Short of the organized voter fraud in this country right now, and the media’s total control of anything said, whose America is this anyway?
Fox News WAS the only news source that I was following. That has now ended. They have become simply another of the fake news media. I’m starting to seek out truly factual news sources which hold to solid views regarding our US constitution, and which do not seek to control people through misinformation.
Can’t even share this….it is blocked. So, I guess I will e-mail to my friends and family. So if after 75 no life waving medications? If that would ever go thru…There are a lot of politicians that will be gone. One way to drain the Swamp.
cavuto, like all msm and fauxnews “journalists”? Care ONLY about thier GROSSLY OVERPAID jobs? Like pro athletes, hollywierd elites, billionaires and teachers and professors, they ONLY SAY what thier chinese MASTERS tell them to say, they have sold thier souls and AMERICA for thier own financial benifit, how many other elections were stolen? mayors, governors, house and senate seats, district attorney, town councils, this has been going on for decades and ONLY PRESIDENT TRUMP has made it public, “WE THE PEOPLE” need to send a letter to ATTORNEY GENERAL BARR and tell him who we voted for and demand that ALL ILLEGAL VOTING be prosecuted and PUNISHED, every voter who voted for TRUMP should respond and see what happens. GOD BLESS TRUMP AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!
Joe Biden is living proof that a human being can exist without a brain. God only knows what this man and his panels will do to our country.
With mountains of evidence in this corrupt election it will sadly go nowhere because no judge will ever let it come to life for fear of his/her career, family, or life being in jeopardy by the mafia / terrorist like tactics the democrats employ to get and maintain power.
well as usual the I no what good for you elites will be exempt from the 75 yo rural they will get what they need to live
as long as they can
For some reason I am not able to watch the entire video on my iPhone. It stops after Emanuel is brought up.
It’s been hinted for some time that our president can’t get fair and open press coverage. Now it’s been proven beyond a doubt.
I’m suggesting that you broadcast for him. Speaches, press releases, tweets….anything that comes from our president. We members can share it in emails, on social networks, by mouth.
The American people need to know what our leader is saying.
The brother of the man who coined the phrase ” Don’t let a crisis go to waste” needs to do a base jump without a parachute from a 1000FT tall building. Maybe his pronouncement is politically motivated so that the load on SS would be relieved and they could give the money to Illegals. As far as Election Integrity is concerned there are too many loose ends to be inspected and verified. Dr. Shiva has proven that there statistically are too many highly dubious variances in the voting.
Julie Kane
I don’t know why some of you cannot ‘see’ the video. I did with no problem. Running Windows 10 and this morning, removed the ADOBE Flash Player as I was instructed to do, but they (ADOBE) said it must be done (they are killing it) by the end of December. So, wonder if that could be the problem some of you are having ??
Guess that means Biden is over-the-limit.
Biden did not win. We all know it.
The pencil neck Cavuto is just one more leftist in a sea of leftists. I don’t trust him! There’s no balance in the fraud national news media – it’s all in on hating Trump! God help us!
Guess Joe is going have to be euthanized. He is 77….. Wikipedia has declared him to president-elect even though the hasn’t been. The media needs to the read the Constitution of the United States. Lame brains…. influencing the unschooled!
If the election results stand then we maybe in for a time in our country that WILL be worse than 1860-1865! there very well maybe another civil war.
I am 70 year old US Army veteran and I cannot believe what I have been seeing for the past 4 years! Looking back on growing up in a somewhat lower income family we were taught by our parents that the Dumb-O- Crats were all for the people and the Republicans were the anti Christ. But looking back over the past 30 years that was obviously wrong.
I still don’t understand how anyone with a minimum of logic or common sense could have voted for the Dumb-O-Crats. Yet no one can give a resaonable answer as to why they dislike(HATE) President Trump with so much passion and vitriol. Regardless of the election outcome we must stand our ground and resist anything and everything the Biden Wermacht tries to jam down our throats. Stay locked and loaded the worst maybe on the horizon
This Video Being Blocked From Viewing!!!!!
If Cavuto would just pull his head out of the sand, deep sand, he’d have plenty of proof of election felonious fraud. Too bad leftists don’t pass out and then shut up with their heads so deeply self sunken in the sand of their dennials of truth.
The Leftist Communist in Biden’s COVID pannel who wants Americans over 75 to die are implementing just one additional Democrat policy that is to be enforced for thee, not for me. Though shalt die at 75, the Leftist elites however, shall live, thrive, enjoy the opulence of their elevated elitist status into their eighties or like Soros,into their 90s.
Fist to the dim-wits on the left, I am 77 and plan on living another 25 years so get over it ! The Supreme Court needs to step in and clean up our voting process, do you hear me, Chief Justice John Roberts ! The news media has been in the pockets of the left for the past 30 years, President Trump forced them to show themselves.
Not to change the subject here but, and go ahead and call this my conspiracy theory:
First, Fauci, head of CDC or whatever agency it is and also being a demo shill
Second, what was that story about Fauci and the CDC trying to develop a virus like this, then being shutdown by Homeland, only to export the research to China on the taxpayers’ dime?
Finally, and this is the kicker, I have not heard of anyone running the numbers on how much money the SSA has quit having to pay out in Social Security benefits to all the victims.
As a side thought, how many of those victims voted democrat this election cycle?
Y’all think about it and have a nice day.
Just wanting to get the truth. The whole truth…and nothing but the TRUTH. Thank you all for bringing us truth. God’s Word is truth…besides His Word…everything else comes under scrutiny and suspicions. God help us.
So what can we do as we are forced to accept Biden as president. I am so glad we have AMAC fighting for our rights!
Why did utube take this video down.
I can’t watch it either on my iPhone:/
I am also unable to view the video.
I can’t watch the video. Got a message an error had occurred. Tried several times.
I can’t watch the video. Got a message an error had occurred. Tried several times.