AMAC in the Media

Facebook’s Blatant Election Interference

Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2022
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

To rerun 2020 again??

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

TikTok is another thing to avoid! Why do parents (or anyone) allow kids to put information of TT which is going directly to Red China! The CCP already has towers feeding phone and computer info back to China and spies in our universities and companies.
Also, why aren’t “our” companies taking manufacturing OUT of China? Do we really want our medicines and technical equipment made in China?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

I was booted off Twitter in 2016 for posting about Hillary’s graft in Uranium One. In 2020, it was You Tube for posting about Hunters “imaginary” computer and Bidens documented history of racism. Now instead of posting all day, I go for walks in the park with the dog so THANKS SOCIAL MEDIA!

Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
2 years ago

Suckerberg and FB was a left-wing tool long before the FBI gave them direction. Nice try to deflect, Suckerberg.

2 years ago

Facebook, Twitter and Google, all manipulated by government for political agenda.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Those that are on FASCISTBOOK must not understand that they are supporting Communism and George Soros. While at same time the FBI and IRS STASI will use EVERYTHING on FASCISTBOOK against you just like employer’s and schools including colleges and universities.
Remember, DICTATOR Beijing biden just MILITARIZED the IRS STASI.
If your smart you will get off FASCISTBOOK. Otherwise, the Lies, Deceit, and CENSORSHIP of TRUTH will continue with you being sucked into it.
Think for yourself and actually talk to each other. And they can’t SPY on your conversations then. Which is what they are exactly doing with your permission Violating your 1st and 4th Amendment Rights.
So DON’T give up your Constitutional Rights for convenience. It’s NOT worth it.
Otherwise, you will end up paying a VERY HEAVY PRICE.
You have been warned.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Those that are on FASCISTBOOK must not understand that they are supporting Communism and George Soros. While at same time the FBI and IRS STASI will use EVERYTHING on FASCISTBOOK against you just like employer’s and schools including colleges and universities.
Remember, DICTATOR Beijing biden just MILITARIZED the IRS STASI.
If your smart you will get off FASCISTBOOK. Otherwise, the Lies, Deceit, and CENSORSHIP of TRUTH will continue with you being sucked into it.
Think for yourself and actually talk to each other. And they can’t SPY on your conversations then. Which is what they are exactly doing with your permission Violating your 1st and 4th Amendment Rights.
So DON’T give up your Constitutional Rights for convenience. It’s NOT worth it.
Otherwise, you will end up paying a VERY HEAVY PRICE.
You have been warned.

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