AMAC in the Media

Experts Say ‘Climate Change’ Is a Hoax

Posted on Friday, August 18, 2023
AMAC, John Grimaldi
Climate change protest signs that say there is no planet B

WASHINGTON DC, Aug 18 – “In the good old summertime,” as the song goes, you can expect a heat wave or two in certain parts of the country. Indeed, summer is the warm season. It’s the norm. And, come November and December, it will be chilly and downright cold in many parts of the country. But there are those who seek to politicize the natural order of climate on Earth.

Climatologist Judith Curry was what some might call a global warming alarmist who ultimately came to the conclusion that climate change is not what it is claimed to be; it is not an end-of-the-world disaster in the making. As she put it in a recent interview with news correspondent John Stossel, “I was adopted by the environmental advocacy groups and the alarmists and I was treated like a rock star. Flown all over the place to meet with politicians. [But] like a good scientist, I investigated [and found] that part of it was bad data. Part of it is natural climate variability.”

Curry went on to tell Stossel that “the origins [of climate change] go back to the…U.N. environmental program [and was motivated] by anti-capitalism. They hated the oil companies and seized on the climate change issue to move their policies along.”

In an article published on the BizNews website, she noted that “It’s very far from gloom and doom. People who think that they can control the climate…It’s just a pipe dream. Even if we went to net zero, we would barely notice. It would be hard to detect any change in the climate. The climate is going to do what the climate’s going to do. And there’s a lot of inertia in the system. If the carbon dioxide that we’ve put in is as important, as bad as some people seem to think, those effects are going to be with us for a very, very long time. And stopping now isn’t going to change that trajectory very much.”

Confirming Dr. Curry’s assessment are two prominent climate scientists, Dr. William Happer, professor emeritus in physics at Princeton University, and Dr. Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of atmospheric science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). According to The Epoch Times, they have gone on record to say the Environmental Protection Agency’s new rules to cut CO2 emissions “grossly overstated the harm from CO2 emissions while ignoring the benefits of CO2 to life on Earth.”

Professors Happer and Lindzen went on to note that “all of the models that predict catastrophic global warming fail the key test of the scientific method: they grossly overpredict the warming versus actual data. The scientific method proves there is no risk that fossil fuels and carbon dioxide will cause catastrophic warming and extreme weather.” 

Furthermore, their EPA testimony noted that “the agency’s emissions rules fail to consider the fact that CO2 and fossil fuels are essential to life on earth, particularly human life.” They went on to point out that “increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere create more food for people worldwide, including more food for people in drought-stricken areas. Increases in carbon dioxide over the past two centuries since the Industrial Revolution, from about 280 parts per million to about 420 ppm, caused an approximate 20 percent increase in the food available to people worldwide, as well as increased greening of the planet and benign warming in temperature.”

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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1 year ago

Even fools know it is a hoax. Sheeple not so much.

1 year ago

Carbon dioxide is a heavy gas, didn’t pay attention in chemistry class? Don’t believe me? Ever visit a wine cellar so popular with the California based church of the unholy climate change? You will find candles all over these places; newsflash: these candles aren’t just there for the ambience and gnarly atmosphere, they are canaries in the coal mine. CO2 is a byproduct of the wine’s fermentation aging in these barrels and the candles indicate a level of CO2 exceeding the height of the candle when the flame is extinguished without any other contributing factor, thus indicating to the vintner that it’s time to vent, or air out the cellar in order for it to be safe to enter again without passing out and suffocating. For CO2 to “rise in the atmosphere” and stay there the amount of energy needed and permanently sustained would by far exceed the energy we, or any other country can produce, as CO2 is not just a heavy gas but has also had the use as a coolant. Touch a freshly filled CO2 canister sometime and marvel at the chill! Carbon dioxide begins to sink again to sea level as soon as it is no longer heated. The amount of money paid for grants of climate change to chemists specializing in “climate change” must be quite lucrative, and exorbitant because no so called “scientist” has dared to point out these very obvious, and very pesky facts to the “climate change” crew, and their crowd of believers that can’t be bothered by inconvenient facts. Yes climate change is a hoax, from fossil fuel cars, to cows belching, and farting, but it costs lives as now proven in Hawaii where the pre-occupation with “climate change” let to a neglect of mediation, and prevention of wildfires. The Green New Deal, is a rotten deal!

William Cunningham
William Cunningham
1 year ago

See my letter in Chemical & Engineering News January 23, 2012, listing four questions that needed to be asked before we poured huge amounts of money into “solving” the “problem.” Science is no further along the way to answering those questions as the climate alarmists desire than we were in 2012. I postulated that it was another scheme for scientist PI’s to get money from NSF and industry to support their research. We are rushing to solve a problem without knowing the needed answers first. That is just stupid.

1 year ago

It’s a shame this climate change HOAX is scaring the be-jesus out of the younger generation. But this younger generation should learn to do their own research instead of listening to the loons.

1 year ago

But…John…didn’t climate change just kill several hundred people in Lahaina? (sarcasm intended) I’m confused.
Thanks for an outstanding article.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

These brainless anti’s wont believe this anyway. Kylke L.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
1 year ago

Leftists have an agenda, and they are not going to let facts and reality interfere with their pursuit of that agenda. And what is that agenda? Power and control, at any price, at any cost, by any means necessary.

1 year ago

Really, anybody with an ounce of common sense would realize that climate change has always been a money making scheme, you should know that if a fool idiot like Al Gore has been promoting it for years. Just another way for the Marxists demoncrats to control us.
But then again why would I think any of the filthy leftists liberal demoncrats would have any common sense. They are all pure evil and should be destroyed, they are like a plague across the country, a lot worse then COVID

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Somehow man managed to survive the whims and caprices of mother nature Now the “experts” are telling us we are on the verge of extinction and we must do this and that None of which they themselves are doing So many experts and one screw up after another

1 year ago

Climate changes. It’s changed hundreds, if not thousands, of times in the history of our planet. It seems to be the rule of nature. It’s probably changing right now as I speak. Saying it’s currently caused by humans is disingenuous. Saying that it’s being accelerated by humans is dangerous and it’s based on debunked science.

Broccoli Free Zone
Broccoli Free Zone
1 year ago

Absolutely YES! Being a scientist, myself, I was laughing at the “Global Cooling” and “Hole in the Ozone” in the 70’s, then “Global Warming” in the mid 80’s then changed to “Climate Change” more recently. Naturally I figured it was baloney. I couldn’t foresee that so many of our fellow Americans would actually fall for such an obvious attempt to beguile them. Then, around 2005, I was horrified to find that there are so many uninstructed, other than by the media, people on this topic and were convinced by people who were alleged to be “experts” who were, in fact huckstering them along. Now there is a USA political party that lives and breathes this bilge (and propagated by their cheerleaders in the media). This party, along with their assistants in the PRESS have actually CONVINCED these folks that this lie is real, and requires A LOT of government (tax payer) money, forever, to “Save the Earth.” The total and complete arrogance of these people astounds me. Their motivation: (Follow the money) In fact, I strongly suspect they are lining their pockets, and their well connected, and wealthy (campaign donors) people with huge portions of that (our) money. That is, EV makers, windmill makers, solar power panel makers (and other hucksters) are tremendous recipients of OUR money, usually just before they go BANKRUPT and abscond with with the cash stowed away in some Swiss Bank Account. No politician, donor, or “corporate head” is likely to ever to be held to account for disappeared money, and the lack of return, due to the massive corruption in our Government.
History rhymes sometimes: This is a very similar technique used by Hitler in the ’30’s. Tell a lie loud enough, and often enough, eventually people will believe it (our asinine propaganda).

1 year ago

I disagree with the headline … Climate Change is not a hoax. It has been part of the process this planet has experienced since the creation of the planet and climate. It is a fact of life, along with everything getting older and dying … Climate Changes. And it is inevitable. Not saying that humans aren’t trashing the place … but are we as a people, so self involved to believe that we have actual control over the climate?
Farts .. for instance, the current ‘climate scientists’ are claiming that cow farts, put too much methane into the atmosphere causing all sorts of issues. So dinosaurs .. giant creatures, who pretty much roamed the planet, free of humans who would be complaining about them … they didn’t fart? The difference is, there weren’t ‘climate scientists’ getting paid to complain about dino farts. And the earth made it past the dinosaur age, and moved on the that world, with semi intelligent hairless creatures who walk upright and have opposable thumbs … and suddenly think, that we are causing the destruction of the planet. The only real difference is now we are paying faux ‘climate scientists’ to steadfastly suggest that humans actually can overcome and destroy a planet which has existed for a billion years.
Full of ourselves aren’t we?

1 year ago

Of course it is a hoax. The green new deal can’t advance without a crisis. Don’t fall for it.

1 year ago

I have liberal “friends” who believe the doomsayers no matter how much evidence from real scientists they are shown. These people cannot be convinced, even if they don’t die in ten years.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
1 year ago

How dare you let facts get in the way!

1 year ago

Been saying this all along. Nice to see my thoughts verified.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

Just another Democrat money grab and another way to try to control the American citizens. Follow the money. Who is getting rich off our tax dollars?

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Of course it’s a hoax and smart people know it.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The MSM act so surprised when its 118 degrees in Phoenix in the summer or it floods in Palm Springs after a heavy rain. Then if its not 118 or a drought, its STILL because of climate change! Way to cover all bases, activists….

Jay H.
Jay H.
1 year ago

I always them my family, the rules they require everyone else to follow will not be applied or followed by the the liberal puke idiots & ruling elitists who make the rules!!! I always find it interesting how the liberal pukes that spew their climate change lies are the worst when it comes to setting a good example. Do as I say not as I do!!!

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

Of course it is a hoax, but that doesn’t stop the TCBAMN / TCBALN politicians form continuing their “work”.
TCBAMN – Total Control By Any Means Necessary
TCBALN – Total Control By Any Lie Necessary

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


USN Retired
USN Retired
1 year ago

Why is it, the article referenced by Climatologist Dr Judith Curry is a year old, and we just now are acknowledging her statements on the truth of the climate change lie?
Of course we all know the left wing communist, supporting and part of the Democrats and Rhinos, will continue the lie regardless of truthful articles like this one.

1 year ago

The greater problem here is that the libtards who drink the climate juice have no need for facts. our human contribution is so small compared to the planet as a whole. The largest greenhouse gas is H20 vapor – guess what? 70% of the planet generates water vapor. Then there’s the CO2. the biggest producer of CO2 is Plankton blooms. Guess what covers 70% of the surface in solution? Plankton.

We’re DOOOOOMED – to be at the mercy of the planet and the closest star.

Sally B
Sally B
1 year ago

The MahaRUSHie was right and right.

Gene Skipper Mead
Gene Skipper Mead
1 year ago

No kidding! But, what about all the experiments that have shown that carbon is destroying the planet? Sarcasm intended!

1 year ago

Another power play that Dems have used to grab more money for nonsense programs from companies that eventually go bankrupt after getting millions of taxpayer dollars. But don’t you know the big guy will have gotten his 10 percent. Despicable people!

Vietvet 6769
Vietvet 6769
1 year ago

The hell I learn in high school the planet shift it axis would cause climate change that where it was jungles and swamps are not deserts. It’s about another shift to happen, when it’s not not known!

1 year ago

My life is dominated by constant Climate Change! . . . One has to “roll with the punches” and accept what you can’t change. Mother Nature can be very fickle. It’s only when man tries to control Mother Nature is when you realize that you can’t! I moved from the East Coast to California because Mother Nature was too unpredictable and harsh and certainly glad that I did!

1 year ago

Key point: “Like a good scientist, I investigated [and found] that part of it was bad data. Part of it is natural climate variability” Therefore, NOT man made.

1 year ago

How many of us have heard of geoengineering? If true, it is appalling, dangerous and frightening. It seem to be climate change on steroids.

1 year ago

The Global Elitists intend to dominate the World by their electric, grid control. But China is making an effort to get a foothold globally in Green Energy Products, like EV’s , lithium batteries, & inefficient, solar panels. A Chinese Elite, Sun has 130,000+TX. border, energy acres near Air Force Base. They’re trying to increase military bases. Bill Gates wanted to play God, by sending chemicals into the air to block the sun. World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab’s father, Eugen was director of Industry in Hitler’s Socialist Regime. We’ve had some, young people, who think their Socialist Classes have the answers, & believe the propaganda. Vladimir Lenin said, “if you have Socialism, you have Communism.” Young people don’t have knowledge of the history, or experience. Islamic Socialists are also joining in the Anti U.S. & Anti Israel platform. Founding Fathers used Biblical Principles to establish the U.S. The Bible is Israel’s dated, documented history, verified by archaeological artifacts. It’s from 4,000 yrs. B.C. Before Christ until A. D. after His death & resurrection, 2,023 yrs. ago. Jehovah God has already predicted, what will happen.

Marta Alvarez
Marta Alvarez
1 year ago

What ‘s more: What has been done about it is a heinous, unspeakable crime against humanity. Trillions of dollars wasted on it’s name. Death and destruction by the salvages paid to protest and burn everything in sight,all on the account of a stupid little girl preaching about a total lie. The closing of the Keystone pipe line, so many jobs and livelihoods lost on that end too. The goverment keeps depleting our oil reserve and at the same time buying oil from Putin, with whom we are supposed to be ‘at war’. How can Dems promote and support these crimes?

1 year ago

There is about 450ppm co2… plants need about 1200ppm to flourish. The alarmists are trying to decimate the food growth in the world.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
1 year ago

Climate change and COVID vaccinations are both hoaxes.

1 year ago

Left agenda , just ask china & india how far along their green energy plans have progressed compared tothe US!

1 year ago

I think all these climate change idiots should go to China and India, and even Russia, to voice their complaints. I’m sure that they will be warmly received and given the proper platform to stand on, before the trap door is sprung.

1 year ago

I think all these climate change idiots should go to China and India, and even Russia, to voice their complaints. I’m sure that they will be warmly received and given the proper platform to stand on, before the trap door is sprung.

1 year ago

Mother Nature knows what she is doing. Since the dinosaurs to the ice age, there have been catastrophes. Heat waves and extreme cold spells, hurricanes and tsunamis, violent storms, catastrophic fires etc etc. Only in the last century till now have they been monkeying around with the weather. Making it snow in the mountains so people could ski. To Bill Gates and his chem trails. Which caused the fire in Lahaina become an inferno for these chem trails leave aluminum dust behind that create a storm during a fire like we saw in Maui. This was not Mother Nature at work this was Bill Gates at work. Like his plan to shade the sun. Stop already, I know you think you are the all knowing all seeing scientist, only you are only a computer hack no more no less. Your sterilizing plans in India and Africa are well documented all in the name of vaccinating the children. Stop. Let nature take its course. 65 years ago everyone saw a atomic bomb falling on their head and yet we are still here. The left are chicken littles while they know better it is brainwashing and keep the people scared. More people have been killed by the extreme climate changers than from the so called climate change.

1 year ago

Actually, nations of the world have sought to control the weather since the 1950’s. We are witnessing manipulations of weather worldwide which has produced very odd weather throughout the world. LBJ stated, “He who controls the weather controls the world.” Why has Shasta County California stated that the “snowpack on Mount Shasta has over 400% Aluminum” which is toxic to humans, animals, and vegetation? How did snow become contaminated with “Aluminum?” Look up “Geoengineering” online and explore just what the governments of the world have been doing for many years. Do I believe in “Climate Change?” Yes, but only in reference to “Geoengineering!”

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

I bet the dinosaurs wish the Democrats were around when they roamed the earth.

7 months ago

You will wake up one day and say oh it’s real. When that day comes it will be regretful. 99.9% of scientists agree it’s real and it’s human caused. If you think that’s a conspiracy you are not operating in the reality of logic. Look with your eyes, use logic. It’s painfully obvious.

1 year ago

There is a climate change predicted 2000 years ago. The bible says a time will come when people will shake their fists at God because of scorching heat. Of course if God who says He runs the climate causes it, we definitely could do nothing about it. The only way to escape that future heat is to ask Christ Jesus to save you. God loves and wants to take everyone to Heaven, but He only knocks at the door. We are responsible for answering it. The ball is in our court.

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