AMAC in the Media

Debt Ceiling: Democrats Made This Mess, It’s Time For Them To Clean It Up

Posted on Friday, October 1, 2021
AMAC Action

Democrats are in disarray. While often a hyperbolic statement said around DC, Democrats are facing the harsh reality that it is hard to govern when you have all of the power in Congress and the White House. Often Democrats are trying to say the filibuster is bad for governing and that it should be repealed (Something AMAC Action has repeatedly fought back against). But now the party of big spending is facing a dilemma: they can bypass the filibuster they hate to increase the debt ceiling using budget reconciliation, or they can play political games by bringing the US economy to the brink of collapse to try and make Republicans vote for it too. For Democrats the choice is simple, if it’s politically bad, blame the Republicans even if the entire problem can be solved by Democrats alone.

At the same time Democrats have chosen to use budget reconciliation to spend $3.5 trillion on massive new social programs, which will make the debt problem worse. Democrats believe this massive spending will help them politically and are more than willing to do it on their own. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and the rest of the Republican party are rightly standing up to Democrats wasteful spending, now Pelosi and the press are blaming Republicans for the approaching economic doom should Democrats refuse to increase the debt limit.

This is a completely made-up controversy; Democrats have the ability to ensure the economy keeps on functioning by using the same budget reconciliation rules they are using to bypass Republicans on taxes and spending. By ignoring this process Democrats face an impending government shutdown crisis of their own making. The media is a full attack mode, blaming Republicans for the impending shut down when Democrats have the tools they need, but lack the will to do it because they know it will cause political consequences they want to avoid.

Republican leadership has been clear for months that they would play no part in helping Democrats ram through their liberal wish list of spending and tax hikes. Now Speaker Pelosi is driving many members to the brink, pushing them to hold their noses and vote yes on trillions more in wasteful spending while saying they can’t raise the debt limit on their own too. This political brinksmanship will crash the economy if Democrats push too far. Unfortunately, that means Democrats are going to hurt everyday Americans to learn a simple lesson, you made the mess, you get to clean it up.

Want to help AMAC Action make seniors’ voices heard on Capitol Hill? Click to email Senate Democrats to tell them they’re on their own when it comes to raising the debt limit!

Click here to email Senate Democrats

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3 years ago

One of the ways to “fix” the Debt Crisis” is to take back the stimulus money that was paid to people that didn’t deserve to receive it in the first place. Such as illegal aliens, rich politicians, etc. And get people back to work instead of paying them to stay home and not work!!! And to stop paying bribes to people if they get a Covid vaccine. It’s very obvious that the “leaders” in Washington have never had to run a household on a budget, if they did things would be much different.

Constant de Calonne
Constant de Calonne
3 years ago

America CANNOT AFFORD the extravagant bills ! The Dems R not acting In good faith and I am not so sure exactly what is truly disguised within these bills Dems are not credible. Nor are they realistic KILL THE BILLS KILL THE BILLS IT is definitely NOT true that There is 0 cost and that “THE RICH will pay ” JUST HOW DUMB DOES THE DEM PARTY THINK AMERICANS ARE? WHAT AN INSULT TO OUR INTELLIGENCE !

3 years ago

They always want to be in charge but don’t have a clue on how to do it. Thus, they make a mess of everything they do.

3 years ago

The party of jackasses NEVER clean up their messes!!

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
3 years ago

Democrats fix problems? That they made? Are you kidding? Democrat politicians are why velcro was put on shoes, and Starbucks costs $5 for a cup of coffee! Everybody knows Democrats aren’t smart enough to FIX problems…

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 years ago

Let’s be honest: The debt ceiling is only an excuse for Congress to keep wracking up future bills that they have no intention of paying for. This is Congress’ attitude in a nutshell: We want to spend more now so instead of raising taxes on every single taxpayer in this country (income level be damned) we’ll just keep raising the debt ceiling and stick future generations with the mess. This financial abuse of this country’s taxpayers really needs to stop. Contrary to the delusions of the democratic party, we are NOT human ATMs with endless supplies of cash.

3 years ago

Manchin has said he might vote for spending bill at 1.5T, which is less than what Biden wants. But think about this, During Reagan years—the total Federal debt was 1.5Trillion —- so what has happened in Washington,DC since that time..

3 years ago

My opinion, the spending bill should not pass until they take every give-away program out of it. That sounds like Socialist ideas & not Americans that want to support themselves. Last I heard, this bill has 2500-pages & so what is in this.

3 years ago

Why do Democrats want to increase debt ceiling, when Joe Biden keeps saying the $3.5T spending bill with cost zero dollars. How can Biden stand in back of a mike & say that…..are the rest of Democrats so brainwashed by this statement that they will vote for a bill cuz Joe needs it.

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
3 years ago

Any republican voting with these psychopaths is as big an enemy of America as the democrats themselves! Not only should they be removed from office, they should be assisted with their transition to a different plane of existence! Everything this administration of “adults in charge” touches results in a fecalfest of epic proportions and no American should help them destroy this country!

Kathryn V
Kathryn V
3 years ago

Debt is the new slavery. A legal immigrant said that. How profound.

Steven H
Steven H
3 years ago

If I have to live within a budget then the government should too. I can’t just give myself more money like they do so I can get things I want. I drive a 15 year old car. I don’t have the nicest house. I live within my means. Stop the madness. The Democrats care nothing for this country, Their concern is power and how to keep it.

3 years ago

Obama/Biden/Harris are doing everything possible to destroy America for good before Trump takes back the presidency which was stolen from him by the democrats in our crooked election process!!!

Murf Appling
Murf Appling
3 years ago

Did the basic math N class yesterday – every American citizen is N debt approx $84,840.00. And the students who participated N the exercise R still N the “on deck circle” or “in the dugout”. Especially our grand children!! As Pogo use to say, “we have found the enemy & it is us!” All R part of the problem. No one wants to say NO or do without, or adjust & adapt their lifestyle.

3 years ago

My vote is that these folks will fall back on their capacity to “play political games” as the ariticle cites.
It is their “bread and butter” when it comes to ramrodding something through. Just watch and see how they will cajole, pressure, twist arms and beat compromises out of their opponents….that’s always been their tactic and means to an end. The system we now have cannot function otherwise, no matter who is on top….dems, repubs, whoever. The core to this is the system that promotes long term office holding, lobby influences, money under the table, collusion and corruption. Until this fundamental system is changed, nothing else will change. I have said this before, and yet again…..term limits, a balanced budget and adherance to our Constitution are what matters, …not the power, greed and selfish agendas of those who are in charge. Sadly, nothing seems to be happening that spells an end to the “system” that is no longer “of, for and by the people.”

Neil Schmidt
Neil Schmidt
3 years ago

Sad, but true: Saul Alinsky LIVES! I thought he had died in 1972, but he has somehow been cloned to reappear in the U.S. Senate, House of Reps and various Deep State agencies.

3 years ago

As I’ve said before many times The Democrat party is not what it was …. They are now power hungry and putting Americans last. It is being proven daily with open borders, no respect for border patrol, police, and anyone that dares to disagree with them. Sad to put Americans last.
Everyone knows you can’t support the entire world. It’s simple you cannot spend more than you earn. There is always payback!

3 years ago

This democrat clown show is a TOTAL failure!
It’s exactly what establishment career politicians do – NOTHING!
Throw them out!
Self serving,lying,corrupt,party politics is the ONLY thing that they care about.
Citizens are an inconvenience to their money and power grab!

3 years ago

These fools will not clean up a darn thing. They will continue to spend us into oblivion. That’s what they do. Money will soon be worthless.

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
3 years ago

Like I have said before, why are so many in the DemocRat Party so afraid of Pelosi. If they don’ t get re-elected they can go to work as a lobist and write a book on how meam Pelosi is. That way they wouldn’t have to put up with Pelosi, Schumer and Bidens $hit

3 years ago

The democrats will tax the lower middle class, the middle class, and the upper middle class till there is no longer a middle class in America. There will be the rich and poor. They are the aristocracy. American states governed by nobility. Greedy corrupt fools. And they are winning.

3 years ago

These Democrat

3 years ago

They have made a mess of things and know it…they want to bring everyone down with them…I hope everyone has learned…know who you’re voting for…I personally think it’s time to get some nonpoliticians in government… it’s unfortunate but there is no accountability…as well as…ethicsOnly God knows how this will end…but I know God wants us to put up a good fight…and I don’t mean a physicianl fight…

Constant de Calonne
Constant de Calonne
3 years ago

I do not agree to spend that much money on 2 bills esp if authored by Chuck. Schumer and one of them has a wish bill 4 AOC which I am not sure is wasteful and disguised DEMS DO NOT ACT IN good faith !!!!!!!

GOOD FAITH !!!!!!!! Let us be weary !!!!

3 years ago

They won’t clean anything up. They will do what WEASELS always do; blame everyone else!

Albert W. Myles
Albert W. Myles
3 years ago


3 years ago

Whoever dealt the taxes needs to realize they can’t blame anyone else but themselves for lack of support from taxpayers who have realized the “bargain” being offered has a high penalty. Playing the blame game doesn’t work, but the problem is no one wants to offer a working solution because it does mean cutting spending, a simple basis of finance–you can only work with the money in hand, and “wishing a solution” doesn’t create the solution. Claiming that taxing the rich will create a fund source is just that because, in reality, most high-income people have the ability to label their income into various “titles” making most of it, except the little they will “tolerate” to be taxed. Unlike us working people who make most of our money as reported directly to IRS, we don’t have that “pleasure”. This explains why choosing to work and pay taxes or stay home and have the government doled out “benefits” is becoming an attractive “illusion”.M

3 years ago

At this point in the time of history, I don’t trust the DecmoRats to do anything honestly and in accord with Constitutional Democratic governance unless it purely is compatible with their partisan goals. For the DemocRats, it is Self&Family first, Party second, and to H-E-L-L with everything and everyone else.

Bill T
Bill T
3 years ago

This is showing all of us what political thieves they are, Ram though the biggest pig fest of garbage ever and using this pandemic as a platform to get this done. This is a definite attempt to destroy capitalism and have a total government takeover and also unionize everything after all’s said and done. Great reset is a very real possibility right now and the elites could care less about anything but total control and power over everything. The ends justify the means at any and all costs. Fill your chest freezers with 6 months of rations and put a few hundred gallons of water with it, these leftist socialist democrats will drop the ball and purposely crash our economy right now if they don’t get exactly what they want.

3 years ago

Let’s stop trying to blame each other for our problems and try to work together to solve them!!!

3 years ago

Stop feeding the (democ)RATS! They just keep making more rats!!!

3 years ago

Every time Democrat’s are in charge they make a mess of everything, they don’t have a clue on what they are doing. Yet, they always want to be in charge.

3 years ago


3 years ago

They wouldn’t know how to clean up this mess if they wanted to!

3 years ago

Yeah! Like, Satan made this mess, let him clean it up. It is not going to happen.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

the ( D ) communist party will only try to add more to collapse the economy.
I do not and will NOT use caps on those words – marxist / communist / socialist.
I only have disrespect for them and wish them to be terminated.

3 years ago

Dems don’t cIean up messes, EVER, just like 2 year olds. They only make them.

Larry W.
Larry W.
3 years ago

The Democrats will never give up until they milk everyone dry, rich and poor alike. If you think Biden is doing a good job then explain to your children and grandchildren why they will be the ones to suffer during their lifetimes as they are the ones who will reap the consequences. If we still have a country by then.

3 years ago

Let’s go with the 3.5T pork bill. The only catch is that the wall must be built, the pipe line restarted and completed, the natural gas drilling restarted and all other Trump energy bills that were stopped, must be restarted. There must be a completion requirement so that we are again energy independent and our boarders secure. Otherwise NO deal !

Patty Hanson
Patty Hanson
3 years ago

They do need to clean it up, but I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen …. Even “if” they wanted to clean it up (and I ‘do not’ believe they do or will) …. it will be none other than “We, the People” who will be forced to bear the burden of the costs to do it. And even then, it most likely would not be done properly.

3 years ago

In a shutdown, the government will not default as there is plenty of revenue for the interest payments (which are unreasonably high due to past irresponsible spending by both parties), to make Social Security and Medicare payouts (which were promised to those paying into them over their working lives), and to provide the basic functions of the federal government as delineated in the US Constitution. The problem with continually raising the debt limit or even suspending the debt limit which has been done several times is it allows and encourages Representatives and Senators to violate their oath of office to uphold and defend the constitution by voting in massive spending programs that increase the power of the federal government way beyond what is intended in the Constitution (and in so doing subjecting citizens to more control with less freedom). I for one would like to see the government shutdown and so limit its spending for a while but I don’t want to see federal employees in the bloated bureaucracies given back pay for time not worked (essentially paid vacation) as typically happens. Maybe then they would rethink their situation and get jobs in the private sector.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

I remember when a billion dollars was a lot of money. These clowns throw trillion around like pocket change. Soon their taxes will be eating into the “seed” corn.

3 years ago

This pathetic regime has failed America on the economy/borders/military foreign policy/schools/covid/protests/// when you have an idiot running the Senate and a 80 yr. old high heeled queen in control of the house and a babling dementia buffon in the Dark House=failure is the result//

3 years ago

Are you freaking kidding. Democrats “clean any thing” up. Democrats and RINO’s have been making this country a mess since Eisenhower not ONCE cleaning up. They have driven America strait in to the sh^%)(*&, without ever once cleaning anything. More freebies for the lazy are the Democrats thinking and more POWER is the RINO’s mantra. Thank God for Trump, bringing back some America to Americans. We must continue the march.
3 years ago

There are some younger legislators that have good leadership talent. Many of them have been meeting often planning how to improve things after the old guard moves on and would work together if they didn’t have to deal to deal with present leaders. All of us, demo and republican, need to vote out the old quart.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

democrats are in disarray Washington is in disarray the whole country is in disarray it’s been that way for looong time it would seem there will not be any circuses and very little bread’

3 years ago

>>>Democrats are in disarray.

Let ’em also fall into the abyss.

3 years ago

The debt ceiling is largely political theater for the masses. We’ve seen this debt ceiling drama being orchestrated 80 times in the past and it always ends the same way. A few days of hyperbolic rhetoric after we have supposedly hit the limit to scare the portion of the public susceptible to this nonsense, a deal is reached to either suspend the debt ceiling or just raise it once again. How it is done is immaterial in the larger scheme of things, as most of the public doesn’t pay that close attention to what is going on.

Do the Democrats care about the after effects? No, of course not. If they did, they would have already simply have voted to raise the debt ceiling by the majority of votes they already hold in both houses of Congress. The problem is if they do that, they would have to disclose the true cost of the human infrastructure bill they frantically working on. Which is now currently $7.5 trillion dollars as of the last scoring of the bill. Not the $3.5 trillion dollars the Democrats and the media have been claiming the bill actually is for months. Some of the public might actually sit up and pay closer attention to what is going on, which is always bad when it comes to Democrat legislation of any kind. Never the less, at the end of the day, the debt ceiling will either be suspended (no requirement to disclose the true cost of the human infrastructure bill) or raised and Washington will continue on its merry way.

Mark Hamler
Mark Hamler
3 years ago

The dems had control one yr and they were in this same miss the Republicans let the fiscal yr to expire when the election came the next yr, The Republicans took a major hit because the public blamed the Republicans for the defualt. I agree let the dems stew in there own miss.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

“Debt Ceiling: Democrats Made This Mess, It’s Time For Them To Clean It Up” On what planet will that ever happen? The dims have been fiscally irresponsible for as long as i can remember, but the current communist party has taken it to a whole new level…and that’s putting it VERY mildly. Now that these dim communists intend to tear America down to the level of just another tyrannically controlled global nation state, they have NO INTENTION of “cleaning it up”. They intend to accelerate it.

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