David and Goliath: AMAC Versus the “Other” Organization
Posted on Monday, June 26, 2023
The Association of Mature American Citizens
AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber joined American Sunrise on Real America’s Voice to discuss all things AMAC! As we know the “other” organization does not truly represent American seniors. AMAC fights for American seniors by supporting parents and grandparents, preserving traditional family values, and protecting social security. In comparison, the “other” organization supported ObamaCare and gun control, promotes “family-friendly” drag shows, in addition to staying silent on planned parenthood, Medicare for all, tax cuts, and religious freedom. They may be the Washington behemoth, but AMAC is the organization that truly fights for mature Americans.
have an area- maybe on the editorial page – and in every issue – specifically on how to join AMAC or how to pass info on to others — possibly an application form
Dan W.
1 year ago
Why not have one-on-one presentations featuring Weber and her counterpart from that “other organization” on topics effecting all seniors ? An example would be a presentation on how we fix social security.
George H. Harris
1 year ago
I continue to get emails from that “other organization” trying to sell their various programs etc. despite not being a member. Be very careful about what you click on or sign up for as it seems that once you are on their list you are there forever, and maybe even be counted as a member in order to inflate their importance.
Fred Loe
1 year ago
I agree. AARP is A sales arm for United Healthcare and solely supports socialism of our government. Highly paid executives receive enormous payments to keep the enrollees numbers up for AARP. No AARP enrollee has any paper trail nor financial use of AARP including income sources,expenditures and salaries of the people whom run AARP. As Amember if AMAC for 14 years they represent my views 90-95% of the time.
have an area- maybe on the editorial page – and in every issue – specifically on how to join AMAC or how to pass info on to others — possibly an application form
Why not have one-on-one presentations featuring Weber and her counterpart from that “other organization” on topics effecting all seniors ? An example would be a presentation on how we fix social security.
I continue to get emails from that “other organization” trying to sell their various programs etc. despite not being a member. Be very careful about what you click on or sign up for as it seems that once you are on their list you are there forever, and maybe even be counted as a member in order to inflate their importance.
I agree. AARP is A sales arm for United Healthcare and solely supports socialism of our government. Highly paid executives receive enormous payments to keep the enrollees numbers up for AARP. No AARP enrollee has any paper trail nor financial use of AARP including income sources,expenditures and salaries of the people whom run AARP. As Amember if AMAC for 14 years they represent my views 90-95% of the time.