AMAC in the Media

D.C. Veteran and Author Kash Patel Says ‘Nothing’s Going to Stop Donald Trump’

Posted on Friday, September 29, 2023
AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, Sep 29 – Kash Patel served in the Trump administration in the White House, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Justice. He had a front-row view of the “Deep State” at its worst. In a recent interview with Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens and host of AMAC’s Better For America podcast, he discussed why he penned the newly published book titled Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, and the Battle for Our Democracy.  Dictionaries describe the term Deep State as “a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.”

As Patel put it: “There’s always been corrupt actors in government. And the trigger point for them was when Donald Trump was elected. Once that happened, they all got together and lost their minds because Donald Trump threatened to do the one thing Deep Staters never want to have happen: invade the swamp for the American people and expose their corrupt activities and the Forever War.”

He suggested that perhaps it will happen again should President Trump be re-elected in 2024 and that it’s the reason he’s being oppressed. “I wish it just wasn’t a reality. I wish there weren’t individuals who conjure up false impeachment charges like Eric Carmelo, who embedded himself in the intelligence community. And the one warning I have for your audience is if you think they did it back then, what do you think they’re doing now to get ready for an upcoming Donald Trump victory in 2024? My warning is we’ve got to get ahead of it in the next year. Electing Donald Trump is a priority, but between now and then, we’ve got to educate America that it’s not a right-wing conspiracy.”    

Patel encouraged voters to get involved in the election process early. “Every single one of you listening and watching this show needs to pick one issue in your community that you care about that you want to see improved, whatever it is, and spend the next 410 days until the election driving hard on that issue. That’s how you win. I know it’s a lot of work, and I know Donald Trump’s going to outwork everybody on the national stage. But if we don’t get our communities together and educate them, they’re going to be duped by another election rigging scam from the DOJ and FBI, and we’ll find out about it after the election is over and people have learned the hard way. There’s no way to reverse course. It’s not up to federal officials to govern elections. Unless we go out there and ballot harvest and get our votes lawfully collected and counted, then they’re going to win again.”  

In conclusion, Patel had a warning. “After he’s been baselessly charged four times, and who knows what else is going to come down the pike, he’s using it to show everyday Americans that they’re targeting you. They may not like Donald Trump, but they see the fact that they have criminalized free speech. It doesn’t matter whether you won or lost the election. You have a right to say you won every election from now until the end of time. The Democrats did it. Hillary Clinton did it. Nancy Pelosi did it. Hakeem Jeffries did it. But Donald Trump does it, and it’s criminal. And when push comes to shove, they have the DOJ mandate to try and charge him with insurrection and possession of classified documents. They create new fancy legal verbiage to charge him with, quote-unquote, insurrection, but we didn’t charge him with that; we just think he’s a bad guy. He shouldn’t have said he won the election. That was rude. And they charge him, and then they go over to the classified documents case. And I know, I used to handle these cases, and they could have charged him with unlawfully possessing classified material.  They didn’t. They used a statute that’s 100 years old that was used to charge sailors for taking maps that they possessed, material they shouldn’t have. And in the process, they violated the Presidential Records Act and President Trump’s executive privilege and his ability to take whatever he wants, just like Clinton, just like Obama, just like Bush did.  But if Donald Trump does it, hang on, it’s illegal. So he has this ability to show the world that this two-tier system of justice is coming for you. And the only fix is to elect President Trump and get Americans educated on it. I don’t know how these cases are going to play out, but I know one thing. Nothing’s going to stop Donald Trump.”

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1 year ago

There are many that would like Trump to step aside and put a younger one in. However the younger one might get eaten alive as he has no experience with what he is facing. Now Trump has been there and now has the experience to know what he is facing and now knows what needs to be done. He is NO fool . Look at everything accomplished with out the experience of being a life long politician . He won in 2020 and it was stolen , not only from him , but from us also. We need him to do his second term so he can finish what he started on our behalf.

1 year ago

What a joke! . . . They “STOPPED” HIM BEFORE by Cheating and Stuffing Ballot Boxes with PHONY Votes and Why do you think it’s not going to happen again? Exactly what has Republicans done to ensure an “Honest” Next Election? NOTHING from what I’ve seen! Most Republican politicians FEAR TRUMP just as much as Most Democrats! So I Really Don’t Expect a Trump Victory! What I fear most is that the general populace will ALLOW it to go UNCHALLENGED and UNPUNISHED! They will whimper but WORDS WITHOUT ACTIONS ARE WORTHLESS!

1 year ago

Nothin might stop Trump but the left hatred for Trump and anything Republican, runs deep with the dems and deep state. The hatred they spew every day against the republicans has been going on for so long that many people see the reps as the scum of the earth. While the far left and the dems show nothing but contempt for America and most of the citizens. Till the population starts to realize this, this country will become the poorest, depraved, crime ridden country in the world.

1 year ago

I can’t wait until President Trump is re-elected and fires every one of those bast***ds. The ones he can’t fire then prosecute. Let them go peddle their Sh*t on MSNBS, CNN ext. Sorry for bad words but it’s this or drink.

1 year ago

Very good article! Mr Pattel is right. We all have to get involved to save
the country from chronic liers and corrupted mandatories.
We ought it to our children and grandchildren

1 year ago

This lawless government needs to be brought to justice in public trials, and all American citizens need to be having “standing” to bring charges for the damages that were incurred upon them by a weaponized government that used their taxpayer money to enrich themselves, and used it for their partisan left wing agenda against the people of the United States of America. Donald Trump is the only man so far truly willing to stand up to these government thugs who have violated the law more often than they have kept it. no matter what the personal consequences to him, or his family have been, the debate candidate crowd however is full of showboats, run-along-to-get-alongs, Don reach-across-the-aisles, RINO auxiliary Democrats, and World Economic Forum proteges. There is no loyal, and principled conservative Republican candidate besides Donald Trump! Trump 2024!

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

Nothing is going to stop President Trump? Put nothing beyond what the insane left will do to prevent another term of President Trump. What can they do? Well, ask a Kennedy family member about what the extent our beloved deep state will go to in order to remove anyone that dares consider slashing their power structure.
Horrible thing to consider but heck, look at the body trail Hillary has left in her wake.

1 year ago

Donald J. Trump is still my President.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

I keep hearing on CNN (my mom has it on ALL DAY!) is without a continuing resolution, there will be “catastrophe”: the military won’t get paid, no social security, dogs and cats living together, etc. The DEMOCRAT Deep State exists because the media allows it to. If it were Republican, you can bet the media would be all over it.

James Carlyle
James Carlyle
1 year ago

Brilliant, Kash. You have been the best source of what actually happens within our government for the past few years. Mind your back, please.

Edward A Posuniak
Edward A Posuniak
1 year ago

If the American People do not return to God and Family and ask God for Mercy and Guidance, nothing matters.

1 year ago

Patel is a good man. He is a fine person. Thank you Patel!
The left accuses conservatives of what they are doing, labeling them “the right.”
The left says there is a “Vast right wing conspiracy” when it was a “Vast left wing conspiracy” all along.
It is like a mirror – they reflect themselves in the accusations. Strangely the results are three fold: 1) False accusations stick to innocent citizens making them the bad guys; 2) the accusations divert the attention away from themselves; and 3) it is a cover-up of what they are actually doing.
Results: The tricksters cause the uninformed to do much of their dirty work as they have created a mob mentality. Using hate they cause racial division, women vs men, rich vs poor, straight vs gay, even fat vs thin, etc. It is a nasty sort of control which the instigators operate behind the scenes while stealing people’s money. The power pimps’ addiction and greed for control and money are insatiable.
Once the emotions are manipulated by the media, etc. they spew lies as truth, distortion as reality, and control as freedom. The uninformed are puppets and don’t know it. But they are easily manipulated by the hate they have grown accustomed to operating on emotions blocking out thinking, logic, and any sort of contemplation of reality.
Isn’t this an old United Soviet Socialist Republics or NAZI tactic? Stalin called Hitler Right and Hitler called Stalin left thus confusing people all over the world and it still works as it covers up they were both the same sick control totalitarians.
Evil does occur in history over and over again. We can see it now. Many are waking up to the fact. It is no longer an issues of politics but good vs evil.

1 year ago

Patel is a fine and good man. No greater compliment!
The left accuses conservatives of what they are doing, labeling them “the right.”
The left says there is a “Vast right wing conspiracy” when it was a “Vast left wing conspiracy” all along.
It is a mirror and confession: they reflect and reveal themselves in their accusations. Strangely the results are three fold: 1) False accusations stick to innocent citizens making them the bad guys; 2) the accusations divert the attention away from themselves; and 3) it is a cover-up of what they are actually doing.
Results: The tricksters cause the uninformed to do much of their dirty work as they have created a mob mentality. Using hate they cause racial division, women vs men, rich vs poor, straight vs gay, even fat vs thin, etc. It is a nasty sort of control which the instigators operate behind the scenes while stealing people’s money. The power pimps’ addiction and greed for control and money are insatiable.
Once the emotions are manipulated by the media, etc. they spew lies as truth, distortion as reality, and control as freedom. The uninformed are puppets and don’t know it. But they are easily manipulated by the hate they have grown accustomed to operating on emotions blocking out thinking, logic, and any sort of contemplation of reality.
Isn’t this an old United Soviet Socialist Republics or NAZI tactic? Stalin called Hitler Right and Hitler called Stalin left thus confusing people all over the world and it still works as it covers up they were both the same sick control totalitarians.
Evil does occur in history over and over again. We can see it now. Many are waking up to the fact. It is no longer an issues of politics but good vs evil.


1 year ago

AWESOME discussion!! Every person needs to become involved, at some level in their community, to do something before the 2024 election. We can’t pretend it will all “be okay”….we ALL need to do our part to save this country. It doesn’t have to be outrageously difficult, especially for working people and parents who are juggling their time as it is. Something as simple as attending your local School Board meetings to find out what’s happening in our schools and stand up for the “Three R’s.” Let’s go, people!!

1 year ago

Trump did not attend another debate this week, so Christie came up with best nickname of the week when he said now we call him DONALD DUCK. Trump is notorious for calling other people names like a grade school bully does, so it will be interesting to see how he responds on twitter to this one.

1 year ago

Patel evidently approves of every crime that Donald Trump has been indicted for & is saying that none of the crimes are corrupt. I beg to differ & agree with Trump in 2017 when he said NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW & one time he said only the Mob takes the 5th in a courtroom.

Old Silk
Old Silk
1 year ago

So what exactly is the personal agenda for these characters talking loud, walking proud and drawing a crowd? Frankly, I doubt that Trump will even end up being the nominee.

1 year ago

Censorship on Amac…’s a free country and with free speech whether you like the comment or not should be posted and let others decide.
I wonder how many have experienced it??
That’s sad.

Ruth Williams
Ruth Williams
1 year ago

What I am seeing now is that nothing is being done for the American people. The (2) parties are too busy fighting each other. I never witness so much hate from both parties for each other. So much going on in our country that needs attentions. So many homeless, so many illegal immigrants, and so many thefts going on in our country. You cannot go to San Francisco or New York to have your vehicles broken into. Crimes are high. No body that is running for president is talking about the reality. Also, I have realized off all the times, I have voted, I found to believe all politicians become liars. Now what? Trump has some issues that will cause him to lose. I voted for him. Not sure this time. Time will tell.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
1 year ago

I disagree with Mr. Patel. The answer is not to Elect Mr. Trump but make certain that he DOES NOT get the nomination or we will have four more years of nothing being done in congress except harass the administration. If Mr. Trump truly wants this country to succeed and become the strong world leader that it has been for decades, he would step back and support a youthful individual who can lead us back. Trump could take a secondary roll in helping in the final demise of the “Deep State”. We, as Americans, can only hope that he will do what is right for this country without the need of a spotlight.

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