AMAC in the Media

Cancel Culture, Shutdown, History

Posted on Friday, June 26, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens
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4 years ago

One thing that has lead us where we are today is when people immigrated here back at the turn of the century up until say the late 40’s, these people were PROUD to become an AMERICAN…they learned the language, they learned the history, they worked hard. Not so today. People come here illegally because they CAN and not because they love American but for what they can TAKE from it. Instead of the AMERICAN FLAG, these people fly the one from where they came. They have NO LOYALTY to the USA! These people came in BREAKING LAWS, so why are they here at all. If you want people to be loyal to America, insist they come here LEGALLY! When you allow people to come here willy nilly as the left does…in fact the left prefers them to AMERICAN CITIZENS, you are condoning the breaking of our LAWS. So what do you expect when these MOBS start taking over? They see we do not ENFORCE the laws we have so we are easy pickings. When we have people in congress who take the side of ILLEGALS over AMERICAN CITIZENS just what do you expect???

Nancy Lipkins
Nancy Lipkins
4 years ago

What Dorks are these two idiots who does old man king think he is

Phil M
Phil M
4 years ago

Jesus in Heaven is NOT Middle-eastern. Stick with me on this, folks. Nor is He Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, or ANY OTHER arbitrary cultural construct born out of minor differences in our human genome we choose to focus on. He is the PERSONAL savior of each and every human who chooses to accept Him as such, regardless of our genetic make up. In that regard, it makes perfect sense that He can appear to be like all different peoples at all different times in all different places. If these Godless fanatics don’t like how Jesus appears to others, they can accept Him as their personal savior and create an image of Him that fits their personal knowledge of Him for themselves. I think our founders understood this at their core in order to create a First Amendment that enshrines it in our most basic law of the land.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

It seems that even FAUXNEWS is blocking posts that disagree with leftist hate, AMAC is the only source for AMERICANS to speak out against the MSM LIES, leftovers from obummer/obiden years selective hold back info they can “USE” to attack OUR PRESIDENT, WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO BE HEARD and DEMAND the SWAMP BE DRAINED OF ALL ANTI-AMERICAN TRAITORS.

Pat R
Pat R
4 years ago

AMAC needs to investigate and acknowledge that these young people saying we should be ashamed of America are being inculcated with anti-American exceptionalism via public education. The Communist Manifesto (pre 1960) laid out their plan to destroy the US from within. Their infiltration as professors and teachers in colleges eventually made its way into every level of education, the results of which is clearly seen in today’s high schools but mostly in college youth. The battle in Texas over history textbooks between conservatives (and Christians) and liberal leftists began six years ago. Ben Ferguson was right about those young people’s feelings that Americans should be ashamed, but hasn’t identified where they learn these things.

Don Pierce
Don Pierce
4 years ago


4 years ago

No doubt we are in trying times and the liberals are bullying their way around. Trying to take advantage of the sensitivity of everyone, especially the government.

Emilia D
Emilia D
4 years ago

In your commentary regarding Jesus you are showing a picture of Black Madonna in Jasna Gora in Częstochowa, Poland. It is not Ethiopian. The painting , story says was paint by St Luke and was damaged by Turks invading Poland in the Middle Ages

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

There are plenty of laws on the books to cover EVERYTHING, What good are they if socialist/dem judges and lawyers IGNORE the laws and do as they please? AMERICA is being destroyed from within by lawyers, judges, politicians that are only interested in what increases thier own wealth and power, WE THE PEOPLE are being stripped of our rights, freedoms and priveledges and the morons helping the left accomplish are in for a rude awakening if AMERICA falls, especially the rich, the elitist hollywierdos and rich pro athletes, they will lose everything FIRST and be forced to take menial labor jobs and find out how it is to live in the REAL WORLD and not in fantasyland ENFORCE THE LAWS and any judge or lawyer that does not should be punished for thier crimes.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Now I believe I know what part of the problem happens to be. You all are afraid to call a spade a spade. Let’s stop dancing around the issue. These terrorists have to be dealt with in a way not many would deem kind. Stop bending your knees to false gods,both in Congress and in the street. They are terrorists,muggers,and thieves. My best guess has become something no one will speak about. THE “TERRORIST PROTESTORS NEED TO BE NEUTRALIZED.” Their behavior and any politician that condones this crap is a useless overpaid piece of crap or plans to profit in any way from this “Movement.”
I don’t fell anything touchy feely for these malignant examples of human beings.

Larry Peterson
Larry Peterson
4 years ago

Greatest Nation on earth . . .AMEN! And so much more.

4 years ago

I agree since day one, people have fled here. all religions, all nationalities. At times, each group has found difficulties blending in. Now we have this group demanding things change. certain things chokeholds, etc yes. and some cops get power trips after they become a cop. Judges even side with them in domestic abuse cases. that all has to stop. Now consider if they really want to change things for better and they CARED about people; if every person in the BLM marches brought one non perishable items to support that cities food bank; think about it. The long lines we see of every race, creed, color NEEDING FOOD. The food banks would be FULL. They could have donated 1.00 each to the food banks. Now remember how slavery came to be. African tribes attacked other tribes and sold those people into slavery. Now if they really want to protest, they should fly to Africa and do it. They were sold to black merchants who brought them all over the world. Europe had them way back, Mexico had them before the USA was the USA. Due to a storm they came up our coast. Now we already had indentured slaves from England who had to work off their passages. I agree no person should be OWNED by another. Even wives. I was told my husband paid for things; I said I PAID for the license so do I own you? he stormed out.
I do believe that all people should be treated the same unless they are a criminal. then other laws hold up. Now who had done all those killings and shootings in NYC this past week or two? 17 i think so far. Who burned down the stores? Who looted the stores? they broke the law and should be fined and jailed.

Russell Badolato
Russell Badolato
4 years ago

I just want to comment on the current happenings. If you went back to the 1800’s and tried to explain what is going on today, they would either laugh in your face or place you in an institution.

4 years ago

I find all news media and politicians that are ignoring what they really know is a Communist movement by the Left. The removal is statues is actually a Communist step to remove a country’s history. I don’t buy into it that our pols and news people are ignorant of Communist actions to take over a country.
For those that are still ignorant of Communism I suggest the following:
They are Communists or at least their leadership is. It is Communism in action by infiltration into the US government through the DNC. I refer to it as the Communist DNC as most of the leadership are Communists. I don’t say this lightly. Why I believe this is can be found in the book “You Can trust the Communists (to be Communists).pdf The book can be found for free online by searching the title. The first 20 pages or so are slow reading but after that, I couldn’t put the book down.
This book reminded me about Bill Clinton’s desire to visit Russia. This book states the USSR only allowed those to visit that they believed they could use and then remember, they gave permission for Bill Clinton to visit when he was a Rhodes scholar.
Bernie Sanders was able to visit. People should ask, why were these two men were so infatuated with Russia.
Obama also has Communism in his upbringing. Remember Obama and Michelle hung Mao Christmas ornaments on the White House tree and no one made a big deal out it.
Open borders policy is part of it also as the US wouldn’t know how many schools, hospitals etc we would need with open borders, it would create chaos, bring down the country and the open borders crowd would rebuild as the desired totalitarian country they want. I think the Coronovirus put an edge to Soro’s open border desire for a few years.
These Dems are working to destroy our country with creating chaos (Antifa) as well as attempting to remove history & they have already taken over education. The outline for what is happening now is in the book I noted above.

Meem Kaplan
Meem Kaplan
4 years ago

If this country is so horrible, why are so many people risking their lives to come here? We legally accept a million people to our country every year. If this country is so horrible, why are there many times that number waiting to legally become citizens? I truly wish those who are “protesting” just go find another country where the laws and way of (destructive) life are more to their liking? We need another round of bumper stickers that read “America – Love it or leave it”!!!!

4 years ago


4 years ago


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