AMAC in the Media

Breaking: AMAC Action Endorses The No Hearing No Vote Act, Fights Democrat Tax Hikes

Posted on Friday, September 24, 2021
AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

Washington, DC — Today, AMAC Action applauded the introduction of the No Hearing No Vote Act as the group pushes back hard against Democrats’ attempts to raise taxes on seniors and hard-working small businesses.

According to the press office of lead sponsor, Senator Braun (R-IN):

“The purpose of this bill is simple: Ensure regular order and public input, including committee hearings, ahead of floor votes on the Democrats’ reckless tax and spend reconciliation bill. No Hearing, No Vote was introduced by Senators Braun, Burr, Inhofe, Barrasso, Blackburn, Cramer, Crapo, Rick Scott, Hoeven, Ernst, Lankford, Capito, Risch, Rubio, and Hagerty.”

The email which our AMAC Action team received to notify us of the legislation goes on to note that this exact same bill was previously introduced by Democrats like Senate Majority Leader Schumer.

AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom said: “Senator Schumer and 39 other Democrats previously called for no votes without hearings first when it was to their strategic advantage. Now, given the same opportunity, Democrats are nowhere to be found. That’s because leadership in the Democratic Party is currently attempting to push through more reckless spending before the American people have time to react. At AMAC Action, we are working overtime to make sure our members are informed and equipped to make their voices heard. The policies being proposed are the opposite of what the country needs to recover economically, and Democrats should realize continuing to push the green new deal, permanent welfare, and tax hikes that hit all income groups will cost them at the ballot box. Our members have had enough of the reckless tax and spending sprees. It’s time to stop the process in its tracks, and as a first step, demand hearings on the $3.5 trillion monstrosity of a bill currently being developed so the American people can decide in the open what they really think about the destructive policies being pushed. We fully support Senator Braun and the cosponsors of this legislation in their efforts.”

Senator Braun (R-IN) stressed the need for the legislation by blasting Democrats’ recent attempts to shove through trillions in welfare spending and tax hikes: “trying to fundamentally change this country and inject trillions of dollars of federal government into every aspect of Americans’ lives” as he put it.

Original cosponsor Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) said: “Democrats are trying to ram their enormous tax-and-spending package through Congress without proper scrutiny or transparency. Our bill would ensure we follow regular order and prevent Democrats from advancing their reckless agenda without first going through the committee process.”

AMAC Action is proud to support the No Hearing No Vote Act and remains vehemently opposed to fly-by-night attempts to pass trillions more in spending and tax hikes. Please stay tuned as our media and action teams continue to provide you with the latest information out of Washington, DC. For more, Fox Business recently covered the legislation here: GOP senators reintroduce Schumer bill calling for hearings before reconciliation bill.

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Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
3 years ago

You knew it was coming the writing was on the wall a lot of those people don’t see it it’s like education they think everybody should get free education and the whole world knows somewhere somehow someone’s got to pay for it

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
3 years ago

Thank them for fighting back. Certain people on the Democratic side, including the President, have become so under handed that they will try anything to get their way. The Democratics are pushing hard for socialism reguardless.

David O’Shea
David O’Shea
3 years ago

This must be stopped they are bankrupting our grandchildren’s future and destroying the American dream !

David O’Shea
David O’Shea
3 years ago

This must be stopped they are bankrupting our grandchildren’s future and destroying the American dream !

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