WHY read all these articles ?? what can puny little us do about it ?
Sure being with AMAC is great and what they do for us Members
But this just gets us all wound up and mad or what?
E Fletcher is right – but what has been done about it all?? Nothing.
WHY Clintons are not prosecuted ?? – I BET because they have who knows what
on fellow crooks in GOV. Something is totally awry here.
34mill. on Trump impeachment – we paid for. We want our money back.
Whatever, this is one corrupt GOV we have – NOT all of course.
But it is sure getting us no-where. Pelosi Schiff Nadler on and on sad!
How much corruption with giving out all these billions to whom we
don’t even know about. Colleges that don’t need it, as has been discovered.
Huge Corps getting $$ and little guys who knows.
ANYWAY, getting to where it isn’t worth reading all the articles.
Just ends up causing grief, anger, frustration….. you name it.
4 years ago
I say 15 year sentences starting in October for O’Bama, Biden, Brennan, Comey and Holder.
Thats a good start. Lets get it done ! Think big or remain suckers .
4 years ago
I look forward to seeing Flynn collecting millions and maybe billions from his crooked assailants.
There must be at least 100 suits here. Sit back General and collect an obscene amount. Go for it.
The nation needs to see these crooks destroyed.
4 years ago
Why has the Hunter Biden – Berisma Petrol case been ignored ? The “media” which covers nothing really decided
that Covid demands 25 hour per day coverage. NO !!!!! I am bored with Covid. BORED. I want to see the
Bidens prosecuted for their Ukraine crimes. We live in a swamp controlled nation of thieves who totally
depend on how much the US taxpayer can send them. This slimy group will never prosecute Joe Biden for the
Ukraine deal or Hillary for the illegal server and her support of Putin. The more we learn, the more we understand
that our nation protects thieves. Meanwhile the swamp tells China “How quickly can you tear the US down and what
can we do to help ?.
C Mcc
4 years ago
What is baffling and shouldn’t be is the one size fits all mentality of the Federal Government. In our part of Oregon (Wallowa County)there was 1 known ovid case that came in fro outside. yet our businesses had to shut down when they didn’t need to. As of a week and a half ago there were still no new cases. We stayed home as much as possible but went outside and went shopping locally. No apologias
4 years ago
Mike Doherty
4 years ago
General Flynn should be installed as head of the FBI and tasked with ferreting out all of the traitors to our country working for that once proud institution. Those accused should be put on trial and fined and imprisoned.
aluminum head
4 years ago
Regarding Flynn: Trump and a federal judge: court order to give $20M to Flynn in reparations right out of the FBI’s “budget.” Cut the salaries of the top 5 head ‘cheeses’ in half AFTER you fire Wray. Did I mention to pursue Mueller financially ?
aluminum head
4 years ago
Gotta get Obama behind bars. He knew about it and was behind it all. AND, take away his pension money past, present, future.
W. Lewis
4 years ago
Thanks for restoring those subtitles!
Linda M Rafferty
4 years ago
I am so proud of this president! Although I do cringe at some of his bombastic comments, he truly is leading our nation into a stronger country by standing up for religious freedom, strengthening our economy, and raising awareness of what this country was built on by our forefathers.
I hope that this administration will seriously look into those who have possibly undermined our citizens health by the expansion of the viral studies AFTER the moratorium!
Three Point Paper
4 years ago
Greetings Again To All Readers,
1. There is a grand host of corruption in the Delta Charlie (DC beltway!. This corruption has been there in (DC) for so bloody long, that the corrupt types within our country’s federal governmental body of elected types, has simply lost sight of what is (Right) and what is Wrong. The corrupted types in Delta Charlie (DC), have “Not” cared for doing what is Right, much less mind you, doing what is considered Righteous!.
2. With the ultra Liberal-socialist minded types within and of the “So Called” Democratic Party, with Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Chuck “Chucky” Schumer, Maxine “Loony” Waters, Adam “Shifty” Schift, and Jerry “The Nadling” Nadler, who are all at the forefront of the fully “Anti-American Way Of Life”; Whereas, they are “All” of the Socialist-Communist-Facetious mind-set, as they continue to fully display “Contemptuous Criminal” selves, as they all strut about the area on the “Hill in Delta Charlie (DC)”!. It is such a disgraceful scene, with their collective strutting about, on the continual basis, without any amount of fear for and of, the “Genuine Lawful” actions being placed upon the lot of them!. “Bums Are They, Bums The Lot of Them”!.
3. As for the so called democrats, and their well entrenched hatred of President Donald J. Trump. The Dems have hitched their wagons to a fully fallen star, with their unrelenting support and devotion to and with Joe Biden!. Joe Biden, “If” he were to be elected to Our Country’s Presidency; He would not be in the front row very long at all. Our Country’s Presidency would be “Back Seat Driven”, by a certain individual, who the so called Democratic party members, “Have Already Picked Out”, to do the back seat driving, should Joe Biden win the run for our country’s Presidency, come November 2020..
Three Point Paper
4 years ago
Greeings To All Readers,
1. The (Traitorous Shadow Governmental Types) which have lurked in and of Delta Charlie (DC) belt way, have been there for decades. Now having been there for decades does not mean that they can not be severely dealt with; They can and shall be severely dealt with, it takes more than a reasonable time frame to do so. What I just conveyed shall not sit well with a great many Americans, but this is the way it is..
2. With regard to General Flynn’s (goat roping) unfairness by and of the FBI (Obama’s FBI) that is. Even though General Flynn had been put through the ringer by the FBI, and the DOJ overall; There is light at the end of the tunnel for General Flynn. When the entire case against General Flynn is (Fully Expunged with Prejudiced), and General Flynn regains “All” aspects of his (Good Name), where his Integrity, his Honor and his Courage is not the topic of (Ridicule) as it had and has been, then General Flynn shall be able to forge ahead with his Honorable life, hit the lecture circuit, and write his book, and or books..
3. As for the the EX-Director of the FBI, who continues to gain the fully bias media coverage, so that he may continue to spread his liar rhetoric, is nothing more Nor less than, his vain attempts at dis-placing the (Shame and Blame) of his “Fully Less Than Honorable Actions and Conduct”; Which is of “No” surprise to this American citizen, due in no small part mind you; That the EX-Director of the FBI, has “Zero Integrity”, hence he shall “Not EVER” have any amount of “Honor, nor Courage”, period!.
Terry O'Malley
4 years ago
Flynn deserves his rank, Pension and a big pay check out of Obama’s check book.
W. Lewis
4 years ago
Why does this video have no subtitles? The video from two weeks ago also didn’t have any. I really need them!
4 years ago
The FBI, once such a respected department, now a sewer of corruption.
Anita Wasemann
4 years ago
Thank you. AMAC for giving us a choice. I found AARP insulting to my intelligence. When they send me a postage prepaid envelope with their propaganda, I send them an (anti)liberal joke in it, so they pay for me to show them how I feel about them. Now that I think about it, they are the joke.
Fred J Noel
4 years ago
Do the Democrats have their clothing made from Nomac material, like the NASCAR drives do? Must be a safety precaution. In case fire, fire pants on fire, come to be real thing.
Rosemary Hoffman
4 years ago
An amazing news worthy outlet with information to the point, I am so happy to know I am in the right place.
Thank you all so much keep the good work coming are way.??????
E. Fletcher
4 years ago
Will somebody please please get rid of the traitorous shadow government that lurks in DC? Why haven’t these corrupt people been prosecuted? Starting with the Clintons and work your way up. How is it possible that so many rotten corrupt politicians are not brought to light and tried for their crimes? They are so brazen they don’t even try to hide their hypocrisy or treasonous acts anymore. We’ve been distracted by this virus import, but we need to get back to draining the odorous swamp. If we don’t get down to serious business and the crooked democrats get in, this country is done for. MAGA. PRAY FOR TRUMP.
4 years ago
If you don’t believe the democrat party is corrupt, consider those who support the party. The American Bar Association! That’s right – lawyers! leftist to the 3rd power! The most corrupt profession on the face of the earth! The legal profession will support lawlessness, they support the anarchy, they support those who provide them with unlimited income. They support the democrat party! Joe Biden typifies those qualities most sought by lawyers!
4 years ago
The FBI did NOT mishandle the Flynn case…it is called illegal manipulation!!!!
4 years ago
AMAC told us about China and our medications being produced there over two years ago.
4 years ago
General Flynn deserves praise, respect & gratitude – instead he gets the absolute worst treatment any American citizen can endure. What makes it especially heinous is the lies and attacks were perpetuated by those that are supposed to be protecting Americans and the American justice system. The depth of their treasonous behavior needs to be addressed and if possible, prosecuted.
T Taylor
4 years ago
Biden needs to brought down, General Flynn should sue the FBI and the United States needs to be done doing bussiness with Communist China.
T Taylor
4 years ago
Biden needs to brought down, General Flynn should sue the FBI and the United States needs to be done doing bussiness with Communist China.
WHY read all these articles ?? what can puny little us do about it ?
Sure being with AMAC is great and what they do for us Members
But this just gets us all wound up and mad or what?
E Fletcher is right – but what has been done about it all?? Nothing.
WHY Clintons are not prosecuted ?? – I BET because they have who knows what
on fellow crooks in GOV. Something is totally awry here.
34mill. on Trump impeachment – we paid for. We want our money back.
Whatever, this is one corrupt GOV we have – NOT all of course.
But it is sure getting us no-where. Pelosi Schiff Nadler on and on sad!
How much corruption with giving out all these billions to whom we
don’t even know about. Colleges that don’t need it, as has been discovered.
Huge Corps getting $$ and little guys who knows.
ANYWAY, getting to where it isn’t worth reading all the articles.
Just ends up causing grief, anger, frustration….. you name it.
I say 15 year sentences starting in October for O’Bama, Biden, Brennan, Comey and Holder.
Thats a good start. Lets get it done ! Think big or remain suckers .
I look forward to seeing Flynn collecting millions and maybe billions from his crooked assailants.
There must be at least 100 suits here. Sit back General and collect an obscene amount. Go for it.
The nation needs to see these crooks destroyed.
Why has the Hunter Biden – Berisma Petrol case been ignored ? The “media” which covers nothing really decided
that Covid demands 25 hour per day coverage. NO !!!!! I am bored with Covid. BORED. I want to see the
Bidens prosecuted for their Ukraine crimes. We live in a swamp controlled nation of thieves who totally
depend on how much the US taxpayer can send them. This slimy group will never prosecute Joe Biden for the
Ukraine deal or Hillary for the illegal server and her support of Putin. The more we learn, the more we understand
that our nation protects thieves. Meanwhile the swamp tells China “How quickly can you tear the US down and what
can we do to help ?.
What is baffling and shouldn’t be is the one size fits all mentality of the Federal Government. In our part of Oregon (Wallowa County)there was 1 known ovid case that came in fro outside. yet our businesses had to shut down when they didn’t need to. As of a week and a half ago there were still no new cases. We stayed home as much as possible but went outside and went shopping locally. No apologias
General Flynn should be installed as head of the FBI and tasked with ferreting out all of the traitors to our country working for that once proud institution. Those accused should be put on trial and fined and imprisoned.
Regarding Flynn: Trump and a federal judge: court order to give $20M to Flynn in reparations right out of the FBI’s “budget.” Cut the salaries of the top 5 head ‘cheeses’ in half AFTER you fire Wray. Did I mention to pursue Mueller financially ?
Gotta get Obama behind bars. He knew about it and was behind it all. AND, take away his pension money past, present, future.
Thanks for restoring those subtitles!
I am so proud of this president! Although I do cringe at some of his bombastic comments, he truly is leading our nation into a stronger country by standing up for religious freedom, strengthening our economy, and raising awareness of what this country was built on by our forefathers.
I hope that this administration will seriously look into those who have possibly undermined our citizens health by the expansion of the viral studies AFTER the moratorium!
Greetings Again To All Readers,
1. There is a grand host of corruption in the Delta Charlie (DC beltway!. This corruption has been there in (DC) for so bloody long, that the corrupt types within our country’s federal governmental body of elected types, has simply lost sight of what is (Right) and what is Wrong. The corrupted types in Delta Charlie (DC), have “Not” cared for doing what is Right, much less mind you, doing what is considered Righteous!.
2. With the ultra Liberal-socialist minded types within and of the “So Called” Democratic Party, with Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Chuck “Chucky” Schumer, Maxine “Loony” Waters, Adam “Shifty” Schift, and Jerry “The Nadling” Nadler, who are all at the forefront of the fully “Anti-American Way Of Life”; Whereas, they are “All” of the Socialist-Communist-Facetious mind-set, as they continue to fully display “Contemptuous Criminal” selves, as they all strut about the area on the “Hill in Delta Charlie (DC)”!. It is such a disgraceful scene, with their collective strutting about, on the continual basis, without any amount of fear for and of, the “Genuine Lawful” actions being placed upon the lot of them!. “Bums Are They, Bums The Lot of Them”!.
3. As for the so called democrats, and their well entrenched hatred of President Donald J. Trump. The Dems have hitched their wagons to a fully fallen star, with their unrelenting support and devotion to and with Joe Biden!. Joe Biden, “If” he were to be elected to Our Country’s Presidency; He would not be in the front row very long at all. Our Country’s Presidency would be “Back Seat Driven”, by a certain individual, who the so called Democratic party members, “Have Already Picked Out”, to do the back seat driving, should Joe Biden win the run for our country’s Presidency, come November 2020..
Greeings To All Readers,
1. The (Traitorous Shadow Governmental Types) which have lurked in and of Delta Charlie (DC) belt way, have been there for decades. Now having been there for decades does not mean that they can not be severely dealt with; They can and shall be severely dealt with, it takes more than a reasonable time frame to do so. What I just conveyed shall not sit well with a great many Americans, but this is the way it is..
2. With regard to General Flynn’s (goat roping) unfairness by and of the FBI (Obama’s FBI) that is. Even though General Flynn had been put through the ringer by the FBI, and the DOJ overall; There is light at the end of the tunnel for General Flynn. When the entire case against General Flynn is (Fully Expunged with Prejudiced), and General Flynn regains “All” aspects of his (Good Name), where his Integrity, his Honor and his Courage is not the topic of (Ridicule) as it had and has been, then General Flynn shall be able to forge ahead with his Honorable life, hit the lecture circuit, and write his book, and or books..
3. As for the the EX-Director of the FBI, who continues to gain the fully bias media coverage, so that he may continue to spread his liar rhetoric, is nothing more Nor less than, his vain attempts at dis-placing the (Shame and Blame) of his “Fully Less Than Honorable Actions and Conduct”; Which is of “No” surprise to this American citizen, due in no small part mind you; That the EX-Director of the FBI, has “Zero Integrity”, hence he shall “Not EVER” have any amount of “Honor, nor Courage”, period!.
Flynn deserves his rank, Pension and a big pay check out of Obama’s check book.
Why does this video have no subtitles? The video from two weeks ago also didn’t have any. I really need them!
The FBI, once such a respected department, now a sewer of corruption.
Thank you. AMAC for giving us a choice. I found AARP insulting to my intelligence. When they send me a postage prepaid envelope with their propaganda, I send them an (anti)liberal joke in it, so they pay for me to show them how I feel about them. Now that I think about it, they are the joke.
Do the Democrats have their clothing made from Nomac material, like the NASCAR drives do? Must be a safety precaution. In case fire, fire pants on fire, come to be real thing.
An amazing news worthy outlet with information to the point, I am so happy to know I am in the right place.
Thank you all so much keep the good work coming are way.??????
Will somebody please please get rid of the traitorous shadow government that lurks in DC? Why haven’t these corrupt people been prosecuted? Starting with the Clintons and work your way up. How is it possible that so many rotten corrupt politicians are not brought to light and tried for their crimes? They are so brazen they don’t even try to hide their hypocrisy or treasonous acts anymore. We’ve been distracted by this virus import, but we need to get back to draining the odorous swamp. If we don’t get down to serious business and the crooked democrats get in, this country is done for. MAGA. PRAY FOR TRUMP.
If you don’t believe the democrat party is corrupt, consider those who support the party. The American Bar Association! That’s right – lawyers! leftist to the 3rd power! The most corrupt profession on the face of the earth! The legal profession will support lawlessness, they support the anarchy, they support those who provide them with unlimited income. They support the democrat party! Joe Biden typifies those qualities most sought by lawyers!
The FBI did NOT mishandle the Flynn case…it is called illegal manipulation!!!!
AMAC told us about China and our medications being produced there over two years ago.
General Flynn deserves praise, respect & gratitude – instead he gets the absolute worst treatment any American citizen can endure. What makes it especially heinous is the lies and attacks were perpetuated by those that are supposed to be protecting Americans and the American justice system. The depth of their treasonous behavior needs to be addressed and if possible, prosecuted.
Biden needs to brought down, General Flynn should sue the FBI and the United States needs to be done doing bussiness with Communist China.
Biden needs to brought down, General Flynn should sue the FBI and the United States needs to be done doing bussiness with Communist China.