The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) has designated August 16, 2022 as Help America Vote Day. In addition to National Poll Worker Recruitment Day, this day of action is meant to assist poll worker recruitment efforts in communities across the country. Use the tool below for information on signing up in your community.
Established in 2020 by the EAC, National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is a day of action with the goal of encouraging potential poll workers to sign up to Help America Vote.
If you are interested in signing up, or have signed up, to be a poll worker but haven’t heard from your local election office please be aware that some jurisdictions have enough volunteers and others do not. Please be patient as they may still need your help and need some extra time to respond to you as election officials are working diligently to prepare for upcoming elections.
Click the BLUE button below, scroll down to the box that says “Be a Part of Democracy. Help America Vote.” Select your state and then search for your county (your personal information will not be retained). There you will find detailed information on working at the polls in your county.
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Is there a button that makes people vote SMARTER so in the future I don’t have to (literally) pay for their mistakes?
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