AMAC in the Media

April 9th Coronavirus Update from the Trump Administration

Posted on Thursday, April 9, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

trumpCDC Guidelines for Essential Workers

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Later today, the CDC will release further guidance to help ensure critical infrastructure workers can perform their jobs safely after potential exposure to the virus.”

CDC DIRECTOR REDFIELD: “What CDC has done is that we really looked at the essential workforce and how to maintain that workforce, particularly at this time as we begin to get ready to reopen and have confidence in bringing our workforces back to work. And so we’ve put out a new guidance for essential health care workers who’ve been exposed to the coronavirus.”

CDC DIRECTOR REDFIELD: “[Essential workers] can, under certain circumstances, they can go back to work, if they’re asymptomatic, as the Vice President said. They can go back to work if they do several things. As we say here: take their temperature before they go to work, wear a face mask at all times, and practice social distancing when they’re at work. “

Supplies of Critical Medical Equipment

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’ve delivered nearly 11 million N-95 masks to hotspots around the country, as you know, including 6.6 million to New York and New Jersey, 1.8 million to Chicago, 1.7 million to Detroit, and 837,000 to New Orleans.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “To date, we’ve shipped out more than 8000 ventilators and we have 10,000 – almost 10,000 – sitting there ready to go should we need them. And an additional 2,200 newly manufactured ventilators come online on Monday.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “My administration is working with Phillips to double their production of ventilators by May and, ultimately, quadruple production by later this year.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  “In addition, beginning in May, we’ll be receiving almost 300 million new face masks.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, 750,000 new protective gowns landed in Dallas Texas as a result of a partnership led by the federal government, DuPont, and FedEx.”

Repatriating Americans

SECRETARY POMPEO: “Since January 29th, we have now repatriated over 50,000 United States citizens back into their homes, from more than 90 countries. More than 490 flights back to the United States from all across the world. This worldwide scale of our repatriation efforts is without parallel in our lifetime.”

Testing New Therapeutics

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Ten drugs are now in clinical trials and my administration is taking unprecedented actions to make new therapies and treatments available without delay.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Our national stockpile is now equipped with nearly 30 million hydroxychloroquine pills. So we’re up to about 30 million, we’re distributing by the millions.”

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “We spoke with the president of the Henry Ford Hospital, Bob Riney. It is the Henry Ford Hospital that is conducting a clinical trial for hydroxychloroquine. He expressed great enthusiasm for the work that they had done. They had a rather overwhelming response to the initial trial which is beginning this week with 3000 people taking hydroxychloroquine or a placebo.”

Paycheck Protection Program

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Yesterday, I asked Congress to provide an additional $250 billion to expand the incredibly successful paycheck protection program — you’ve seen what’s gone on there, it’s incredible actually.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I’m asking Congress to pass additional funding for this program this week, as soon as possible. And I think we have a pretty good understanding with the Democrats. Hopefully, it’s going to be bipartisan.”

World Health Organization

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I think [the WHO] have to get their priorities right and their priorities are that everybody has to be treated properly, every country. And it doesn’t seem that way does it? It doesn’t seem that way. So we’re going to do study, investigation, and were going to make a determination as to what we’re doing.”

SECRETARY POMPEO: “At this point, we’re reevaluating our funding with respect to the World Health Organization. This is very consistent with what President Trump said at the beginning of his campaign. Organizations have to work. They have to deliver the outcomes for which they were intended. And we need to make sure that not only the World Health Organization, but every international organization that we take taxpayer money and give it to them for the benefit of America, they need to make sure it’s delivering on those taxpayer dollars.”

COVID-19’s Impact on African Americans

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “Tomorrow, with the Surgeon General and others on the White House team, we’ll be speaking with leaders in the African American community.”

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “Now more than ever — I’ll just say from my heart to all of our African American family members: now more than ever, practice the guidelines, look after those most vulnerable, people that have underlying serious health conditions.”

Passover and Easter

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “This is a holy week when religious believers across the nation will observe Passover, Good Friday, and Easter. Millions of Jewish families begin Passover at sundown tonight. … And on Sunday, we celebrate our beautiful, wonderful Easter.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Earlier today I spoke with 10,000 of America’s faith leaders to thank them for raising the spirits of our people during these very difficult days. While we may be physically apart, we can use this time to pray, to reflect, and to focus on our personal relationship with God.”

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