Coronavirus Response by the Numbers:
Other Updates from President Trump:
Mitigation Efforts
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’re increasingly hopeful that the aggressive mitigation strategy we put into place will ultimately allow our hospital system to successfully manage the major influx of cases that that we have right now.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’re going to have a rough week, we’re going to have maybe a rough little more than a week. But there’s tremendous light at the end of that tunnel. I said it last time, said it last night, there’s tremendous light at the end of the tunnel.”
VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “As we see some of the cases beginning to level just for a day or two, it is our hope that what we have seen begin in the greater New York area and even in Louisiana and elsewhere will become a trend.”
Paycheck Protection Program
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “As of today, tens of thousands of small businesses applied for more than $40 billion in relief under the Paycheck Protection Program.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “These funds will result in nearly two million jobs being preserved, so we’re taking care of our workers.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Nearly 3,000 lenders have already made loans under the program.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We have now done 1,790,000 tests nationwide, that’s more than any other country in the world.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “That number is growing by nearly 125,000 people per day.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “CVS is launching – and they’ve been great – two new drive-through testing sites in Atlanta, Georgia, and Providence, Rhode Island. And each location would be able to test up to 1,000 patients per day using the ultra-fast five-minute test developed by Abbott Labs.”
ASSISTANT SECRETARY ADM. GIROIR: “If things work out the way we believe they will, we will have millions [of antibody tests] on the market by May, in a sophisticated way, in a prospective away. That we get the surveillance we need. We can test people to see if they’ve been exposed, immune, and go back to work. And a combination of that kind of test with the current kind of test we have now is how America opens back up again.”
Evaluating Therapies and Vaccines
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Currently 10 different therapeutic agents are in active trials and some are looking incredibly successful … And another 15 earned plans for clinical trials. So, they’re advancing rapidly.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, a second company announced that the FDA has authorized its vaccine candidate to begin clinical trials.”
Deploying Resources Across the Country
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Nationwide, the Army Corps of Engineers is building 22 field hospitals – these are big hospitals –and alternate care sites in 18 states.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “In total, we have deployed 8,450 hospital beds from federal stockpiles.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “More than 8,000 ventilators have been sent from the national stockpile to our cities and states, backed by the Defense Production Act, which we’ve used very strongly, very powerfully.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “FEMA and HHS have directly distributed 11.7 million N95 respirators. Think of that. Get the number — 11.7 million N95 respirators. 11.7 million. 26.5 million surgical masks, 5.3 million face shields, 4.4 million surgical gowns, and 22.6 million gloves.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Because of my actions under the DPA, I can also announce today that we have reached an agreement, very amicable agreement, with 3M for the delivery of an additional 55.5 million high-quality face masks, face masks each month.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “As we announced last week, we are providing $100 billion in direct support for our hospitals and the first tranche, $30 billion, will be distributed this week.”
Help for New York and New Jersey
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’ve just sent 3,000 public health personnel, they’re now deployed in the New York area.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I was informed that Governor Cuomo has already told you and announced, he called me up a little while ago and he asked whether or not it would be possible to use the [USNS Comfort] with respect to fighting the virus. And we hadn’t had that in mind at all, but we’re going to let him do it. And we’re also going to let New Jersey.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The Javits Center, which is 2,900 beds, just built by our military, also is going to be manned now by the military, and they should be in place tomorrow.”
Private Sector Donations
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I also want to thank Apple. One of the many great American companies that’s taken into — that’s really leapt into action. Today, Apple announced that it is now producing plastic face shields for health care workers at the rate of one million per week.”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We’re grateful as well to Salesforce, which has donated 48 million pieces of personal protective equipment, including masks, gowns, suits, and face shields.”
Boris Johnson
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I also want to send best wishes to a very good friend of mine, and a friend to our nation, Prime Minister Boris Johnson.”