AMAC in the Media

April 28th Coronavirus Update from the Trump Administration

Posted on Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

trumpSupplies of Critical Medical Equipment

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The federal government has built more than 11,000 extra beds, shipped or delivered hundreds of millions of pieces of personal protective equipment, as you know.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “[We] distributed over 10,000 ventilators. And we now have, in a very short period of time, many have been delivered and hundreds of thousands are being built. And frankly, every governor has more ventilators right now than they know what to do with.”

Private Sector Parties

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Moments ago, I came from a meeting with some of our nation’s largest retailers, including Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, and Kroger. We are joined by the leaders of those great companies and we also have with us the leaders from the world’s top medical diagnostic companies and suppliers – Thermo Fisher, LabCorp, Quest, U.S. Cotton, and the American Clinical Laboratory Association. These are great, great companies.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “[These companies] have been exceptional partners in an unprecedented drive to expand the states’ capabilities and our country’s capabilities. The job they’ve done has been incredible.”

Safely Opening Up America Again

President Trump is releasing his Administration’s blueprint for State testing plans and rapid response programs.

  • This follows the release of President Trump’s Opening Up America Again guidelines on April 16, 2020.
  • The blueprint describes the roles and responsibilities, as well as core objectives, for the robust State testing plans and rapid response programs needed by States to safely reopen.
  • To meet the country’s testing needs, the blueprint describes a partnership between Federal, State, local, and tribal governments, and the private sector.
  • As we continue to gradually open up our Nation, testing will be crucial to give the American people the confidence they need to resume their economic, social, and religious lives.
  • This roadmap will help States maximize testing capacity and protect the health and safety of their people as we begin to reopen and beyond.

Historic Testing Regime

  • President Trump and his Administration have responded to the coronavirus threat by scaling up the largest testing system anywhere in the world.
  • Starting from scratch, the Trump Administration has performed more than 5.4 million tests in less than 45 days – far more than any other nation.
    • In hotspots, we are testing more Americans per capita than most other major countries.
  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued 70 emergency authorizations for new tests, including 8 for serological tests.
  • Federal agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), have surged millions of new tests and supplies to hospitals, the Indian Health Service, and other testing locations across the Nation.

Combating the Invisible Enemy

  • Early on, the President implemented travel restrictions against China and strengthened screening at our Nation’s airports, limiting the spread of the virus here in America.
  • Through his leadership, President Trump has led the largest public and private sector industrial mobilization since World War II.
    • As a result, America has been able to surge supplies of critical medical equipment to ensure that no American who has needed a ventilator must go without one.
  • The President has delivered massive economic relief to American businesses, workers, and families, keeping our economy afloat during this critical time.

Because of the success of the Trump Administration’s response, in partnership with State, local, and tribal governments, the spread of the outbreak has been significantly smaller than initial prediction

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