AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act

Posted on Thursday, January 16, 2025
AMAC Action

Sanctuary cities use taxpayer resources to benefit non-citizens violating our law and national sovereignty.

January 13, 2025

The Honorable Nick LaLota
1st Congressional District of New York
122 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman LaLota,

On behalf of AMAC Action, the advocacy affiliate of AMAC – the Association of Mature American Citizens,
and our more than 2 million members, I am writing to express our strong support for the No Bailout for
Sanctuary Cities Act, and to commend your leadership in addressing the consequences of sanctuary city
policies. The passage of this bill in the 118th Congress with bipartisan support demonstrates its critical
importance and widespread appeal. I urge the Senate to act swiftly to advance this essential legislation
in the 119th Congress.

Sanctuary city policies have created significant burdens for communities across the country, prioritizing
resources for illegal immigrants while straining local infrastructure and compromising public safety. As
you have rightly stated, these jurisdictions have chosen to defy federal immigration laws and, as a result,
should bear the financial consequences of their actions. Taxpaying citizens should not be forced to
subsidize the food, shelter, healthcare, and legal services provided to migrants in sanctuary cities—
especially when these policies directly undermine the rule of law.

The recent influx of over 100,000 migrants into New York City, with more than 58,000 still relying on city
care, highlights the unsustainable nature of current policies. However, despite the outcry and
overwhelming demand for change, sanctuary cities and states have not amended their policies.
Your bill takes a clear stand by ensuring that federal funds are not used to bail out sanctuary cities for the
consequences of their own decisions. By prohibiting federal funding for resources such as food, shelter,
healthcare, legal services, and transportation for migrants in these jurisdictions, the No Bailout for
Sanctuary Cities Act rightfully shifts accountability back to those responsible.

I applaud your commitment to protecting taxpayers and holding sanctuary cities accountable. The
passage of this bill in the 118th Congress reflects its bipartisan appeal and underscores the urgency of
this issue. I urge the Senate to take up this legislation without delay to ensure fairness for law-abiding
citizens and to reinforce the integrity of our immigration system.


Rebecca Weber
AMAC Action

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Braindead Maga
Braindead Maga
10 days ago

This is a poorly thought-out and ignorant position. H.R. 32 attempts to usurp states’ rights by holding federal funding hostage. It’s an attack on the Constitution and on Federalism. This will deprive essential federal funding for health, education, disaster relief, etc. services for EVERYONE in those states and cities, including U.S. citizens and the elderly. You do a disservice to AMAC members and you’re a disgrace to America.

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