The expansion of telehealth would provide a convenient, cost-effective tool that complements traditional in-office medical visits.
The Honorable Troy Balderson
12th District of Ohio
1221 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Cindy Axne
3rd District of Iowa 330
Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Balderson and Congresswoman Axne:
On behalf of the 2.1 million members of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), I write in support of your legislation, the Knowing the Efficiency and Efficacy of Permanent (KEEP) Telehealth Options Act of 2020.
The expansion of telehealth options has become critical for our members as an organization representing seniors and emerging seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Seniors are one of the most at-risk population to be impacted by the coronavirus. With this being a major concern for seniors and their loved ones, many have found themselves cancelling important in-person doctor appointments that help keep their long-term health in check.
The telehealth options made available during the pandemic has helped provide seniors the opportunity to stay committed to their long-term health while obeying social distancing rules during these uncertain times. These options have not only been convenient for our members, but costeffective.
Unfortunately, certain telehealth opportunities may be revoked after the pandemic even with all the benefits the services provide. This legislation would help make the options permanent by conducting two studies of how telehealth has helped the public.
AMAC supports your bipartisan legislation and is confident the results of the two studies will prove the effectiveness of telehealth options, preventing them from being rescinded after the COVID-19 emergency declaration is lifted. The expansion of telehealth should become the new normal our members have grown fond of. Saving them time and money while ensuring their longevity. We appreciate the timely introduction of the KEEP Telehealth Options Act of 2020.
Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action
Absolutely agree. Telehealth has worked for us a few times during the past few months. Please push this.
Absolutely agree. Telehealth has worked for us a few times during the past few months. Please push this.