From providing real-world costs to fostering market competition, this bill will empower Texans to take greater control over their health care.
March 8, 2021
The Honorable Tom Oliverson, M.D.
Texas State Representative – District 130
Chairman, National Conference of Insurance Legislators Committee on Worker’s Compensation
Post Office Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
Dear Chairman Oliverson,
On behalf of the 2.36 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 205,000 who reside in the state of Texas, I write to offer our support for your legislation to require hospital price transparency in Texas, House Bill 2487.
As an organization representing Americans who are age 50 – plus, our members frequently tell us of their concern over the entire spectrum of their medical expenses. This is an issue in which they are fully engaged, and their feedback helped to shape the hospital transparency rule that became effective in January of this year.
Your legislation provides our members with what they need to better manage their health care expenditures: hospital services pricing that reflects real-world costs; the ability to compare prices so they may make value-based health care decisions; market-based competition; and plain-language descriptions of “shoppable” medical services accompanied with payer information.
Thank you, Chairman Oliverson, for your leadership to empower patients to take more control over their health care. Your prudent legislation will positively affect the lives of AMAC’s Texas members, and we are pleased to offer our association’s full support for House Bill 2487.
Bob Carlstrom
President, AMAC Action