AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports School Choice in Texas

Posted on Friday, February 14, 2025
AMAC Action
Cost of Education. Word Education on dollar banknotes.

This bill allows Texas parents to choose effective educational facilities or home school programs for their children when public school options are suboptimal.

February 13, 2025

The Honorable Dustin Burrows
Texas Speaker of the House
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768

Dear Speaker Burrows,

On behalf of the over 2 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 184,700 who reside in Texas, I write to offer our support and encouragement for the Texas House of Representatives to pass Senate Bill 2.

In public education, taxpayer dollars are applied to every student and if that education falls short, then
that is money poorly spent. By all means, that funding should be re-allocated to educational facilities or
home school programs that can provide education in a more effective and efficient way. SB 2 proposes to provide school choice to parents, supporting the effort with appropriations of $10,000 for each student, $11,500 for a student with a disability, or $2,000 for a student whose family chooses to participate in a homeschool program. These numbers are far less than the current per pupil spend in the public school system which allocates upwards of $14,000 per student. Ultimately, this bill will enable approximately 100,000 students to enjoy a better educational experience for a smaller investment by the citizens of Texas.

AMAC Action was pleased to see SB 2 easily pass the Senate and appeals to your leadership to bring it to the floor of your chamber for a vote as soon as possible.

Thank you, Speaker Burrows, for supporting a parent’s right to choose the best educational option for their children in Texas. We are pleased to offer our organization’s full support for SB 2.


Andrew J. Mangione Jr.
Senior Vice President
AMAC Action

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