AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Resolution to Maintain Cash as a Payment Option

Posted on Tuesday, May 9, 2023
AMAC Action

AMAC members represent a large demographic of Americans who tend to use cash more than other options and as businesses eventually shift away from accepting cash, we face the possibility of losing our privacy in financial transactions among other problems.



April 6, 2023
The Honorable John Rose
6th District of Tennessee
2238 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC  20515

Dear Representative Rose,

On behalf of the over 2 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 8,700 residing in TN-06, I write to offer our support for your resolution to maintain cash as a robust and viable payment option.

AMAC members represent a large demographic of Americans who tend to use cash more than other options. As businesses eventually shift away from accepting cash, we face the possibility of losing not only our privacy in financial transactions but even worse, the possibility that a failure of our national energy and technology infrastructures would restrict Americans from using their hard-earned money in whatever way they see fit because they cannot use physical cash in their transactions.

Thank you, Representative Rose, for sponsoring this resolution to recognize cash in the form of physical U.S. currency as primary in our financial system, an appropriate way to conduct transactions, and that its viability be maintained now and in the future for our citizens to use to settle debt and conduct business.

Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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1 year ago

The Bank of International Settlement (BIS) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have already completed the pilot program of Unicorn (what they are calling the global CBDC that will be the international standard). It Stage One of the roll-out was deemed a complete success a little over a week ago. Plans are now moving forward in terms of international settlement of funds between countries and their central banks. Ours included. Incorporation into SWIFT is next step and will be done soon. That is Stage Two.

Unicoin has all the control and surveillance attributes of the Chinese digital yuan, so it meets all the criteria BIS laid for being able to monitor, allow or deny and even delete what the individual is allowed to purchase, based on whatever “social scoring” all the world’s central banks sign off on, is ready to go. As a result, the days of physical money or cash are now clearly numbered. All the remains to be done is for the appropriate banking “crisis” to be created to usher in the total, global reset of the world’s banking system and to declare cash worthless and illegal to use. This is what they refer to as Stage Three.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent job AMAC.

1 year ago

I was taught cash was the official currency of the US and by law, was legal tender for all transactions in this country. To refuse cash for a transaction was illegal. When did that change?

David L Geurden
David L Geurden
1 year ago

Cash is ‘King’ and getting rid of it must be part of the WOKE agenda!!!!!! What is the United States of America trying to become???

1 year ago

Thank you for recognizing and fighting back on this dangerous idea. How can I slip $5 in my grandson’s birthday card if cash no longer exists?

1 year ago

Thank you Representative Rose for taking a stand against this terrible movement. It doesn’t have to be a nefarious action from the government that hurts us – although I believe that is very likely – emergency situations can arise where only cash or other asset that can be traded will work. Electronic “cash” has technical limitations, cash does not.

1 year ago

Will you please create a form letter that can be printed or emailed to our Senators and Congressman? While I realize that the Patriot Act has been usurped to spy on Americans already, to me – this legislation gives total control over our finances and financial activity to the same people who are currently breaking our US laws – FBI, DOJ, DHS, etc.

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