AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Protecting our Sovereign Citizenry from Social Security Fraud

Posted on Friday, February 2, 2024
AMAC Action
Padlock on top of United States identification document social security card

AMAC continues to support the implementation of tougher immigration standards with streamlined processes to remove bad actors from our country, to protect senior Americans, and to eliminate fraud in Social Security. The “Consequences for Social Security Fraud Act” is designed to meet these concerns head on by deporting illegal criminal aliens who fraudulently receive social security benefits. 

February 1, 2024

The Honorable Tom McClintock
California’s 5th Congressional District
2256 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-0505

Dear Rep. McClintock,

On behalf of our 2.1 million members across the country, AMAC Action strongly supports H.R. 6678, the Consequences for Social Security Fraud Act. Our membership thanks you for ensuring criminal aliens are removable from the United States for social security and other identification document fraud. AMAC Action has been a strong supporter of tougher immigration standards, a streamlined process to remove bad actors from the country, protecting seniors, and eliminating fraud in Social Security. This bill addresses all of these important priorities for AMAC Action, and we are proud to stand together with you in strong support.

Criminal aliens who victimize seniors through social security fraud are currently afforded a lengthy process with respect to conviction and removal. H.R. 6678 streamlines this process to ensure that criminal aliens can be quickly removed from the country for their fraudulent actions. This bill also allows authorities to use an alien’s own admission that they committed fraud as grounds for inadmissibility and removability. This improvement in the law guards against far left prosecutors who game the system with workarounds to keep criminal aliens in the country and cuts through potentially years of litigation and proceedings. Ultimately, your legislation requires judges to enforce the laws on the books with respect to criminal aliens.

According to a RealClearInvestigations report, in just 2017 there were “1.2 million cases in which illegal aliens used Social Security numbers that belonged to someone else or were fabricated.” Your legislation will hold criminal aliens accountable for breaking the law and victimizing seniors.


Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action


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Richard Irvin
Richard Irvin
1 year ago

Biden and the dumbocRATs want to make ALL of these illegals citizens so that can vote for them and get SS. This must be stopped

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
1 year ago

Great idea. However even if it passes thru the House with 100% Republican support Chuck Shumer will never bring it to the floor for a vote in the Senate.

1 year ago

I don’t think anyone that hasn’t PAID INTO Soc Sec should be able receive it. But also think illegals shouldn’t get welfare, food stamps, free health care, etc either. We have too many LEGAL CITIZENS that are in need.

joe smith
joe smith
1 year ago

non citizen….. no health care ,no welfare. no free medical .no eduaction ,no free houseing, if thrie country did not provide it for them ….why should I or us? keep pouring water in your soup and u will not have soup !

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

McClintock voted against Myorkas impeachment stating it did not meet the “high crimes and misdemeanors” criteria. I say if a sentry intentionally allows unauthorized access to people that sentry is subject to removal and prosecution. Just like his CO who allows it.

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