AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Legislation to Help Reinforce Social Security

Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2025
AMAC Action
DC Social Security card. The United States capitol building with a crack in the dome and Social Security card

This bill aligns with President Trump’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Executive Order by establishing a clear legislative framework for using the nation’s natural resource assets to support Social Security.

February 14, 2025
The Honorable Paul Gosar
9th Congressional District of Arizona
2057 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Gosar,

On behalf of AMAC Action – the advocacy affiliate of AMAC with over 2 million members nationwide, we
are pleased to express our strong support for HR 34, the Land and Social Security Optimization (LASSO)
Act. For far too long, Social Security’s solvency has been under threat, causing uncertainty for seniors
who rely on the benefits they earned over a lifetime of hard work.

The LASSO Act takes a bold and innovative approach to strengthening the Federal Old-Age and Survivors
Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund by dedicating 10 percent of the revenue generated from public lands to the
fund. This bill will not only reinforce the OASI Trust Fund and help protect benefits for retired workers,
their spouses, children, and survivors of insured workers, but it will also encourage responsible resource
development on public lands by generating revenue from energy production, livestock grazing, and
timber harvesting. By directing public land revenues back into Social Security, this legislation reconnects
American taxpayers with the lands they collectively own, allowing them to directly benefit from the
nation’s natural resources.

Additionally, the LASSO Act aligns with President Donald J. Trump’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Executive
Order by establishing a clear legislative framework for using the nation’s natural resource assets to
support Social Security. Our nation’s seniors deserve solutions that ensure Social Security remains
solvent for generations to come. HR 34 represents a practical and forward-thinking approach to
stabilizing the program, protecting seniors, and promoting economic growth.

We thank you for your leadership on this important issue and stand ready to help advance this


Andrew J. Mangione Jr.
Senior Vice President
AMAC Action

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