AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Legislation to Help Disabled Veterans

Posted on Thursday, February 13, 2025
AMAC Action
veterans, man praying at flag

This bill ensures that Veterans receive the housing support they deserve without the burden of bureaucratic red tape and other inequities regarding their service-related disability compensation.


February 11, 2025
The Honorable Monica De La Cruz
15th District of Texas 1415 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congresswoman De La Cruz,

On behalf of AMAC Action, the advocacy affiliate of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens with over 2 million members nationwide, we write to express our strong support for the Disabled Veterans Housing Support Act. This vital piece of legislation addresses a significant inequity in housing assistance eligibility for our nation’s veterans by ensuring that service-connected disability compensation is excluded from income requirements for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) assistance.

Our veterans made tremendous sacrifices in service to our country. It is deeply troubling that many of them face unnecessary barriers when seeking essential housing assistance because of how their well-earned disability compensation is counted against them. The Disabled Veterans Housing Support Act represents a critical step in rectifying this injustice and ensuring that veterans receive the housing support they deserve without the burden of bureaucratic red tape.

In addition, we strongly support the legislation’s requirement for a comprehensive report to Congress on how service-connected disability compensation is treated across all Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-administered programs. This much-needed transparency will help identify and correct disparities that may exist across federal housing assistance programs.

Seniors and veterans have worked hard their entire lives, contributing to the strength and prosperity of our nation. Our veterans have worn uniforms in defense of our freedoms, and our seniors have laid the foundation for the opportunities we enjoy today. They deserve fair access to the benefits and services they have rightfully earned. We urge Congress to pass the Disabled Veterans Housing Support Act without delay.

Andrew J. Mangione Jr.
Senior Vice President
AMAC Action

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