AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Legislation that Increases School Security

Posted on Monday, July 11, 2022
AMAC Action

This bill uses COVID-19 relief dollars to increase security measures at schools, making them a hard target and protecting students, teachers and administrators.


July 11, 2022

The Honorable Mike Garcia
25th Congressional District of California
1535 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Roger Marshall, M.D.
Senator from Kansas
479A Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Congressman Garcia and Senator Marshall

On behalf of the over 2.3 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens,
including over 4,400 residing in CA-25, and over 28,000 members in Kansas, I write to offer our
support for H.R. 8008 and S. 4369, the Safe Schools Act, intended to make schools safe for our

As the COVID-19 pandemic has passed, and concerns over school security have increased in
recent months, any surplus funding intended to protect our children from the effects of COVID-19 should rightfully be re-assigned to provide security improvements in the same schools. Your legislation is an excellent vehicle for realizing this commonsense initiative to protect our kids.

AMAC Action recommends strong language that would provide indisputable parameters for the
remaining ESSERF funding to be designated for the security measures defined in the legislation,
as well as clear guidance on who should be accountable for approving the security measures for
which schools will use the funding. This additional language would ensure that the intent of the
law is followed with high fidelity towards its purpose.

Thank you, Congressman Garcia, and Senator Marshall, for advancing H.R. 8008 and S. 4369 in
support of safe schools for our children, who are the future of our great nation. Our
association stands ready to support your efforts.


Bob Carlstrom

AMAC Action


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C. Adams
C. Adams
2 years ago

I completely agree with you on that!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

No security measures will work if dangerous individuals known to authorities are allowed to move freely

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