AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act

Posted on Monday, May 15, 2023
AMAC Action

This legislation has two fundamental goals it aims to achieve, secure the US border, and combat illegal immigration. It would require finishing the border wall, better resources for border patrol, more transparency on illegal crossings, and strengthening current laws to protect children.


May 11, 2023

The Honorable Mario Diaz-Balart
Florida’s 26th Congressional District
374 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Tom McClintock
California’s 5th Congressional District
2256 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Diaz-Balart and Congressman McClintock,

On behalf of the over 2 million members of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), I am
writing in support of H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act of 2023. The US immigration system is deeply
flawed and cannot be left unaddressed by Congress much longer. America is experiencing the worst
immigration crisis of its time, leaving the border overwhelmed and our state apparatus vulnerable to
high-risk security threats. AMAC fully supports the passage of this legislation for its necessary and
comprehensive response to the national security and humanitarian crisis at the southern border.

Under the current administration, there have been over 5 million illegal entries along the southern
border, a record amount of narcotics entering the US such as fentanyl poisoning, and five out of nine
border sectors are unsecured and under considerable strain, according to the Chief of the U.S. Border
Patrol, Raul Ortiz. Even more concerning is the reckless neglect of unaccompanied children crossing the
border that our country is legally responsible for protecting and caring for but has failed to the highest
extent. Investigative reports regarding migrant child labor recently found that the Biden administration
has misplaced 85,000 children. This is a humanitarian crisis that we cannot afford to ignore and must
come together as a nation to resolve.

The Secure the Border Act of 2023 has two fundamental goals it aims to achieve, secure the US border,
and combat illegal immigration. It would require finishing the border wall, better resources for border
patrol such as higher pay and technological advancements, more transparency on illegal crossings, and
strengthening current laws to protect children.

Thank you, Representative Diaz-Balart and Representative McClintock, for your diligence and hard work
in crafting this solution to protect the nation’s border and the lives of innocent children.

Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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1 year ago


1 year ago

BUS THE LAW BREAKING illegals TO THE WHITE HOUSE, new york city, chicago, portland, seattle, san fran.

1 year ago

This bill is a must. Biden and his supporters are ignoring the crisis on purpose. I have never seen a more tyranical and irresponsible president. He doesn’t care at all about Americans or our country in general. Everything he does is destructive and frankly most is traitorous as in communist. Thank God we have some good men to put forth a solution that is reasonable and doable. Now DO IT!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

This is an open border country Border agents are now nannies and baby sitters Just like our soldiers became ambassadors of good will

1 year ago

… head’s up, better watch out, everyone. It’s the Mexican drug cartels, back in control, over America’s southern border –

1 year ago


1 year ago

This IS a must for Our Country, if a REAL President, like President Trump were in office, it would have already been done!
Nobody followed through on promises like President Trump, BEST EVER!
This joebama clown show and the marxist democrat party are hell bent on Destroying America.

1 year ago

WHAT TOOK SO LONG TO DO THIS? Mission accomplished for the Dems at this late date.

1 year ago

We should have had a border wall decades ago. A wall impenetrable, at all entryways.

1 year ago

The dems fear that they will lose the next elections and are doing everything they can to harvest votes, illegal or from the few idiots that still will vote for them because they are sheep. They are banking on illegal votes and more than likely, have a plan in place to get as many illegal votes as possible into the system. That’s what this is all about.

1 year ago

Mayorkas and his boss, China Joe, should give up all their income to help pay housing, all other entitlements these illegals will cost the entire US in the future.

1 year ago

We NEED to deport ALL 5 MILLION ILLEGALS whom Jackass Joe allowed into our country though you know IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! We the People SHOULD DEMAND that NONE SHOULD EVER BE ALLOWED THE RIGHT TO VOTE!!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Hooray Yes

Deplorable in GA
Deplorable in GA
1 year ago

Way to go republicans – two bills in 4 month’s. Way to go!!!!!!! Pleasssse send 2024 so we can replace the rino’s – Kevin?????? You’re the mannnn!

1 year ago

This is a news release from the U.S. Coast Guard. Don’t come by sea (but welcome to pour over the southern land border). Maybe this is how “some” can say our borders are secure?????
News Release

U.S. Coast Guard 7th District Southeast

Title 42 termination does not alter maritime migration policies
05/12/2023 09:33 AM EDT

MIAMI — The termination of Title 42 public health order does not alter the maritime migration policies, and the U.S. maritime borders remain closed. Title 42 never applied to migrants interdicted at sea. The Task Force is monitoring the situation to ensure misinformation among diaspora communities or disinformation spread by human smugglers does not encourage increased attempts to reach the United States by sea.

1 year ago

I’ve grown weary of Republicans in government who refuse to unify and fight against the horrible and evil policies of the Democrats! It’s time for conservative voters to say “enough!” Fight back or face the consequences!

Waymon Toles
Waymon Toles
1 year ago

to “ref” comment – I could not agree more. Republican politicians seem to only react, not act. What a shame.

1 year ago

What’s the point? There are immigration laws in place RIGHT NOW, and are being ignored and unenforced by the President himself and there are no repercussions. If we actually had conservatives in office with a backbone, rather than just R.I.N.O., they would impeach Biden on his refusal to enforce our border laws. Even though the senate would protect him, at least let the nation know his failures.

William L Swain
William L Swain
1 year ago

I support H R 2

Rebeccs Kelly
Rebeccs Kelly
1 year ago

Thank you ! For being great friends for freedom

Robert Spudie
Robert Spudie
1 year ago

We need to secure our borders . The United States is being invaded and it is very dangerous to our country,

David Wilhoite
David Wilhoite
1 year ago

I’m not a robot

1 year ago

I Support H R 2

Velma Saccone
Velma Saccone
1 year ago

DemocRATS will never secure the border. Their next move is to allow illegals to vote. Our country as we have know it is lost. God help our country.

1 year ago

The left wants a civil war. I say bring it on.

1 year ago

As a citizen of the United States of America, I have a constitutional right to sovereign borders , like every other country in the world. The key word is LEGAL immigration. Disease, crime , chaos , abuses are all that open borders promote . Enforce our decades long , already passed LAWS !!!!! I do not want a new world order or globalization. Fight for our country before it is a thing of the past.

1 year ago

I support HR 2.

1 year ago

Please stop the invasion. Our country is at stake!!!

1 year ago

I support this completely, I am sick of the current administration acting as if this is not a sovereign nation. Well said Mary.

1 year ago

Thank you for this action!

Ed Weber III
Ed Weber III
1 year ago

It’s about time…. Will this bill pass?? I doubt it with the current administration in power. The Progressive’s want a global economy and for the USA to become a third world country

Rachel Scott
Rachel Scott
1 year ago

Thank you, thank you! Save our Country from being destroyed and overrun.

Michael and Mary Ocha.
Michael and Mary Ocha.
1 year ago

Please secure our borders for the future of Our Country

1 year ago

The bottom line is Joe Biden and his administration sold out this country and I thought Jimmy Carter was a bad president no comparison, Joe Biden will go down as the most infamous president this country has had so far in my opinion.

1 year ago

So overdue! Thank you!

Don Morrison
Don Morrison
1 year ago

What in the he.. could this so-called leadership be thinking? Bombard our citizens with non-citizens who need support from the taxes of already taxed-to-the-max citizens? LUNACY!!!

1 year ago

Each border state can build their own wall paid for by state funds and private collections. Crazy?? Yes!! Necessary??? You know the answer. We are being invaded by a foreign govt which on command will destroy our electrical grid,water supply,food sources and transportation.All with out a shot.They realize what they are up against and who if anyone will fight back.. Can you identify our enemy here in America??? We don’t like what is happening but don’t know how,who or what to fight until it’s to late. Time for marshal law and military courts which are temporary assets at our disposal.MAGA!!!!!

Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
1 year ago

In 2017 and 2018, we had a Republican President-best in over 150 years, in my opinion-and both houses of Congress. (A Democrap administration, with a brain-dead puppet at the top showed what could be done in two years, under the same scenario, and our country may never recover.) President Trump got his tax reduction and that was all. House Speaker (R) Paul Ryan never let the border wall come up for a vote, we might as well have had Pelosi as speaker. Later, when dumping Nobana Care came before the Senate, RINO McCain cast the deciding vote to keep it and saddled the people of our Country with that piece of crap forever, because he hated one person, Mr. Trump.

It’s easy now to pass terrifically popular bills, with very nice titles, by the Republican House because they know they will die in the Democrap Senate, or be vetoed by the Democrap Puppet. They can go home and say “we tried” and probably get re-elected to play the game again. Three times in my life the Republicans have held the Executive and Legislative branches of Government. I wasn’t old enough to know what President Eisenhower did with his two years of one party control, but “W” didn’t do anything conservative with his four years with a Republican legislature. Republicans have a way of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. There is just not enough testosterone on the right side of the aisle.

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness!!!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Why do we need another act,or law. Finish the wall and tellem no. Kyle L.

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