AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bills to Promote Election Integrity

Posted on Friday, July 14, 2023
AMAC Action

These bills substantially counter an Executive Order issued by President Biden that employ “approved” third party non-governmental organizations with the power to influence voting choices by exploiting Americans whose hard-earned tax dollars would be used to pay for the effort.

July 14, 2023

The Honorable Ted Budd
Senator for North Carolina
304 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Claudia Tenney
24th Congressional District of New York
2349 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC  20515

Dear Senator Budd and Representative Tenney,

On behalf of the 2.1 million members of AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 71,400 members in North Carolina, and 5,700 members in NY-24, I am pleased to convey our support for S. 1398 and its companion bill, H.R. 3072.

These bills substantially counter sections 3 & 4 of President Biden’s Executive Order 14019. The order constitutes an effort to influence our electoral process by the administration to employ “approved” third party non-governmental organizations with the power to influence voting choices by exploiting Americans whose hard-earned tax dollars would be used to pay for the effort. The very lack of definition for an “approved” organization, or who is charged with the “approval” of one, strongly calls into question the bias the administration intends to apply.

This Executive Order, left unchecked, will lead to undue and inappropriate influence on our election process resulting in the installation of candidates who do not represent the will of the people. In addition, the consequence of that misrepresentation would reverberate throughout any legislation or leadership these candidates may impose.

To prevent agencies from circumventing these bills, Section 3 includes a specific provision that would lead to accountability for agency heads in the form of a report to Congress regarding how the Executive Order was implemented; in this case highlighting efforts to avoid the law.

AMAC thanks you, Senator Budd, and Representative Tenney, for your leadership to protect election integrity and ensure the accurate representation of the will of the people in our government. As an organization representing members who hold sacred their precious right to vote, AMAC is pleased to offer our full support for S. 1398 and H.R. 3072, together the “Promoting Free and Fair Elections Act.”


Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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