This bill protects the servicemembers who were involuntarily separated from the Armed Forces solely on the basis of refusing to receive vaccinations against COVID-19.
June 1, 2022
The Honorable Christopher Smith
4th Congressional District of New Jersey
2373 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Smith,
On behalf of the 2.3 million members of AMAC – the Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 4,700 residing in NJ-04, I write to offer our support for H.R. 7570 – “To establish certain protections for individuals involuntarily separated from the Armed Forces solely on the basis of refusing to receive vaccinations against COVID-19.”
Your bill would allow several options for servicemembers discharged from the military for refusing any of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. The options include characterization of discharge to honorable from another classification, and a protection of retired pay and benefits for those that were eligible but were discharged. In the case of reinstatement to service, there is an added benefit to the military and taxpayers in that those who are reinstated have already received the training they need to function in the military without the additional taxpayer expense of training personnel who have not served.
In that it is honorable to stand up for what is right; in that it is illegal for the Biden administration to require an experimental COVID-19 vaccination for military service; and that servicemembers are under no obligation to follow an illegal order; and that a recent Naval Administrative Board found in support that the order is illegal; it is proper for those who were discharged based on refusing a COVID-19 vaccination to receive an honorable discharge if they choose not to return to military service.
Also, service members eligible for retirement, who were discharged for not receiving a COVID-19 vaccination, earned their retirement regardless of the Biden vaccine mandate. Therefore, there is no cause to deny their earned benefit.
AMAC thanks you, Representative Smith, for your vision and strong leadership in introducing this important legislation that would benefit our brave and deserving military service members. We are pleased to offer our organization’s full support for H.R. 7570.
Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action
OK, this issue has ran it course. There hasn’t been any comment for two months. If you can’t keep up with veteran news I’m sure the legion and vfw would be willing to help keep this section up to date and interesting.
I am a Registered Nurse who was forced to take the shots or lose my job. Funny how we were all heroes before there was a vaccine. Now we are villains. As I write this I am once again infected with COVID-19. Funny how these vaccines work and Big Pharma demanded immunity from law suits.
The pandemic was a plan of the new world order, to create a single world power, nothing more. The sheep fell inline to create the mess we are in. Wake the f—k up!
I do not agree with ure supporting members who took a oath to serve in the Armed Forces. Every military member has/had a job to do and taking a Covid 19 shot was part of it. Those who selected not to they took their own personal beliefs to serve themselves!
No sir! The military is a Team effort! I served 24 years VN and Desert Storm, did a lot of things I did not want to do but did them as a team player! Sorry u do not get my support!
I agree!
Biden wanted to weaken our military by mandating the unproven shots . Those wise enough to not take it will be needed when those who took the shot start dying off!
Thank you AMAC for your support and patranige of our armed forces. I am happy to make a donation to this cause. Where would I send a check?
Many first responders, firemen, police officers and heath care providers were also dismissed for failure to take the vaccinations. Was that a right or wrong decision will be debated for decades. The experimental vaccines had a pretty good track record for doing no harm. Considering the circumstances at the time the vaccine seemed a reasonable choice for groups that were in close proximity to each other on a daily basis. As a health care provider, I was vaccinated in Dec but my military sons were not vaccinated until Mar. Except for JJ there was little adverse reaction to the vaccines to form a basis not to take the vaccine. Discharge other than Honorable usually converts to Honorable if there is no criminal activity involved but that probably was a dishonorable burden to put on this group. Things like that tend to haunt your record for decades. I agree that their military service should have been terminated. I think the circumstances were unique and they should have been discharged honorably from active duty or retired if eligible without penalty or loss of benefits.
I can’t believe that the retirement of these service members would be taken away because they refused to take what turned out to be nothing more than a flue shot.
I can’t believe that the retirement of these service members would be taken away because they refused to take what turned out to be nothing more than a flue shot.