This legislation defines in unassailable terms the classification of “human” at all stages of life beginning at fertilization (conception) or any other circumstance leading to the beginning of life for a human person.
May 8, 2024
The Honorable Alex Mooney
2nd Congressional District of West Virginia
2228 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative Mooney,
On behalf of the over 2.1 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 7,300 members residing in West Virginia’s 2nd District, I write to offer our support for H.R. 431, the “Life at Conception Act.”
While it is obvious that the United States Constitution guarantees the right to life, it seems that very basic truth is lost on many of our elected representatives. Indeed, the text of the 14th Amendment echoes the Declaration of Independence when it states: “… nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” It is important to note that there is no crime an unborn child can commit that would lead to any justification that the state should take their life, therefore anyone taking a life outside the confines of due process is operating outside the law.