AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bill to Protect Children from Sexually Explicit Material

Posted on Monday, October 31, 2022
AMAC Action
Children reading for school

This bill squarely prohibits federal funding from being used to expose children under 10 years of age to sexually explicit material. It also allows for parental plaintiffs to bring a civil action against the government if their children have been victims of exposure to sexually explicit and ethically questionable sexual material.


October 31, 2022

The Honorable Mike Johnson
4th Congressional District of Louisiana
568 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Johnson,

On behalf of the 2.2 million members of AMAC – the Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 5,300 residing in LA-04, I am writing to convey our vehement support for your bill to protect our children, and share our examen of H.R. 9197, the “Stop the Sexualization of Children Act”.

This bill squarely prohibits federal funding from being used to expose children under 10 years of age to sexually explicit material. It provides consequences to federal agencies and other organizations for violating the intent of the bill when it becomes law, and it allows for parental plaintiffs to bring a civil action against the government, involved representatives thereof, and even private entities if their children have been victims of exposure to sexually explicit and ethically questionable sexual material. This bill recognizes and proposes as a “sense of Congress” that parents and legal guardians have the prerogative to determine if, how, and when their children should be introduced to sexual education.

The intent of this bill is noble, it protects the innocence of our children, and respects the responsible, ethical, and moral use of federal taxpayer dollars. For your consideration, we strongly recommend that its scope include all minor children; and a prohibition on the use of any federal money used to purchase sexually explicit material for any reason. While there may be a case that government and education providers, via duly qualified health instructors, have a charge to educate and inform children about sexual health associated with the physiological changes of puberty, and human reproductive systems; there is no case in which children of any age should be exposed to topics of a sexual nature as described in the definition section of your bill.

AMAC thanks you, Representative Johnson, for your courage and strength in introducing this important legislation to protect the precious children of our great nation, and by that effort protecting the future wellbeing of the United States of America.


Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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2 years ago

Curbing federal funding for this depravity is not enough. A law needs to be codified criminalizing anyone who attempts to corrupt and mutilate our children through transgender grooming.

2 years ago

I think the bill needs to include children all through high school with the exception of true biology courses.

2 years ago

Reading, writing, and arithmetic. The schools should get out of the sex trade. It’s making the public despise them.

2 years ago

I, for the life of me, don’t understand the 10 year age limit. Sex education is the responsibility of the parents, not schools. Why half way measures. It seems like leaving the door open to push the issue further down stream. I would appreciate any positive views!

2 years ago

Great news!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Sign my name to it too.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Sign my name to it too.

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