AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bill to Expand Access to Cardiac and Pulmonary Outpatient Care for Medicare Beneficiaries

Posted on Tuesday, September 1, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

billS.4151 and H.R. 4838 corrects the unintended consequences that limit specialty care by a previous budget bill and greatly benefits patients by promoting the use of cardiac and pulmonary outpatient rehabilitative care which are currently underutilized, particularly by women.

September 1, 2020

The Honorable John Hoeven
Senator from North Dakota
338 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Doug Jones
Senator from Alabama
330 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Cc: Representative Jim McGovern (MA-02)

Dear Senators Hoeven and Jones,

On behalf of the 2.2 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, I write to offer our support for S. 4151, the Sustaining Outpatient Services (SOS) Act and its bipartisan House companion, H.R. 4838.

As many AMAC members are also Medicare beneficiaries, we make it a priority to safeguard this important benefit. It is vital that all beneficiaries have access to the care they require, particularly those suffering from cardiovascular events.

S. 4151 corrects the unintended consequences that limit specialty care by a previous budget bill and establishes financial thresholds under which certain low-cost outpatient services, such as cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, would be exempt from lower Medicare reimbursement. Cardiac and pulmonary care are not usually offered in a physician office setting, and your bill would greatly benefit patients by promoting the use of these treatments which are currently underutilized, particularly by women.

Thank you, Senators Hoeven and Jones, and your bipartisan colleagues, for sponsoring legislation that focuses on expanding access to essential healthcare for seniors. With nearly one million Americans experiencing heart attacks each year, your bill works to advance the rehabilitative care they need for recovery, and AMAC is pleased to offer our organization’s full support for S. 4151, the Sustaining Outpatient Services (SOS) Act and its companion, H.R. 4838.


Bob Carlstrom
President, AMAC Action

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