AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bill to Deport Illegal Aliens Who Defraud the Government

Posted on Wednesday, March 12, 2025
AMAC Action
Deportation Gavel and Blocks. A wooden gavel rests on a wooden table, symbolizing the legal proceedings of deportation. Two wooden blocks with the word DEPORTATION

This legislation ensures that any alien who defrauds the United States or steals taxpayer dollars intended for U.S. citizens is deemed inadmissible and deportable.

March 12, 2025

The Honorable Dave Taylor
2nd Congressional District of Ohio
325 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Taylor,

On behalf of AMAC Action, the advocacy affiliate of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens
with over 2 million members nationwide, including nearly 7,000 residing in OH-02, we write to express
our strong support for the Deporting Fraudsters Act. This legislation ensures that any alien who defrauds
the United States or steals taxpayer dollars intended for U.S. citizens is deemed inadmissible and
deportable. Your bill is a much-needed step in protecting American seniors and hardworking taxpayers
from fraud and abuse.

Our nation’s seniors have spent a lifetime contributing to programs like Social Security and SNAP, which
were created to provide financial security for those who have earned and need them. Yet, due to
rampant fraud, these vital benefits are increasingly being drained by bad actors, including individuals
who have no legal right to be in our country.

It is common sense that any illegal alien who defrauds our government, exploits our welfare system, or
steals from our most vulnerable citizens should not be permitted to remain in the United States. The
Deporting Fraudsters Act rightfully ensures that those who engage in such crimes face removal and are
barred from reentry, reinforcing the rule of law and protecting the integrity of our nation’s safety net

Your legislation provides a long-overdue solution that prioritizes law-abiding American citizens, especially
seniors who rely on Social Security, Medicare, and other essential programs.

Thank you for your leadership in standing up for seniors and the hardworking citizens of this country. AMAC Action is proud to support this legislation, and we look forward to working with you to move the
bill forward this Congress.


Andrew J. Mangione Jr.
Senior Vice President
AMAC Action

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