AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

Posted on Tuesday, January 31, 2023
AMAC Action

This bill prevents Planned Parenthood and its associated organizations from taking the lives of unborn children and demands the repayment of funds back to the treasury when taxpayer money is used inappropriately to support them.



January 31, 2023
The Honorable Lauren Boebert
3rd Congressional District of Colorado
1713 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congresswoman Boebert,

On behalf of the 2.1 million members of AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 10,800 members residing in CO-03, I write to convey our support for H.R. 128, the “Defund Planned
Parenthood Act”.

The basic rights to life, to liberty, and to the pursuit of happiness, granted by God and codified in our
Declaration of Independence apply to all humans born, and unborn. The unborn deserve special consideration because they cannot defend their own rights, and we appreciate your efforts to advocate for them.

Your bill recognizes abortion for what it is, murder, and prohibits the subsidization of such by the American taxpayer. It prevents Planned Parenthood and its associated organizations from taking the lives of the unborn, now estimated to be 13,000 babies each year. It demands the repayment of funds back to the treasury when our money is used inappropriately to support their criminal enterprise.

We encourage expanded bills like this to prevent the use of federal dollars for all cases in which they may be applied to abortion, and we especially support the concept that bills like this, that become law, permanently ban the taxpayer-backed funding of abortions.

AMAC thanks you, Congresswoman Boebert, and your cosponsors, for valiantly defending the rights of
preborn American citizens. Our nation only stands to benefit by defunding abortion and allowing our children to live full lives from conception onward.

Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Add my name on the Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood.

Larry Whitten
Larry Whitten
2 years ago

Great it’s past due.

2 years ago

Thank you AMAC as a member I feel included in this letter. 100 percent!!!

2 years ago

Abstinence is a choice.Adoption is a choice.Abortion is murder.

2 years ago

Abstinence is a choice.Adoption is a choice.Abortion is murder.

Jorge L Rios
Jorge L Rios
2 years ago

These people always complain and claim that a woman has a right to have a “choice”. That ending abortion takes away a womans right to choose.They conviniently forget that they DID have a choice and made that choice already when they decided to have unprotected sex, and not only did the woman already make a choice but so did the man. So two choices were already made to start with, but yet they think they should continue to have more chances to make choices after they have proven that they are incapable of making good choices.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

There are two groups that the federal government needs to stop funding, one is Planned Parenthood, and the other is National Public Radio (NPR) one cuts babies out of the Womb, the other cuts the heart out of America.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Name suggests that is the place to go to to get the information about what to do if one does not want to get pregnant at the this time

2 years ago


Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

Stopping abortions is only half the reason Planned Parenthood should be abolished, the other reason is our tax dollars go to fund it, and planned parenthood turns around and uses that money to donate to Democrats to get elected. That should be outlawed in everything our tax dollars go to. PBS is another one. It isn’t fair that my tax dollars go to someone or something I despise with a passion.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

Why does Planned Parenthood still have “Parent” in its name when it should be called Planned Abortionhood? Let’s get Real! No one will ever be a parent if all they want is to kill their babies! Period.

2 years ago

Thou shall not kill!

What happen to that statement?

i don’t want any of my earned money going to kill unborns.

2 years ago

I’m glad someone has guts enough to defend our unborn children.

2 years ago

Gee. Yet another “brave principled” bill for the republicans!

That they know has absolutely no chance of ever passing anywhere ever, but was sooooo important that didn’t think of it when they had all the reins of power during trumps first two years!

So brave, so strong!

What’s next? A bill to defund public radio? Or Amtrak?


Anyone who believes the republicans
Want to see any of this may want to call their congressman and tell them we are onto their game here.

Kathy Tomlinson
Kathy Tomlinson
2 years ago

Bravo! This is EXACTLY why I support AMAX over “that OTHER one”

Ben Ray
Ben Ray
2 years ago

Great letter Bob. The US Constitution gives authority from us, the citizens, to the Federal Government the right to collect monies to “provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States”. This is not for our Common Welfare,.. along with trillions of other dollars collected and spent by those in Washington. It needs to stop.

1 year ago

Love it! I would have no problem with he use of my tax dollars for birth control, but definitely not abortion.

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