AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bill to Bring Medical Supply and Drug Companies to America

Posted on Monday, May 18, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens

Responding directly to the requests of AMAC members to hold China accountable for the coronavirus pandemic, AMAC sent a letter to Congressman Chip Roy in support of H.R. 6690, the Bring Entrepreneurial Advancements To Consumers Here In North America Act (BEAT China). This bill outlines incentives for medical supply and pharmaceutical manufacturers to relocate their businesses to America from China and other foreign countries with the intent to put the United States more in control of the critical medical supply chain.

May 15, 2020

The Honorable Chip Roy

21st Congressional District of Texas

1319 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Roy,

On behalf of the 2.1 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 9100 residing in TX-21, I write to offer our support for H.R. 6690, the Bring Entrepreneurial Advancements To Consumers Here In North America Act.

As you recognize, China is the largest exporter of medical devices to the United States and the second largest exporter of drugs and biologics. AMAC members have fervently voiced their concern to us about America’s over-dependence on China for medical supplies and have witnessed the effect this foreign reliance has had on first responders and patients during the coronavirus pandemic. Simply put, they want this dependence broken and are eager to “buy American.”

H.R. 6690 promotes the relocation of medical supply and pharmaceutical businesses from China and other foreign countries to the United States through the smart use of tax advantages. Giving relocating companies the opportunity to expense their property’s purchase in the United States in year one, which allows them to realize the maximum tax return on their investment, combined with protecting them from unnecessary taxation on income realized from the sale of assets to facilitate moving here, should attract the innovative and advanced industries needed to reinforce the American medical supply chain.

H.R. 6690 also protects the interests of American taxpayers by insisting that any relocating company must ramp up their production to meet the same levels in the United States as those of the country they moved from in order to qualify for the tax incentives.

Thank you, Congressman Roy, for acknowledging that Americans should never be at the mercy of a communist regime. AMAC appreciates your efforts to put America in control of its critical medical supply chain and is pleased to offer our organization’s full support for H.R. 6690, the Bring Entrepreneurial Advancements To Consumers Here In North America Act.


Bob Carlstrom

President, AMAC Action

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Ed Bittner
Ed Bittner
4 years ago

I am very proud of Amac for sponsoring this legislation. Keep up the good work

4 years ago

So 37 Planned Parenthood ( Abortion) organizations received Covid benefits. This proves, once again, that under any emergency the Fed cannot act efficiently.
It must hire thousands of new employees to administer any new programs and this takes weeks or months of background checking. Trump wanted
this money out in 30 days which is admirable but no fed agency can act in 30 days. Forget it. The private sector could have made this move in 3 days.
Never should we expect any govt agency to act “quickly”. Its like turning today’s cruise ship around 15 sailboats. Takes hours.

4 years ago

The bill needs to be strengthened in several areas for it to work as intended. As it is written right now, the bill is little more than symbolism. Which is of course NOT what is needed to create positive change.

4 years ago

The bill needs to be strengthened in several areas for it to work as intended. As it is written right now, the bill is little more than symbolism. Which is of course NOT what is needed to create positive change.

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