AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bill to Aid the Rights of Pregnant Students in Higher Education

Posted on Thursday, January 18, 2024
AMAC Action
title ix and pregnant student working at library at college

This legislation advocates for improving Title IX to require that colleges and universities provide all the resources needed to help pregnant students carry their pregnancies to term while continuing to thrive academically. 

January 17, 2024

The Honorable Ashley Hinson

Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District

1717 Longworth HOB

Washington, DC 20515-1502

Dear Congresswoman Hinson,

On behalf of the over 2.1 million members of AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, I am writing to express our strong support for The Pregnant Students’ Rights Act, H.R. 6914. This bill will provide pregnant students with background on their rights under Title 9.

According to the Workforce and Education Committee, almost 30 percent of abortions are performed for college-aged women. These women are oftentimes not aware of the protections that currently exist in the law and rush to terminate pregnancies due to fear of loss of scholarships and academic pressure. This bill simply requires universities to provide information about the rights of pregnant students at the start of each period of study via email and in orientation packets.

Requiring universities to provide information at orientation about pregnant students’ rights under Title 9 and educating students on how to file a Title 9 complaint with the Department of Education if these rights are violated are common sense policies that should be adopted by all universities across the country. Providing this information would afford young women the confidence and security to continue their pregnancies full-term without fear of compromising their academic or professional prospects.

AMAC Action supports providing women with all the resources needed to help them carry out a pregnancy to term while continuing to thrive academically. Thank you, Congresswoman Hinson, for prioritizing this important issue. We look forward to working with you to pass this bill through the House and into law.

Bob Carlstrom
President, AMAC Action

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anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

Should we not expect those young women to accept the responsibility for their irresponsibility ? It is not only a pregnancy but STDs as well They make a decision to engage in an adult activity but like kids expect someone else to clean up the mess Does not work that way in a real world Time to grow up and be responsible Time for the planned parenthood to promote safe sex and a little self respect instead of preying on ignorance and stupidity Abortion is not a birth control but a way to make a buck legally Sad sad sad that it thrives instead of being rare and far between

Walter P Jenkins
Walter P Jenkins
11 months ago

WELP, NO. I can’t support this bill at all. The trick is don’t get pregnant. Even a teen to adults knows spreading your legs and taking the seed is absolutely wrong. Of course, killing the baby is wrong too but giving the college aged gals a way out is promoting sin. Seems like to me we live in a modern age and there are many types of birth control. The family is already failing or most girls wouldn’t give up their most precious gift so easily. The church and families are failing these kids. Just like promoting LGBTQ which is wrong and sinful and now our country and many states are promoting it! The girls who get pregnant and have an abortion most suffer the consequences of taking a life. The other side is this, some children are so abused when young they will never become useful souls of society. WELP, I’ve changed my mind as two wrongs don’t make a right. Yes, help these girls. Actually, if the girl can attend college it means her family can support her new born, so let the family help her.

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