AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bill Protecting Kentucky Elections from Foreign Interference

Posted on Thursday, February 13, 2025
AMAC Action

This bill would ban the influence of foreign money in all primary, regular, and special elections in Kentucky including state ballot measures.

February 12, 2025

The Honorable Robert Stivers
Kentucky Senate President
702 Capital Avenue
Annex Room 236
Frankfort, KY 40601

Dear Senator Stivers,

On behalf of the over 2 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 26,400 who reside in Kentucky, I write to offer our support for House Bill 45, an act related to campaign finance.

It is unlikely that our Founding Fathers would have imagined that foreign influence in state elections would be remotely acceptable. They went so far as to prohibit states from making treaties and alliances with foreign nations, but when foreign contributions are allowed to influence state elections, there is a de facto, unconstitutional treaty between the contributor and the recipient, who then is obligated to represent foreign interests in state government. This cannot be tolerated.

HB 45 stands to prevent foreign influence in all primary, regular, and special elections in Kentucky. It
requires that foreign agents are substantially prohibited from contributing and subsequently influencing the outcome of candidate elections and political issue ballot measures. This bill also imposes requirements on communications to the public that inform citizens about who paid for political messages and contains provisions to protect lawful donors.

HB 45 was overwhelmingly passed in the Kentucky House recently, and we ask for your leadership to see
that it passes in the Senate. Thank you, Senator Stivers, for your support in keeping Kentucky’s elections fair and transparent.


Andrew J. Mangione Jr.
Senior Vice President
AMAC Action

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