AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Bill Promoting Veteran-Owned Businesses

Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2023
AMAC Action

This bipartisan bill continues the funding of the Boots to Business program which provides the necessary training and support for military service members and their spouses to create small businesses.


April 19, 2023

The Honorable Brad Schneider
10th District of Illinois
300 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Tammy Duckworth
Senator from Illinois
524 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Representative Schneider and Senator Duckworth,

On behalf of the over 2 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens I write to offer our support for H.R. 1606, the Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Act of 2023, and its Senate companion, S. 38.

As an organization comprised of many veterans of America’s armed forces, AMAC is vested in ensuring that veterans can transition successfully to civilian life and provide for themselves and their families. The Small Business Administration’s Boots to Business (B2B) program provides military servicemembers and their spouses with training and support that helps in the creation of small businesses but also in the transition from military to civilian life (Key Insights – 2021 National Survey of Military-Affiliated Entrepreneurs). Thankfully, this bill amends the Small Business Administration Act to authorize the B2B program through 2028.

The success of veteran entrepreneurial efforts is important not only for American veterans and their spouses but for the American economy. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), small firms (fewer than 500 employees) represent 99.7% of all employer firms in the United States and employ roughly half of U.S. workers (SBA Office of Advocacy – FAQ). Additionally, the SBA reports that veterans are twice as likely to start their own business compared to non-veterans. Finally, a report by the Institute of Veterans and Military Families found that “veterans are well equipped to be successful entrepreneurs, possessing many of the skills found in entrepreneurs, including a propensity for risk-taking. Reasons veterans want to become entrepreneurs include a desire to be creative, regain a sense of service, tackle a challenge, work with a team, and apply learned and developed skills.”

Thank you, Representative Schneider, and Senator Duckworth, for sponsoring bipartisan legislation to continue funding Boots to Business. This program has served over 21,000 servicemembers and their spouses and, if passed, will continue to offer important training and resources to the military community which will in turn, help boost the American economy. AMAC is pleased to offer our organization’s full support for H.R. 1606 and its Senate companion, S. 38.


Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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1 year ago

I think it would be more appropriate to include these “benefits” into the GI bill and it would also be appropriate to stop messing with and changing the GI Bill’s benefits or attaching the GI bill benefits to motives such as reenlistment. Every couple of years we seem to “adjust” the GI bill benefits – usually taking something away or limiting it; ie – GI Bill education benefits that we can share with our immediate family members. Also, there should not be a time limit. I earned them, they’re mine, you shouldn’t be able to take them away. So Amac if you really want to get involved in this arena do something that will help all of us.

1 year ago

There are many small companies that get behind on their taxes to the state and the federal and when the do there Original amount of tax usually become double the amount owed originally.
many times the companies are having a tough time keeping their business open and then the tax collectors show up and threaten the business if you don’t pay up where cGoing to close you up however you’re going to owe the amount you owe.
some of you say well they shouldn’t have gotten behind paying. However how many of you have gotten behind in paying your bills because of a mishap? There are many businesses that have gotten behind and closed up and think of the people who loved their jobs.
is this a good way to do business and put companies out of business. If a person owes a tax bill should the be forced to pay an exorbitant amount of money for punishment?
I believe it’s wrong.

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