H.R. 4074 addresses a segment of the Medicare Advantage demographic that are at a higher risk for chronic diseases due to social, economic, and environmental factors. They also could be Americans whose retirement incomes don’t meet the requirements for dual eligibility in both the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
August 16, 2021
The Honorable Gus Bilirakis
12th Congressional District of Florida
2354 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Bilirakis,
On behalf of the 2.36 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including over 8,800 residing in FL-12, I write to offer our support for H.R. 4074, the Addressing Social Determinants in Medicare Advantage Act.
Your bill addresses a segment of the Medicare Advantage demographic that are at a higher risk for chronic diseases due to social, economic, and environmental factors that influence quality of life and health. These beneficiaries may be Americans whose retirement incomes don’t meet the requirements for dual eligibility in both the Medicare and Medicaid programs and the subsequent expanded healthcare coverage and lower out-of-pocket expenses this eligibility affords.
H.R. 4074 would allow Medicare Advantage plans the flexibility to provide targeted supplemental benefits to low-income seniors and other beneficiaries who are at a higher risk for chronic diseases or experiencing poor health outcomes as effected by social determinants.
The Association of Mature American Citizens supports your efforts to improve the health of all Medicare Advantage beneficiaries. Your effort to focus on the additional factors that play a significant role in poor health outcomes for seniors is appreciated, and AMAC is pleased to offer our organization’s support for H.R. 4074, the Addressing Social Determinants in Medicare Advantage Act.
Bob Carlstrom
President, AMAC Action