AMAC in the Media

AMAC Signs the Great Barrington Declaration

Posted on Monday, November 30, 2020
Outside Contributor

declarationWe now know a great deal more about the coronavirus as we approach the one-year mark of the pandemic in the United States. We have been fortunate that President Trump removed the regulatory obstacles with his Operation Warp Speed initiative leading to the development of vaccines that are on the threshold of approval with more coming soon.

However, some state’s public policy has done more harm than good in attempting to slow the spread of the virus. Jay Bhattacharya, an M.D. – Ph. D from Stanford University recently discussed the results of studies he conducted that detail the accuracy of COVID-19 fatality rates, define the risk for the virus among different age groups, outline what he describes as the “deadliness of the lockdowns” and suggests a change in public policy.

He worked with two other distinguished epidemiologists to create the Great Barrington Declaration, a document that takes into account what we’ve learned from the lockdowns and recommends adopting compassionate measures designed to allow low-risk individuals to resume a normal life while taking a more focused approach to protect those who are at the greatest risk for COVID-19.

To date, nearly 50,000 medical practitioners and medical and public health scientists have signed the declaration worldwide along with over 664,000 concerned citizens who have also endorsed the document.  AMAC’s CEO Rebecca Weber has endorsed the declaration on behalf of our 2.3 million members.

Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with Dr. Bhattacharya’s study results and read the Great Barrington Declaration. It is a prudent strategy that is worthy of incorporating into public policy.

Sign the Great Barrington Declaration

A Sensible and Compassionate Anti-COVID Strategy

The following is adapted from a panel presentation on October 9, 2020, in Omaha, Nebraska, at a Hillsdale College Free Market Forum.

My goal today is, first, to present the facts about how deadly COVID-19 actually is; second, to present the facts about who is at risk from COVID; third, to present some facts about how deadly the widespread lockdowns have been; and fourth, to recommend a shift in public policy.

1. The COVID-19 Fatality Rate

In discussing the deadliness of COVID, we need to distinguish COVID cases from COVID infections. A lot of fear and confusion has resulted from failing to understand the difference.

We have heard much this year about the “case fatality rate” of COVID. In early March, the case fatality rate in the U.S. was roughly three percent—nearly three out of every hundred people who were identified as “cases” of COVID in early March died from it. Compare that to today, when the fatality rate of COVID is known to be less than one half of one percent.

In other words, when the World Health Organization said back in early March that three percent of people who get COVID die from it, they were wrong by at least one order of magnitude. The COVID fatality rate is much closer to 0.2 or 0.3 percent. The reason for the highly inaccurate early estimates is simple: in early March, we were not identifying most of the people who had been infected by COVID.

“Case fatality rate” is computed by dividing the number of deaths by the total number of confirmed cases. But to obtain an accurate COVID fatality rate, the number in the denominator should be the number of people who have been infected—the number of people who have actually had the disease—rather than the number of confirmed cases.

In March, only the small fraction of infected people who got sick and went to the hospital were identified as cases. But the majority of people who are infected by COVID have very mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. These people weren’t identified in the early days, which resulted in a highly misleading fatality rate. And that is what drove public policy. Even worse, it continues to sow fear and panic, because the perception of too many people about COVID is frozen in the misleading data from March.

So how do we get an accurate fatality rate? To use a technical term, we test for seroprevalence—in other words, we test to find out how many people have evidence in their bloodstream of having had COVID.

This is easy with some viruses. Anyone who has had chickenpox, for instance, still has that virus living in them—it stays in the body forever. COVID, on the other hand, like other coronaviruses, doesn’t stay in the body. Someone who is infected with COVID and then clears it will be immune from it, but it won’t still be living in them.

What we need to test for, then, are antibodies or other evidence that someone has had COVID. And even antibodies fade over time, so testing for them still results in an underestimate of total infections.

Seroprevalence is what I worked on in the early days of the epidemic. In April, I ran a series of studies, using antibody tests, to see how many people in California’s Santa Clara County, where I live, had been infected. At the time, there were about 1,000 COVID cases that had been identified in the county, but our antibody tests found that 50,000 people had been infected—i.e., there were 50 times more infections than identified cases. This was enormously important, because it meant that the fatality rate was not three percent, but closer to 0.2 percent; not three in 100, but two in 1,000.

When it came out, this Santa Clara study was controversial. But science is like that, and the way science tests controversial studies is to see if they can be replicated. And indeed, there are now 82 similar seroprevalence studies from around the world, and the median result of these 82 studies is a fatality rate of about 0.2 percent—exactly what we found in Santa Clara County.

In some places, of course, the fatality rate was higher: in New York City it was more like 0.5 percent. In other places it was lower: the rate in Idaho was 0.13 percent. What this variation shows is that the fatality rate is not simply a function of how deadly a virus is. It is also a function of who gets infected and of the quality of the health care system. In the early days of the virus, our health care systems managed COVID poorly. Part of this was due to ignorance: we pursued very aggressive treatments, for instance, such as the use of ventilators, that in retrospect might have been counterproductive. And part of it was due to negligence: in some places, we needlessly allowed a lot of people in nursing homes to get infected.

But the bottom line is that the COVID fatality rate is in the neighborhood of 0.2 percent.

2. Who Is at Risk?

The single most important fact about the COVID pandemic—in terms of deciding how to respond to it on both an individual and a governmental basis—is that it is not equally dangerous for everybody. This became clear very early on, but for some reason our public health messaging failed to get this fact out to the public.

It still seems to be a common perception that COVID is equally dangerous to everybody, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. There is a thousand-fold difference between the mortality rate in older people, 70 and up, and the mortality rate in children. In some sense, this is a great blessing. If it was a disease that killed children preferentially, I for one would react very differently. But the fact is that for young children, this disease is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. This year, in the United States, more children have died from the seasonal flu than from COVID by a factor of two or three.

Whereas COVID is not deadly for children, for older people it is much more deadly than the seasonal flu. If you look at studies worldwide, the COVID fatality rate for people 70 and up is about four percent—four in 100 among those 70 and older, as opposed to two in 1,000 in the overall population.

Again, this huge difference between the danger of COVID to the young and the danger of COVID to the old is the most important fact about the virus. Yet it has not been sufficiently emphasized in public health messaging or taken into account by most policymakers.

3. Deadliness of the Lockdowns

The widespread lockdowns that have been adopted in response to COVID are unprecedented—lockdowns have never before been tried as a method of disease control. Nor were these lockdowns part of the original plan. The initial rationale for lockdowns was that slowing the spread of the disease would prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. It became clear before long that this was not a worry: in the U.S. and in most of the world, hospitals were never at risk of being overwhelmed. Yet the lockdowns were kept in place, and this is turning out to have deadly effects.

Those who dare to talk about the tremendous economic harms that have followed from the lockdowns are accused of heartlessness. Economic considerations are nothing compared to saving lives, they are told. So I’m not going to talk about the economic effects—I’m going to talk about the deadly effects on health, beginning with the fact that the U.N. has estimated that 130 million additional people will starve this year as a result of the economic damage resulting from the lockdowns.

In the last 20 years we’ve lifted one billion people worldwide out of poverty. This year we are reversing that progress to the extent—it bears repeating—that an estimated 130 million more people will starve.

Another result of the lockdowns is that people stopped bringing their children in for immunizations against diseases like diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and polio, because they had been led to fear COVID more than they feared these more deadly diseases. This wasn’t only true in the U.S. Eighty million children worldwide are now at risk of these diseases. We had made substantial progress in slowing them down, but now they are going to come back.

Large numbers of Americans, even though they had cancer and needed chemotherapy, didn’t come in for treatment because they were more afraid of COVID than cancer. Others have skipped recommended cancer screenings. We’re going to see a rise in cancer and cancer death rates as a consequence. Indeed, this is already starting to show up in the data. We’re also going to see a higher number of deaths from diabetes due to people missing their diabetic monitoring.

Mental health problems are in a way the most shocking thing. In June of this year, a CDC survey found that one in four young adults between 18 and 24 had seriously considered suicide. Human beings are not, after all, designed to live alone. We’re meant to be in company with one another. It is unsurprising that the lockdowns have had the psychological effects that they’ve had, especially among young adults and children, who have been denied much-needed socialization.

In effect, what we’ve been doing is requiring young people to bear the burden of controlling a disease from which they face little to no risk. This is entirely backward from the right approach.

4. Where to Go from Here

Last week I met with two other epidemiologists—Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University and Dr. Martin Kulldorff of Harvard University—in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. The three of us come from very different disciplinary backgrounds and from very different parts of the political spectrum. Yet we had arrived at the same view—the view that the widespread lockdown policy has been a devastating public health mistake. In response, we wrote and issued the Great Barrington Declaration, which can be viewed—along with explanatory videos, answers to frequently asked questions, a list of co-signers, etc.—online at

The Declaration reads:

As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings, and deteriorating mental health—leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.

Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.

Fortunately, our understanding of the virus is growing. We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.

As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all—including the vulnerable—falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity—i.e., the point at which the rate of new infections is stable—and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity.

The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.

Adopting measures to protect the vulnerable should be the central aim of public health responses to COVID-19. By way of example, nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity and perform frequent PCR testing of other staff and all visitors. Staff rotation should be minimized. Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home. When possible, they should meet family members outside rather than inside. A comprehensive and detailed list of measures, including approaches to multi-generational households, can be implemented, and is well within the scope and capability of public health professionals.

Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sports, and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.


I should say something in conclusion about the idea of herd immunity, which some people mischaracterize as a strategy of letting people die. First, herd immunity is not a strategy—it is a biological fact that applies to most infectious diseases. Even when we come up with a vaccine, we will be relying on herd immunity as an end-point for this epidemic. The vaccine will help, but herd immunity is what will bring it to an end. And second, our strategy is not to let people die, but to protect the vulnerable. We know the people who are vulnerable, and we know the people who are not vulnerable. To continue to act as if we do not know these things makes no sense.

My final point is about science. When scientists have spoken up against the lockdown policy, there has been enormous pushback: “You’re endangering lives.” Science cannot operate in an environment like that. I don’t know all the answers to COVID; no one does. Science ought to be able to clarify the answers. But science can’t do its job in an environment where anyone who challenges the status quo gets shut down or cancelled.

To date, the Great Barrington Declaration has been signed by over 43,000 medical and public health scientists and medical practitioners. The Declaration thus does not represent a fringe view within the scientific community. This is a central part of the scientific debate, and it belongs in the debate. Members of the general public can also sign the Declaration.

Together, I think we can get on the other side of this pandemic. But we have to fight back. We’re at a place where our civilization is at risk, where the bonds that unite us are at risk of being torn. We shouldn’t be afraid. We should respond to the COVID virus rationally: protect the vulnerable, treat the people who get infected compassionately, develop a vaccine. And while doing these things we should bring back the civilization that we had so that the cure does not end up being worse than the disease. 

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Robert Healy
Robert Healy
3 years ago

I have just recently heard of the GBD and have signed on as a concerned citizen. I am very happy to see that AMAC supports this, cry in the wilderness, to come to one’s senses.

David Houser
David Houser
4 years ago

Having passed the age of 86, maintaining my immune system and continuing my relationship with the good Lord Jesus Christ I am ready for Covid or any other disease. The Barrington Declaration is an essential and appropriate statement for all of us to heed. I am continuing life as I had before Covid.

Mary Northan
Mary Northan
4 years ago

I thank God for President Trump! Because he was able to move mountains of regulations and he was able to get the vaccine developed in warp speed! .

4 years ago

test comment

Stephanie Slaubaugh
Stephanie Slaubaugh
4 years ago

Wonderful report! I’m tired of these stupid mandates & I never really go anywhere in good times lol. My biggest concern is school children who depend on school for food, meds, attention & intervention & seniors in nursing homes isolated from their loved ones & each other. I understand the risks but, as many of my “older” friends say…they’d rather risk it or at least have the choice to risk it than be lonely.

4 years ago

At the end of the article it states “Reprinted with Permission… …”;
is it necessary to obtain permission prior to sharing the info and petition with others?
Is copy/paste to email acceptable for sharing or is there a more preferred method?;
could/should this info go out over ‘Social’ media?

Thank you for all of your (collectively) – work and effort.
Unfortunately certain people in places of power have LOST ALL CREDIBILITY
(NOT ALL because of CV-19). Admittedly within weeks after ‘ChinObama-Virus’ was announced the writing on the wall became visible; with further reading/research and consulting with my medical-CARE-Provider, I too reached similar conclusion.
That and,

My health’care’ is CONFIDENTIAL and is between my Medical-‘Care’ provider and myself.
No other assistance is desired nor required!

4 years ago

This declaration is the answer. Let the people decide individually how much risk they are willing to take. We also need to be careful not to expose those at high risk. But almost all of us are willing to do this and will be responsible if given the chance. Schools are the worst problem. The social education is more important than the actual subjects, and this is where many of the kids get their only food of the day. Isn’t New Zealand doing this already?

Linda L Strouse
Linda L Strouse
4 years ago

I myself at 77 have never had the flu, covid19 and do not even catch colds….so I certainly think I must have my own immunities to most of these germs and virus. I have not worn a mask, nor hid from the world. I am a business owner and am in the public and seeing and conversing with my customers everyday. I am thoughtful of others that are among the scared and vulnerable. I try to maintain the 6 foot distance and when I pass someone in the isle I simply face the other way……with no mask. I hug friends and family, sometimes even strangers! When I am required to wear a mask inside a business I have an open weave( like fishnet stockings, that I wear…not one time have I been told it’s not allowed. I thought we lived in a country that allows freedom to make choices. My choice is to live my life and respect others to make their own decisions that are best for them.. I have made my choice….NO MASK

Len C.
Len C.
4 years ago

If I was to listen to the foolishness of locking myself down for the death risk of 2% for my age grouping (68 yrs young) it isn’t going to happen. If you want to live your life in fear stay home close the drapes and continue to listen to CNN’s bullsh*t.

4 years ago

The acceptance of the massive lock-downs foisted upon the public by mostly Democrat politicians is the result of years of mindless public education. A couple of generations of kids now look to the government to tell them what to do in exchange for the free stuff. They don’t have a true sense of history, how fragile freedom is, how unique the U.S. was in government by the people and for the people. They just can’t think rationally.

Albert G Witte
Albert G Witte
4 years ago

This should be a must read for everyone concerned!

Tommye D Robinson
Tommye D Robinson
4 years ago

Have these doctors made any attempt to communicate with the president’s Virus Task Force?
That is where this information is most likely to be most helpful.

Elga Schipane
Elga Schipane
4 years ago

I am a 69 year old female and my husband is 71. We both have health problems that put us at risk, but my husband would not be able to function if he was not allowed outside the home. He wears his mask as required, and constantly washes his hands. I do not go out as much, but thankfully am able to go to church and work in the parish office a few days of the week. I personally feel that the government leaders are aware of the situation that you have described, but it is to their advantage to keep people afraid and locked up.

4 years ago

This entire situation is just a political power grab. They (political establishment) have used the “emergency” to try to force us to accept their total control over our lives. I know the virus is real and poses risks, but the response is totally out of proportion. The mask mandates are mostly ineffective and only another step to get people used to accepting mandates. I speak after almost 30 years of annual training on masks, what they DO and what they DO NOT do. About the only thing they do is prevent a direct expulsion on water droplets when sneezing and/or coughing. But they do NOT stop the transfer of the actual virus. Kind of like placing chicken wire on your windows to keep out all pests. It will stop birds, most rodents, etc but does nothing against flies, mosquitos, snakes, lizards, etc.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
4 years ago

It’s about time something like this statement was shown to the public. I just signed this declaration, willingly. I agree with you regarding the lockdowns. I think they are unnecessary and should be removed. My grandkids can’t go to (high) school for this reason. I, for one, refuse to panic. I just use the common sense God gave me and go on my merry way. I won’t even go into the mental hardships this lockdown causes!

Darby Whittier
Darby Whittier
4 years ago

Yes! We were wondering if AMAC truly believed in freedom and conservative values, but we were very pleased to see you signing onto freedom and sanity.

Nana 6
Nana 6
4 years ago

I agree. I am 75 years young and a retired nurse at age 71. Worked at many institutions and lastly at a long term facility of 400 clients. This is a great article and I wish to share with my children. Don’t know how to do this though. Have been through many flu seasons without contracting flu. Even H1N1. I have 3 health problems and remain healthy. Still go shopping once a week for mental health reasons, excersize, and take precautions necessary. We are social creatures in need of social contact. I live in Minnesota with a liberal governor who is a socialist/Communist and has brought our society to a halt damaging our physical and mental health. If I contract this disease so be it. I pray I don’t but life has no guarantees. More likely to die of my health problems. Haven’t heard much about China lately. Media covering it up? So glad there are many scientists working on this! Soros and Blumberg along with greater than the 10 in Congress are no longer hiding. Winston Churchill spoke of fear: “the only thing to fear is fear itself”. God bless and protect you all.

Lucia Teinert
Lucia Teinert
4 years ago

I totally agree with this document. I refuse to live in fear and under the control of government health mandates. The country should be completely opened back up and the public free to use their own common sense in regard to their health.

Stephen Lykins
Stephen Lykins
4 years ago

The problem with allowing low risk individuals to go about their lives more or less as normal is the highly contagious nature of the disease regardless of symptoms or even illness. The children might not get sick at school but they MAY become carriers and bring the disease home to their parents and other family members who may have very high risk. That child is in for DECADES of therapy if they inadvertently cause the death of a loved one. mThis article as well as ALL the other articles and studies I have seen FAILS to address this side of the equation!

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Unless you are already sick with something else, the chance of dying “of” COVID is nearly ZERO! Phony figures saying people died “with” COVID are meaningless. I might die “with” a broken foot but not BY a broken foot!

4 years ago

I am 65, had covid and all it was for me was about 10 days of feeling tired and not much of an appetite – yes, I am healthy otherwise but I will take covid over the flu any day at this point – stay well my friends

4 years ago

More sense than anything that I’ve heard from anybody else. Let’s get this done.

4 years ago

Most of us are aware of which political party wants to “lock us all down”, regardless of the minimal risk to the majority of people. While many of us were focusing on “the pandemic” this election year, thanks to constant fear mongering by the media day in and day out, the dems were hard at work planning how biden and democrats in several states could “win” their respective elections! Thanks to our apathy, it seems to have worked (so far).

janice epstein
janice epstein
4 years ago

very good article

K. Martin
K. Martin
4 years ago

Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home.” — Can’t agree with this, so will not sign.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

The only threat from chinaflu is the LIES and corrupt voting practices of the socialist/dems, the purpose of this pandemic was to help china get thier puppets back in power, the only reason to close houses of worship is to prevent people from realizing that nothing happens, most of the reported deaths were caused by pre-existing conditions, gov. coma sent chinaflu to the nursing homes to create a scare, oh my!! the pandemic is real! these socialist/dems murder millions of babies, do you seriously think they have no quams about killing off thousands of seniors to help them steal this election?
I want to know why hundreds of millions of dollars keeps getting spent on investigating the crimes of these traitors and

4 years ago

The Gates Foundation is the 2nd largest donor to the World Health Organization, so of course they will take his side when it comes to saying the vaccines are “safe”. Like the old saying “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you”. The Foundation was set up after Bill Gates was run out of India for supplying vaccines that harmed or killed children over there. If the vaccine is so safe then the politicians should be the first to get the vaccine, if they die then the country is safe!!!

4 years ago

71 yrs, retired RN, signed this important document. Have continued to do shopping, errands, and occasional lunches with friend.
This is a terrible virus but do not trust the fear mongering. Treat it with the same caution as the flu. Wash hands, stay home if sick, don’t get in people’s faces. No more lockdowns!!!

4 years ago

Without thinking I’m nuts, please everyone do not accept the vaccine. This contains new ingredients that have never been injected into people ever before. Professor Brian Peskin has said that this frightens him to death because never before has there been a vaccine that will change human RNA permanently. Read Revelation 13 and 14 It says that without the mark (which could be what is done to us to “prove” we’ve been vaccinated) we’ll be unable to buy or sell. Airlines are already saying we can’t fly without proof. And now businesses are saying we can’t shop or enter the stores without proof. Check out alternative doctors’ sites to confirm that what I’ve said is true. There’s much more to this. It’s not for our safety. And what else could be required that is worldwide?

4 years ago

The key here is to not allow the government to become the authoritarian rule of thought because “certain” people don’t trust intelligent citizens to do the right thing. Granted we do have inadequate healthcare in medical services in areas that service the mostly poor regions, but that fault lies with that local government putting emphasis on taking care of the rich over everyone, because money always takes precedence over fairness. If anything this has been put forth as the biggest problem in a public health situation. Will we see fairness in the upcoming years, I highly doubt it? Even though I fall by age into a high risk group, I am not getting on a line to get this vaccine, until I see those with the biggest critical mouths get theirs and get their constituents vaccinated and do it without forcing me to pay for that expense. If this is such a critical public health crisis, none of us should have any higher cost than the same cost for a flu shot.

William Jensvold
William Jensvold
4 years ago

Right on. I will be 80 soon and believe this is the way to go!

4 years ago

I feel like I am living in an idiocracy.

Donald Lajoie
Donald Lajoie
4 years ago

I read the Imprimis article and it was most interesting. Dr. Jay was very precise in what he wanted to talk about and backed it with mounds of research. An excellent article.

Biden - MAO More Than Ever!
Biden - MAO More Than Ever!
4 years ago

Economic destruction? Elderly (unproductive) people dying? Government bullying and terrifying people into submission? Allowing ourselves to be driven into the “welcoming” arms of One World Government? I can see the powers that be behind the progressive movement considering these developments, sitting back in their plush desk chairs, putting their feet up onto the desk, crossing their hands atop their amply fed stomachs, sighing with satisfaction as they mumble, “Don’tcha just love it when a plan comes together?”

And I have to add, this may be the best, most informative article ever posted on this site. I’m an unabashed critic of some of the stuff I see here, but this article truly is the real deal. Thank you AMAC!

Paul Richardson
Paul Richardson
4 years ago

For the healthy population which is practically everyone under 65 years of age and does not have an underlying health issue should participate in a national COVID-19 Party and ultimately reach the 70% threshold of herd immunity. Let me explain…OK a little tongue and cheek for the following thought.

I seem to remember that the guests on Princes Cruise Line that were quarantined in Japan after the initial outbreak of C-19 earlier this year came away quite well.
There were 3,700 passengers on board and after the quarantine there were 13 deaths or .00378. Think about the close quarters on a cruise ship and that many of the passengers were older( I’m guessing at that older passenger aspect). Compare the .00378 on the Prince Cruise Line with the current CDC rate of .0008 or 82 deaths per 1000,000.( I checked these numbers today on the CDC website).

I’m not being cavalier when I say locking down a society and killing business is worse than the disease.

Since, America has been locked down and then unlocked and locked down again over this past year we could have had laboratory tests aboard ” The COVID-19 PARTY BOATS” and experiment with various treatments. Everything from no treatment to all available medical treatments available.

I think that many of our citizens would love to participate in a C-19 study. Just think, you get to go on a cruise and get paid or stay home and isolate every time there is an outbreak and get depressed.

Meanwhile the scientists/medical community could formulate a plan based on the results from the many “Laboratory Party Boats”.

The whole idea is to get this behind us “ASPS”. I really like the sensible approach that is offered by the authors of the above declaration.

I’m 66 and prone to respiratory conditions,having been hospitalized with pneumonia and so I don’t take it lightly, nor do I want live in a locked down society.

Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
4 years ago

I am nearly 73 years old, will sign this declaration and have been trying to tell everyone I know this same information for approximately five months. I read a lot and came to that conclusion. I am so pleased that scientists have done the actual work & come to that same conclusion. Mine was gut reaction to what I read, but it made sense. Thank you for thus information and U will share it with everyone I know. God bless you all!

4 years ago

AMEN! I think this is common sense and needed now!

Ginger Lymbery
Ginger Lymbery
4 years ago

When the CURE becomes worse than the disease, it is time for a change. America grows tired of wearing uncomfortable masks, not being able to visit loved ones in the hospital, not being able to have people attend funerals, loved ones dying in the hospital alone without their families, not being able to visit your loved ones in the nursing homes, being locked in their own homes like criminals, having their small business that has their entire livelihood at stake being declared non-essential (it is very essential to the owners), completely dumping our economy in the dirt…I know Covid is bad, my kids and grand kids have had it and all were sick about 10 days and are over it….but the covid vaccine I am afraid of because it is using genetically modified RNA which will rewrite your genetic code (DNA) and once it is in you, it will never leave and there are lots of questions as to what happens to you in the future….think genetically modified food and seeds….the people shot Monsato down over that where they had to print it on their food that it was genetically modified….do you want your body to be genetically modified? Especially stay away from the Pfizer (Bill Gates) vaccine.

4 years ago

China won. The democrats helped the enemy again.

4 years ago

Open back up our nation. This lock down is nothing but a power grab by the lying democrats!

Steven Anderson
Steven Anderson
4 years ago

I signed this well over a month ago. The media has mostly dismissed this. Keep up the good work.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Great info!

Art A
Art A
4 years ago


4 years ago

Just basic common sense..

4 years ago

How long since our huge pharmaceutical companies have come up with a cure? There is more money in treatments.

4 years ago

This is what hundreds of thousands, physicians, scientists, and health care workers have been saying, and thank God and Pres. Trump the covid vaccine is on it’s way. The Socialist/Communist strategy was to weaken America. A Communist Chinese leader said, they intend to have domination of America by 2027. The Biden/Harris team have cooperated greatly with the Communist Party. Marxist Kamala Harris & Islamist, Socialist Obama have praised the Marxist BLM co founders, Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza, in a strategy, with the help of the Squad to pass the Breathe Bill. That is to defund the police, the border patrol and military to weaken America. Socialist Democrat domination in our government, the Black Panther Party, with their 10 point government guarantee, Socialist agenda,in our education, and the Marxist BLM and Nation of Islam governing our streets, they think they will have control. The election has been shown to be fraud, with Soros at the head with Dominion Voting Machines with a math algorithm glitch to switch votes from Pres. Trump to Biden. Pelosi’s former chief of staff, pushed to get these machines, associated with Venezuelan creators in 28 states. Two hundred affadavits verify ballots were fraudulent, also.

John Wesley
John Wesley
4 years ago

Our Elites have destroyed the American civilization with the “idea” of this virus. If the political forces are allowed to change in the way that the MSM is pushing, America is no going to recover. What other resources are exposing this article? Even if ALL the AMAC members read, believed, and forwarded around the world, still only a small percentage of the population would be exposed to this truth. My observations, from the beginning have duplicated these studies, and I have been ignored. At least, I feel better now.

David B.
David B.
4 years ago

We are witnessing one of the most cleverly-disguised Greatest Cons of all time! As we sit at home clutching our collective pearls, thinking the medical experts have our best interests in mind, there are subversive elements out there that have used this to (a) steal the Election,(b) reduce our Liberties,(c) hurt the Economy(Trump), and (d) make us all afraid to be near each other(paranoia). What will it take to reverse this? I can think of at least one thing…

Jana Albany
Jana Albany
4 years ago

Very informative article in comparison to the media reports. Isolation breaks one’s Spirit. Compassion and common sense will help more in lieu of total lockdowns

4 years ago

I have already signed it and sent around the link to others – I suggest each member do the same. I have an MS in Biochemical Genetics, have worked with some nasty bugs and can tell you that what we’ve done here has destroyed so many people’s lives. The numbers are cooked to make us accept authoritarian rule – the “new normal.” Politicians love this power and ignore the idea that we should protect the people most likely to die from this disease, but not everyone else. At 66, I’m happy to get it and be over it – I’m in great health. But my father died this year, not from Wu-Flu, but from loneliness as he was isolated (and protected) in his senior living home.

Rik is right. This was a plot to increase power without going through our Constitutional processes. Let’s start referring to this as the “new abnormal.” New normal is part of the plot to make people think we have to live like this forever. We may need to have another Civil War to wrest our country back, but I’m up for it. Who’s with me?

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