AMAC Action has been working for years to address the middleman money in the outpatient prescription drug supply chain. Why? Because the prices Americans pay for prescriptions are high in part due to middleman profiteering.
AMAC has lobbied Members of Congress and the Trump Administration on our own and in alliance with a coalition of physician and patient advocates to detail how these rebate relationships negatively impact the list cost of prescription drugs.
President Trump signed four Executive Orders on July 24th and one in particular will have a huge impact on the cost of prescription drugs for America’s seniors. He resurrected a policy involving the rebates pharmacy benefit managers (PBM) receive from drug manufacturers that his Administration considered last year.
His new Executive Order compels PBMs to share the approximately $30 billion they receive from pharmaceutical companies for Part D drugs with Medicare beneficiaries at the pharmacy counter to lower out-of-pocket medication expenses for seniors. The President said his Executive Order will result in a 30 percent reduction in drug costs for seniors.
AMAC members have consistently voiced their concern over the price they pay for prescription drugs. We have heard from many members who relate how the high cost of their medicines puts financial stress on them to cover life’s other expenses during their retirement years.
It is also worth noting that AMAC has been the only national member benefits organization representing millions of seniors whose advocacy affiliate is steadily highlighting the problems with these drug middleman-manufacturer relationships on Capitol Hill. The actions taken by President Trump and AMAC bring a healthy dose of reform to these relationships. They represent another kept promise to mature Americans by the Trump Administration and a perceptible step forward towards responsive health care reform that America’s seniors deserve.
Andrew Mangione is Senior Vice President for AMAC’s advocacy affiliate, AMAC Action. He leads AMAC’s grassroots efforts, represents AMAC’s membership in Washington, D.C., and helps chart the association’s policy course. He also serves as a national spokesperson.
Drug pricing reform is long past due. President Trump is to be congratulated for his steadfast dedication to helping America’s seniors (and many others through a combination of policy initiatives like his recent Executive Order regarding expanded access to Telehealth services). I’ve said this before but it needs to be repeated and reinforced: No senior should ever have to face the cruel choice between buying needed prescription drugs or buying food. That is unconscionable in the wealthiest nation in the world.
We seniors have waited long time for better prices on meds. Thanks Mr. President.
Curious as to how much of this “rebate” is subsidized by the American tax payer? if this is so, we R stealing from Peter to pay Paul. Nothing with a monetary surrounding is “free”!!
Murf Appling
Germantown, TN
Thank you AMAC for standing up for us and a big thank you to President Trump for making this happen. Lowering drug prices will definitely help our finances when so many of us are on medications that are needed for the rest of our lives.
Thank you AMAC for keeping this issue in front of President Trump!
Great work! Now go after the states that tax our SS benefits and please address the sweet deals congress gives themselves on healh care etc. There is no reason they should be on choice plans for life! Live like the rest of us.
Will you lobby for Hydroxychloroquine to be made available over the counter, as it is in other countries? Government reps, journalists, and Hollywood are all taking it, as was exposed by a video, taken down now, on Twitter, by Doctor’s.
We deserve it too. It’s cheap, and will allow us to return to normal life.
I just got a mailer from Katie Porter who is a California congresswoman stating that she voted to reduce the prescription drug prices and to lower costs for seniors by capping Medicare beneficiaries out-of-pocket drug cost. Yet, here is directly an article from AMAC that her claim. Katie Porter is so fake. She is claiming to vote for something that her party refuses to vote with the POTUS because it is Donald Trump. So, what did our President do, he signed an Executive Order instead of delaying this type of issues that helps the Seniors. But, Katie Porter claiming she is part of it? I am not surprised. She is a usual lying Democrat.
Thank you again, President Trump!
Years ago when y’all were starting, my husband and myself had our supplemental insurance through AARP. I was able to get other through your organization, however my husband couldn’t and had no choice but to stay with AARP. They have upped his to $300/mo now. We have just gotten him back into the VA system and hope to cancel this highway robbery, though he would lose some very good doctors in doing this. Just can’t afford to keep his Supplemental at that price!
I wonder how long it will take for the cockroaches to find a way around this and stick it to us again.
I had bad health from the time I was a toddler. Convulsions, nose bleeds, anemia, flu each year that took weeks from whicn to recover, sleep paralysis, PVCs, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, fibromyalgia, low aldosterone (adrenal insufficiency), etc. I got little satisfaction from the medical community. To make a short statement, as an RN, I was able to do a lot of my own research. I’m 8 decades and don’t take any Rx’s. I take good quality multi vitamins, magnesium, calcium, and a number of other supplements as seen in Life Extension magazine. A lot of people could do better without drugs.
When will we see the lower prices?
Thanks for all you do, AMAC. Please continue the fight with Pres.Trump to get drug prices lowered to where they are affordable for all seniors. Hopefully under Pres. Trump’s Adm. we will see Medicare negotiate Drug Prices for seniors.
Thank you! It is about dog gone time!! No reason to have a middle man and no reason for CEOs to have an 8 numbered salary along with a high benefit package!!
A positive story , congratulations ! No story about Commies , Uncle Joe and his gang . No woke violent Americans .
when are we going to put the brakes on china . we need to make our own snake oil at home. who knows whats in those pills’
Another good thing that the Trumpster has done in less than 4 years and I hope he wins in a landslide this November and the country does not haveto deal with a stooge like Biden and his slop dogs Pelosi and Schumer////
Great news. I have been on a very expensive anti-coagulant for 4 years. Every year I pay hundreds of dollars out of pocket once I fall in the “donut hole” in September. Thanks for making a dent in this.
Does anyone know if this has to be passed by congress? I read a post on Facebook the other day, that said it’s not a done deal. I hope it was wrong
This is great news! I’m not retired yet but do have to take some prescription medications for a condition in which there is no cure. I have been sacking away savings into retirement accounts so I can cover the cost of all this when I retire. This news will help me when I get there! Maybe now I won’t be a bag lady on the street!
This I have to see to believe. Does this mean that if we have a co. plan that uses Express Scripts or CVS; part of their kickback will come to us and they will raise their prices so that we break even???? or worse???? We know if they are going to LOOSE money, they will make it up somehow.
For all of that time we have been paying for subsidized prescriptions for people in other countries while our own citizens suffered. Thank God for President Trump exposing this and fixing it.
I am hoping this will reduce the cost of a med that costs me $300+ for a three month supply. Totally out of control. Thank you President Trump as you continue to work for the good of America. Thank you AMAC – I, too, have dumped AARP to come this direction.
I hope this works for the drug my husband takes (multaq) for afib. If he falls into the medicare donut hole it could cost $700 a month!
I thank God for AMAC! So glad I found out about you when I did, wasted years with AARP
I’ve been taking Enbrel, (Tier 5 Specialty medication) for 10 years. When I retire on Medicare, I will not be able to afford to pay one third of $3300.00 p/mo to continue using it. I’m hoping that the cost of specialty medications will come down also.
AARP ?dumped them when AMAC was just starting. BEST decision I’ve ever made concerning who represents my wife and I in our retirement.
Keep up the good work
If we really want to slice into drug costs, the next step must be to allow Medicare (the CMS) to negotiate drug prices with the drug manufacturers.
Our out of pocket drug expenses have gone up significantly just this year! Some change to Medicare according to the Pharmacy.
A 30% saving would help us significantly!!!!
Careful….lower profits mean less supply…..less supply….less … why can’t I get that anymore?
I just refilled a prescription, through the PBM my former company has me use. This year it is $90 for a three month supply. Last year that same three month supply cost me $20. Luckily for me, I can afford this but if costs keep rising at over 400% per prescription it sill become a problem. I will be very interested in seeing the price the next time I renew.
This why I joined AMAC and told AARP to pound sand!
I am not sure that I think the federal government should be telling companies to lower their profits
The free market works.
If people want lower prices they must shop for them. Competition rather than government mandates is always best .
“…the prices Americans pay for prescriptions are high due to middleman profiteering.” Wait a minute – isn’t that called “capitalism”?
Thanks for your help. As a senior I appreciate it!!! I only take one medicine at present but that can change quickly!!
Fantastic AMAC! This is why I joined YOU!
I just received a prescription that cost only 24 percent of what I paid 90 days ago. I will save $1,000+ for the year. Thanks to the lobbying efforts from groups like AMAC and President Trump’s push, that is a meaningful savings for my family and other families in America.
Unless the Democrats win in November and do away with it, you know they will never let Our President win anything.
My wife will appreciate one of the things especially since she is a diabetic and needs insulin to survive.
There are too many people out there that believe AARP is the ONLY choice for them, I was one!
Thank you for your continued dedication to taking care of us seniors! God bless ✝️
Apply to organic & OTC RX A-Z & CBD , medical marijuana.
CUT HC costs A-Z.
Fantastic! Our drug costs are out of control and excessive. Totally crazy, bordering criminal.
good work AMAC‼️
Moving in the direction of a real affordable care act.
Moving in the direction of a real affordable care act.