AMAC in the Media

AMAC Joins Groundswell of Support for the SAVE Act

Posted on Monday, May 20, 2024
AMAC Action
Voting Rights and Constitution. Voting Rights text on United States Constitution

Being a citizen guarantees certain rights and one of the most important is the right to vote and decide on who will represent your community in the halls of the federal government.

May 17, 2024

The Honorable Mike Johnson
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
H-232, The U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20515

Republican Leader Mitch McConnell
Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Speaker Johnson and Republican Leader McConnell:

Immediately after taking office, President Biden opened our southern border. As a result, as many as 10 million illegal aliens have entered the country. It is unlawful for non citizens to vote, but there is currently no mechanism to enforce this law. This is why we write to express our strong support for the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act.

Secure elections are the cornerstone of our republic. If the American people don’t have confidence in the system—or think that non-citizens will cancel out their ballot—they won’t vote. Americans will be more engaged if they have confidence in the process and result of elections, and that engagement is essential for our constitutional republic to work.

Yet Americans are understandably concerned about the security of their elections. Allowing millions of non-citizens to enter the country without expressly prohibiting them from registering to vote brings up a valid and reasonable concern especially since there are more and more reports of illegal aliens suspected of being agents of foreign governments and career criminals.

Current law makes it illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections, but there is no mechanism to enforce it. As a result, a non-citizen can visit any local DMV—where every state provides driver’s licenses to non-citizens—attest to citizenship, register to vote, and then cast an illegal ballot in a federal election. The SAVE Act would amend the National Voter Registration Act to require that states obtain documentary proof of citizenship when registering people to vote in federal elections. It also requires states to establish a process for removing non-citizens from voter rolls and adds federal penalties for individuals who knowingly register a non-citizen to vote in a federal election.

Being a citizen means something—it’s a gift, a duty, and a privilege. It also guarantees certain rights, and one of the most important is the right to vote and decide on who will represent your community in the halls of the federal government. Allowing anyone to vote, even non-citizens, dilutes the power of citizens’ votes—this is a harmful and morally wrong message to send to the American people. This legislation should have unanimous support—the only reason to oppose this simple bill is tacit support of ,non-citizens voting in federal elections.

Congress has the role of setting terms for federal election and protecting the privilege of citizenship. In other words, it is your duty to make sure the votes of every legal citizen count and that election results aren’t influenced by non-citizens. The American people are counting on you to support the SAVE Act and ensure security in our federal elections.


Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action

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6 months ago

Nov. 2024 will be here before we know it . Let the speaker of the house know how we feel about this. And your representatives.

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