AMAC in the Media

AMAC Joins Coalition in Support of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court

Posted on Wednesday, October 14, 2020
The Association of Mature American Citizens
Photo by: Rachel Malehorn

We believe that a Supreme Court Justice must follow the Constitution and not infuse personal beliefs to create laws.

The Honorable Lindsey Graham
Committee on the Judiciary
United States Senate
290 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
Ranking Member
Committee on the Judiciary
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Members of the U.S. Senate and the Senate Committee on the Judiciary:

We, the undersigned, write to offer our full support for the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court. It is not often that such a broad community of stakeholders, representing free-market, family, faith, education, business, and judicial interests comes together to speak with a clear and singular voice. Now is such a time. Because of the judicial philosophy she embraces, the confirmation of Judge Barrett is of critical importance both to our country and to future generations of Americans.

We believe a judiciary that rules based on the plain text of the Constitution and the law is essential to preserve the functioning of our governmental and social institutions. Judges who inject their own policy views into their decisions are not upholding the rule of law—they are creating new laws. We elect you, our senators, to do that. Judges have no legitimate hand in such business.

After a careful and thorough review of Judge Barrett’s work as a law professor, scholar, and Seventh Circuit judge, we firmly believe she possesses the judicial temperament and philosophy necessary to act as a bulwark for our Constitution and institutions of government. Specifically, we trust Judge Barrett, if confirmed to the Supreme Court, will:

• Respect the Constitution
• Protect our freedoms
• Defend the separation of powers
• Interpret the law as written
• Not legislate from the bench

We therefore ask the members of the Judiciary Committee to favorably report Judge Barrett’s nomination to the Senate Floor. Likewise, we urge each senator to vote to confirm this highly qualified judge to the Supreme Court.

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Three Point Paper
Three Point Paper
4 years ago

Greetings One and All,

My message to Judge Amy Barrett is as follows:

Your Honor (Judge Barrett); This American Born Patriot Citizen, Tax Paying Voter, Husband, Dad and Grand Dad, is a career retired U.S. Marine..

It is my considered opinion your Honor, that your Nomination (Most Deserving By The Way), and; Your attendance of the Judiciary Committee’s hearings, Had all been played well by yourself Judge Barrett..

The liberal side of the hearing committee, simply did not have the juice to spoil your appearance during the hearings, period! The liberals simply did not have the vigor to prevent your nomination from happening to begin with either!.

So please your Honor; Do move forward here, as you have always moved forward during your career in the legal arena within Our Country, Our Nation, Our America..

You have done exceptional well during the hearings, despite what the liberals attempted to do to you Judge Barrett..

We Marines all know, storming the beach is not easy. However, after the storming of the beach is done, and the beach head is established, we Marines move inland and cease advance naval bases and air fields, so that the overall objectives of our mission are realized to the fullest..

This is what you have done here your Honor. So please, be exceptionally proud of your accomplishments here Judge Barrett..




To GOD, to our COUNTRY, and to the CORPS”

Three Point Paper
Three Point Paper
4 years ago

Greetings One and All,

My message to Judge Amy Barrett is as follows:

Your Honor (Judge Barrett); This American Born Patriot Citizen, Tax Paying Voter, Husband, Dad and Grand Dad, is a career retired U.S. Marine..

It is my considered opinion your Honor, that your Nomination (Most Deserving By The Way), and; Your attendance of the Judiciary Committee’s hearings, Had all been played well by yourself Judge Barrett..

The liberal side of the hearing committee, simply did not have the juice to spoil your appearance during the hearings, period! The liberals simply did not have the vigor to prevent your nomination from happening to begin with either!.

So please your Honor; Do move forward here, as you have always moved forward during your career in the legal arena within Our Country, Our Nation, Our America..

You have done exceptional well during the hearings, despite what the liberals attempted to do to you Judge Barrett..

We Marines all know, storming the beach is not easy. However, after the storming of the beach is done, and the beach head is established, we Marines move inland and cease advance naval bases and air fields, so that the overall objectives of our mission are realized to the fullest..

This is what you have done here your Honor. So please, be exceptionally proud of your accomplishments here Judge Barrett..




To GOD, to our COUNTRY, and to the CORPS”

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