AMAC in the Media

AMAC in Action Update – April 12, 2021

Posted on Monday, April 12, 2021
AMAC Action

Advocates in Action:

March 30th – A brand new Chapter Launched in Illinois’ 18th Congressional District led by Chapter Leader David Zalar. This was AMAC Action’s first “Hybrid” Chapter Meeting, where attendees could participate in person and virtually. Seventy-four very engaged AMAC members participated in what we hope to be the first of many meetings.….off to a fabulous start!

L-R: Chapter Leader David Zalar
IL-08 Chapter Meeting in-person participants

AMAC Calls-to-Action:

State Get Involved Campaign – Advocacy Recruiting Continues:

April 5th: Invitations to Get Involved were sent to AMAC members in Colorado and Wisconsin. So far, 171 members in Colorado and 138 members in Wisconsin have clicked the link to learn more about getting involved in AMAC Action Advocacy either as a Delegate, Chapter Leader, or Chapter member.

Arizona Election Reform Campaign:

The Arizona State Legislature is currently considering election reform legislation that would:

  • Expand voter identification for mail-in ballots
  • Strengthen efforts to clean up Arizona’s voter rolls
  • Remove the influence of politically driven groups’ private money from the Arizona election process

So far, 6,750 emails have been sent by Arizona AMAC members to Arizona Senators and Representatives to tell them to vote to secure the integrity of Arizona’s elections. This campaign has already had success as one of the election integrity bills, H.B. 2569, has passed the Arizona Legislature and was transmitted to Governor Doug Ducey for his signature.

Ongoing H.R. 1 / S. 1 Opposition Campaign Update: AMAC Action has engaged the membership-at-large to contact their Senator to urge them to vote NO on the deceptively named For the People Act. This legislation is a federal takeover of the election process, would weaken the security of future elections, and is an attack on the First Amendment! AMAC Action sent a third email blast recently focusing on Democrats in Arizona, California, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, and West Virginia. To date, over 145,200 emails have been sent by AMAC members to their Senators urging them to vote NO!

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Bob Berns
Bob Berns
3 years ago

I would love to hear more about WI chapter activity.

Bob Berns
Bob Berns
3 years ago

I would love to hear more about WI chapter activity.

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