This bill strengthens election integrity in Iowa by bringing accountability and guidance to the voting process.
March 15, 2021
The Honorable Kim Reynolds
Governor of Iowa
State Capitol
1007 East Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50319
Dear Governor Reynolds,
On behalf of the 2.34 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including nearly 25,000 who reside in the state of Iowa, I write to offer our congratulations for your signing of legislation to reform elections, Senate File 413.
AMAC members have voiced their concern regarding the allegations of fraud in last November’s election and have placed election integrity at the top of our legislative priorities. Your law addresses our members’ concerns.
Among other provisions, the legislation ensures absentee ballots must arrive by close of polls in order to be counted and prohibits county officials from sending absentee ballots to people who did not request them. It also holds county auditors accountable for obeying state law and guidance.
Thank you, Governor Reynolds, for your leadership in strengthening the integrity of Iowa’s elections. We are working to make certain other states follow Iowa’s lead on election reform and are pleased to offer our association’s full support for your efforts on this issue.
Bob Carlstrom
President, AMAC Action