AMAC in the Media

AMAC CEO to Testify Before Congress on Behalf of America’s Seniors

Posted on Friday, November 18, 2022
The Association of Mature American Citizens

The Association of Mature American Citizens – AMAC is pleased to announce that Chief Executive Officer, Rebecca Weber, has been invited to testify before Congress at a Senate Special Committee on Aging hearing to be held in the Villages, Florida on Monday, November 21st.

Committee member Senator Rick Scott (FL) invited Ms. Weber to testify on behalf of AMAC’s 2.2 million members regarding how Biden Administration policies impact seniors. Ms. Weber’s testimony is expected to include the looming insolvency of Social Security, the effect the Inflation Reduction Act will have on American life expectancy, and the consequences of record-high inflation on seniors’ savings and fixed incomes.

The hearing begins at 9:30 AM ET on November 21st and will be livestreamed at that time on, as well as the Committee website:

Contact: Alyssa Lopresti, [email protected]

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2 years ago

I would to see addressed the taxation on retirement income changed to consider that using $25,000/year is the cutoff maximum before taxation occurs on Social Security benefits which makes it possible to tax those benefits. That maximum should be raised to the current version 2022of the 1985 base and adjusted accordingly so that less retirement income is taxed. Also since the Secure Act delays RMDs to age 72, then the taxation should also be adjusted to not overtax those RMDs as intended by the Biden administration. The majority of seniors do not have high savings in 401s accounts despite the illusions being presented. Direct questions to lower taxation on any and all retirement income.

Sharon Essex-Stevens
Sharon Essex-Stevens
2 years ago

So happy to have someone considering the effect of the bills pasted that have big conveniences on Seniors. Another one is the money that has been taken away, at times, through the years is the Medicare and Social Security allocated money, to use on other things and they do not return the money to the place they took it from, Medicare and Social Security. We are running out of money to take care of seniors and yet we put into it.

David Naughton
David Naughton
2 years ago

I’m not holding my breath that anything positive will come of this. Don’t forget, it’s a lame duck Congress right now. But, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Good luck and Godspeed.

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
2 years ago

Ms Weber, please remind those clueless ( fill in your favorite derogatory name here ) that they have a VERY limited chance to correct some of the outright abuses, corruption and just plain old treasonous actions of the past several years.
Somehow I very much DOUBT Mccarthy is going to be anything other than a RINO shill.
All things considered, I am NOT all that hopeful. PROVE ME WRONG!
Ms Weber, please pass that message on. Thank you.

Oh yea, fjb etc etc

Cliff iIglodan
Cliff iIglodan
2 years ago

This hearing is important for us Seniors that are on a fixed income. The ability to afford gas and buy groceries are challenging due to the increase in prices. I hope that Social Security will never die since I depend on that to live. The increase in Social Security next year will be of no consequence since prices for everything is higher. Us Seniors never get a break. I hope that the hearing addresses all these concerns.

Noel Edwards
Noel Edwards
2 years ago

It would be a great idea for the government to pay back the “loans” they stole from the social security trust. Also somehow the government needs to acknowledge that the money in social security is NOT theirs.

2 years ago

I hope it’s not true that the Biden administration is thinking about taxing unrealized capital gain. That’s just not bearable. Thank you for being our voice and delivering our concerns.

2 years ago

I thought campaign funds had a reasonable limit dollar wise. Why can’t some of those astronomical amounts be used to help the homeless and seniors on limited incomes? Then maybe the politicians would quit texting every hour or two asking for money donations.

Freddie Salazar
Freddie Salazar
2 years ago

What a beautiful lady, inside and out, to speak on our behalf, to be our voices and represent millions of people that are extremely unhappy with our present situation completely caused by the lack of responsible fiscal leadership! Thank you Rebecca!

Buddy 60
Buddy 60
2 years ago

Yeah!! We definitely need younger blood caring for us!!

Anthony J. Green
Anthony J. Green
2 years ago

To whom it may concern:My name is Anthony J green and I am an AMAC member. I want to speak on how terrible this economy is hurting singers like me! Gas prices are hurting my income, food prices, as well as products around the house that needs to be used to clean my house as well as toiletries. Everything is going up in price based on the America not being able to produce our own natural or liquid gas! This is hurting everyone, especially the seniors. I am a 65 year old male that is working “Full Time” to make ends meet. I have Never seen this country struggling this much in my lifetime financially. Something has to be done about it! So I support AMAC for putting the pressure on out government officials as well as the president to do whatever needs to be done to reduce the hardship as well as stress on everyone including seniors. without the seniors, especially those with fixed incomes or any other Americans citizen that is struggling to make ends meet. Hopefully it won’t hurt us by paying for it down the line by increasing taxes! Please help these prices to decrease somehow, someway! I am hurting financially like I haven’t before in the past.We went from a surplus, to “sir please help me”Sincerely,Anthony J. Green

Tom Peters
Tom Peters
2 years ago

Little actions add up. While representing the interests of AMAC members, right here within our own organization, if you support our PAC, the payment is processed by STRIPE. STRIPE is a key figure in the “cancel culture” and has cancelled many Conservative organizations and individuals. When making a donation to our PAC, you will see in the small blue fine print “Powered by Donorbox” if you check out Donorbox, it uses STRIPE to process your payment. Within our own organization, we were not able to find a more Conservative-friendly payment processor? AlignPay perhaps? While our representatives are engaging in high profile Washington meetings, how about we sweep our own front porches first? Let’s minimize our cash leaks to our political enemies.

Thomas Sansoni
Thomas Sansoni
2 years ago

MS.Weber:Noel Edwards

Raymond Langford
Raymond Langford
2 years ago

Please emphasize that seniors have extreme difficulty with having to complete everything on line/computer. Some are comfortable but many are not. My example is many companies, banks and government entities are requiring all accounts be received by computers only making it extremely more difficult to manage accounts.

2 years ago

Please don’t refer to our Social Security account as entitlements, which is repeating the left’s narrative!

2 years ago

The Villages residents does not as a whole represent conservative values. Most are retired government (Fed-to-SLED) employees and union employees living on a lifetime taxpayer’s funded pension – not the same as most people who fund their own IRA and see it getting obliterated by the traitorous politicians! Trump 2024 will be a first step to Save America!

Sgt Pops
Sgt Pops
2 years ago

If the Slow Joe administration continues they’ll be taxing my VA Disability compensation check next. They have no conscience at all. May the blood of all the wounded and dead who suffered with me cry out to heaven.

Jim G
Jim G
2 years ago

That’s great BUT why doesn’t a diversified groups of seniors testify?

2 years ago

Can you address how the tax code is making it even harder on seniors? Double taxation on SS, taxing RMD capital gains at ordinary income rates, etc.

J Giardina
J Giardina
2 years ago

Common sense prevails!

Ronald Hadley
Ronald Hadley @[email protected]
2 years ago

AMAC Yes truly the organization that cares about senior citizens not AARP

2 years ago

Thank you GOD for people like Alyssa who actually have a conscience and works with our seniors. We’ll b watching and listening. PTL

2 years ago

Those Bolsheviks, including Mitch Ferret Face McConnell don’t care about us. They only care about themselves.

Melissa Humer
Melissa Humer
2 years ago

That’s great!! We need her to be OUR voice!!
Thank you!!

2 years ago

Thank you Rebecca, God’s blessings go with you finding favor for the multitudes you will be representing, Tank You Lord Jesus, in Your name I pray, Amen ❤

Robert Meehan
Robert Meehan
2 years ago

I have received numerous emails stating that the Biden Administration is pushing for legislation to allow them to invade our bank accounts. If true what are we to do with our retirement savings?

Kim Farmer
Kim Farmer
2 years ago

Fabulous Rebecca !! Great voice for great cause

Vicki Schwartz
Vicki Schwartz
2 years ago


Ed Baldwin
Ed Baldwin
2 years ago

Actually, if we cannot stop the cheating, it does not matter who runs on the conservative side. We are letting the socialists win.

George Morgan
George Morgan
2 years ago

I’m glad Rebecca will be our Voice! Thanks Rebecca!! ❤❤❤

George Morgan
George Morgan
2 years ago

I’m glad Rebecca will be our Voice! Thanks Rebecca!! ❤❤❤

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