AMAC in the Media

AMAC Army in Arizona Scores Another Victory

Posted on Thursday, May 27, 2021
AMAC, Andrew Mangione

AMAC members in Arizona have been especially passionate about election integrity issues ever since the 2020 presidential election. They have channeled this passion into action and played a pivotal role in getting three pieces of election reform legislation signed into law by consistently and enthusiastically responding to AMAC Action’s continued requests to contact their state lawmakers. AMAC’s Arizona members compelled the legislature to pass bills that will remove private money from the administration of elections and stop inactive voters from automatically receiving early ballots.  

The most recent legislative victory to be signed into law by Governor Doug Ducey is HB 2794, a bill that prevents the changing of election deadlines by an officer or agent of the state and makes offenders face a class 6 felony charge.

There are more election reform proposals still under consideration in Arizona and the AMAC Army there will continue their diligent efforts to promote election integrity and safeguard their sacrosanct right to vote. 


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A McGurk
A McGurk
3 years ago

So proud to be an Arizonan and member of AMAC, to be encouraged and have hope in God and country reinforced by the results AMAC has achieved in this regard. Never give up, therein lieth the lesson! You have my continued support, and thank you for staying in the fight.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Keep up the good fight AMAC! I dropped AARP over ( 10 ) years ago & never found anything else worthwhile as a replacement. Thankfully, I found Y’all through the Epoch Times articles & I joined up immediately a few months back now…
The AZ audit is moving along well now with over a million ballots audited with a June 30th deadline to complete it as it looks like they are well ahead of schedule, outstanding news & better still PA legislatures have paid them a visit for a look at the process with other states sure to follow. All of this is long overdue, better late than never. If the Democrats, including RINO Gov. Doug Ducey had their way, there would be NO 2020 election audit in AZ, period…
In closing, I’m feeling optimistic in all of this as I wait with baited breath for the final outcomes which will NOT be released until the audit is completed…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

About time….the cheaters in Arizona should be in jail.

Janette Lewis
Janette Lewis
3 years ago

Thank the Lord we needed the Good News.

3 years ago

Congratulations to Arizona! Hope we can get something accomplished in all Democrat run states. I’m just beside myself that Senator Pat Toomey finally got back to me on my concerns about H.R.1. He actually thinks it’s a bad idea also. I think that this is the first time that I’ve ever received a response that didn’t state that he was too busy with Covid pandemic in one aspect or another to respond to my concerns

Victoria Johnson
Victoria Johnson
3 years ago

Does anyone know if their last audit of the Nov. 3rd election has been completed? If so, what was the outcome? We are getting no news through the media other than that the administration and RINO Republicans are fighting it tooth and nail.

Salvatore Riccobono
Salvatore Riccobono
3 years ago

I’m very interested in this particular Voting issue…

3 years ago

I’d like to see this happen in every state.

3 years ago

I’d like to see this happen in every state.

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