AMAC in the Media

AMAC Action Weekly Advocacy Update: Patient Act

Posted on Thursday, July 13, 2023
AMAC Action
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PATIENT Act Advocacy Results

AMAC Action engaged the membership at-large to contact their Member of Congress to co-sponsor the PATIENT Act. If you recall, the PATIENT Act increases healthcare transparency and empowers patients to take more control of their medical care.

This Call-to-Action was launched on June 12 and ran through early July. During this timeframe, 59 additional co-sponsors were added including 19 Democrats, making the bill solidly bipartisan. Well done, AMAC members!  Your voice was definitely heard!

Click here to see AMAC Action’s letter of support for the PATIENT Act.

Legislation and Policy Support

1. S.566 and H.R. 3435 – Charitable Act

Current tax regulations actively discourage donations made by those who take the standard deduction when filing their taxes, by not allowing them to claim a deduction for charitable giving. Some, but not all of the potential direct funding for these organizations could be and should be significantly restored. The Charitable Act will bring that restoration so taxpayers without itemized returns can make charitable donations and claim a tax credit for doing so.

Click here to see AMAC Action’s letter of support for S. 566 and H.R. 3435.



Calls-to-action are active for California SB 278 and SCA 2 and the JP Morgan Chase assault on civil rights.


Chapter Meetings

It was a busy week for chapter meetings!

Members of congressional districts WI-01, -04, and -05 combined and discussed AMAC Action in the news, had a participant Q & A, and began a dialogue on parental control of school boards. Part two of the school board discussion will be at the next meeting.

In CO-07, Marc Gitlitz, a spokesman for the Colorado Institute for Fair Elections spoke on fair elections, election integrity, how to clean up voter rolls, helping vulnerable voters, and more.

Social Security solvency and planning, including AMAC’s Social Security Guarantee proposal, were on the agenda at the chapter meeting in CA-35. Basic rules, claiming strategies, and overall planning strategies for Social Security were also discussed by a certified financial planner/retirement income certified professional.


All-State Chapter Meeting

Ohio had its first All-State Chapter Meeting (a virtual meeting for all Ohio AMAC members)! The host discussed the importance of voting in the Ohio Special Election on August 8th and the Executive Director for Greater Columbus Right to Life discussed abortion and the vote concerning the proposed reproductive freedom amendment to the Ohio Constitution.


American Conservatism

Convincingly defining what American conservatism means and is, can be a difficult endeavor. Since we are locked in a great struggle between physical and spiritual forces for the very existence of this nation, it is incumbent upon us to clearly and convincingly be able to explain exactly what it is that we, as conservatives, believe and strive for.

The great conservative thinker Russell Kirk wrote a straightforward introduction to conservative ideas. Despite being written in 1957, his Concise Guide to Conservatism is a witty summation of what conservatism means today.

“This book has required no dramatic revision after the passage of sixty-two years. That very fact gives it unexpected weight. Kirk’s insights about family, the importance of private property, education, religion, and a dozen other subjects not only remain completely sound but now seem downright prophetic.”


                                                            ―   Wilfred M. McClay, Victor Davis Hanson Chair in Classical History and

                                                                   Western Civilization at Hillsdale College and author of Land of Hope:

                                                                    An Invitation to The Great American Story


Next week: A primer on Chapter One – The Essence of Conservatism


Quote of the Week

“Men cannot improve a society by setting fire to it: they must seek out its old virtues and bring them back into the light.”


                                                              ― Russell Kirk, political theorist, author, literary critic, social critic, and

                                                                    referred by many as the father of American Conservatism

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