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Indictment of Pennsylvania Dems Shows Exactly How Mail Ballot Fraud Happens

Posted on Wednesday, March 5, 2025
by Outside Contributor

For years, the propaganda press has tried to dismiss concerns about legitimate fraud associated with mail-in ballots.

“Yes, voter fraud happens,” The Associated Press’s Ali Swenson wrote in October. “But it’s rare, and election offices have safeguards to catch it.” A few weeks later, The Associated Press released a video entitled “Why voter fraud isn’t really a problem in U.S. elections,” with a subhead claiming there are “many safeguards to detect it.”

Meanwhile, CNN posted a video entitled “Trump stokes fear over voter fraud in Pennsylvania. CNN fact-checks his claims.” Notably, the subhead for the video acknowledged that officials identified “incidents of suspected voter registration fraud.”

But the thing that “rarely” happens happened again (and no, Ms. Swenson, none of the “safeguards” worked).

Pennsylvania’s vulnerable online voter registration system allowed three Democrats to try and “steal the 2021” general election for the Mayor of Millbourne after they gamed the online voter portal to fraudulently register nearly three dozen non-residents.  

Mohammed Nurul Hasan, Mohammed Munsur Ali and Mohammed Rafikul Islam allegedly conspired with each other and “persons known and unknown to the grand jury to steal the 2021 general election for Mayor of Millbourne” for Hasan by using the state’s online voter registration portal to “change the voter registration addresses” for non-Millbourne residents to “locations within Millbourne,” according to a grand jury indictment.

The defendants then allegedly used the portal to request mail-in ballots for the non-Millbourne residents, illegally filled the ballots out on their behalf, and submitted the ballots to the county board of elections. The voters were allegedly informed by Hasan and Ali that “they would not get in trouble as long as they did not vote in another election in November 2021,” according to the indictment. 

Hasan ultimately lost the election 165 to 138, according to the indictment. 

So how was it done? Hasan, Ali and Islam simply used the state’s online voter registration (PAOVR) website.

At the time of the May 18, 2021 primary, there were “approximately 549 registered voters in Millbourne,” according to the indictment. Less than six months later, by the time the general election was held, there were 578 registered voters. According to the indictment, “most of the additional registered voters were people who did not live in Millbourne and had previously been registered to vote in locations outside of Millbourne, but whose voter registration addresses had been changed to Millbourne addresses by someone accessing the PAOVR website.”

“Any person who accessed the PAOVR website could either submit a new voter registration application or edit an existing voter’s registration information as long as the person knew certain personal identification information about the voter,” the indictment states. “A person who provided such information about a voter on the PAOVR website could change the voter’s name, address, and/or party affiliation, and/or request a mail-in or absentee ballot.”

“If the person accessing the PAOVR website requested a mail-in or absentee ballot for the voter, such a person could ask for the ballot to be mailed to any address in the world,” according to the indictment. 

Hasan, Ali, and Islam were each charged with conspiracy, false information in registering, and fraudulent voter registration.

Despite claims of robust “safeguards,” the reality is that the system allowed three individuals to exploit its weaknesses and engage in fraudulent activity, undermining the integrity of the 2021 mayoral election. The fact that such manipulation was even possible raises serious concerns about the state’s online voting infrastructure and underscores the dangers of mass mail-in balloting.

Brianna Lyman is an elections correspondent at The Federalist. Brianna graduated from Fordham University with a degree in International Political Economy. Her work has been featured on Newsmax, Fox News, Fox Business and RealClearPolitics. Follow Brianna on X: @briannalyman2

Reprinted with permission from The Federalist – By Brianna Lyman

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
3 days ago

To be accurate, the so-called Democrat party more closely resembles a horrible cross between fascists, Maoists and Revolutionary War era Tories, combining the worst of each into a pro-totalitarian mess. But then, they’ve always been the party of bigotry slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, BLM and Antifa. They’ve just added baby killing and screaming lunacy to their operations.
They’ve just got to be so proud.

3 days ago

What was the reply to the accusation of voter fraud? “ Oh, well there may be some, but not enough to change the outcome of an election.” Ha! One vote here, ten votes there, 100 votes over yonder. Voila, election stolen.

3 days ago

Connecticut recently brought charges against people for the same thing. It’s long past time to roll back the curtain on such things.

3 days ago

The greatest fear the Democrat Party has is that when someone is caught doing election fraud, that the scheme will be outlined in court records for the public to see via some of the few honest news outlets we still have in this country. Any public disclosure, such as this, would of course completely undermine the entire Democrat Party narrative that:
1) Election fraud does NOT exist at all.
2) If there is some election fraud, it is always very minor and completely insignificant to altering the outcome of any election where such activity has been found.

Needless to say, this story will NOT be covered by any in the MSM, as it would further damage the whatever is left of the credibility of the Democrat Party when it comes to election integrity and mail-in voting.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 days ago

Great news AMAC. Thank you.

Mr. Rooney
Mr. Rooney
2 days ago

I wonder, if all those extra SS accounts have some connection to voter fraud? 16 million plus over the age of 110. Biden gained 15 million then Kammy lost 13 million. It is difficult to not think there might be a connection.

3 days ago

The Three Mohammeds got caught at doing what the Left claims practically never happens! Perhaps they should be termed The Three Stooges instead?

Jim Dowdell
Jim Dowdell
2 days ago

Voting fraud should be a felony offense and prosectors should aggressively pursue jail time when it is caught!!

3 days ago

The obvious fact that the ‘Loopholes’ are engineered into the system is bad enough. But for the general public (?) to go along with and even defend it is atrocious.
Corruption is becoming (or hopefully, was becoming) a way of life not only in America but Globally.

martin plecki
martin plecki
2 days ago

Election cheating is very hard to find after the fact. This example was found because the perpetrators were unsophisticated and clumsy. In the cities controlled by Dems, I believe they have found ways to cheat and hide it all very effectively.

3 days ago

How about going after the Democratic Party, which stole the 2020/2022? At least a 20-to-life sentence for each party member would be appropriate.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 days ago

DONT need this nationwide

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