New York state prisons, which house some 32,000 inmates, are facing a major crisis – and almost no one is talking about it.
For the last two weeks, more than 15,000 New York corrections officers have been on a “wildcat” strike, or a strike that is not approved by the union or allowed by law. As a result, New York Governor Kathy Hochul has been forced to call in the National Guard to maintain order in the state’s prisons while also threatening to arrest the striking officers. The governor announced during a press conference last week that legal proceedings have commenced against nearly 400 officers, with police issuing restraining orders to 380 individuals.
The strike is in protest of Democrat “reforms” that have unleashed a wave of chaos and violence throughout the state’s prisons. Corrections officers are particularly outraged over the Humane Alternatives to Long-Term Solitary Confinement Act, or HALT Act, which went into effect in 2022. The law limits solitary confinement to no more than 15 consecutive days or 20 days total in a 60-day period and prohibits solitary confinement for inmates under 22 or over 54, regardless of crime.
The HALT Act also reserves solitary confinement for only the most serious offenses, such as assaults on fellow inmates or officers, and creates an oversight system that severely limits officers’ ability to put prisoners in solitary confinement at all.
Since passage of the HALT Act, assaults and general mayhem have exploded in prisons throughout New York. According to the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, since 2022, “inmate assaults are up 169%, staff assaults are up 76%, and incidents of illegal contraband increased by 32%.” As Republican State Senator Daniel Stec told Fox News, “It’s not safe for the officers, it’s not safe inside for anybody.”
Late last week, The Daily Wire released shocking leaked footage from inside Green Haven Correctional Facility in New York backing up Stec’s assertion.
The graphic videos depict inmates assaulting officers, attacking other prison employees, and “slashing each other’s faces.” One recording, taken shortly after the HALT Act went into effect, even shows the fatal stabbing of 30-year-old inmate Jarett Frost. The anonymous leaker of the video told the outlet that “HALT has stripped us of our ability to incentivize good behavior among the inmate population and deter them from attacking us…We are swallowing our pride and losing our souls in the process.”
Republican legislators have called for the law’s immediate repeal. New York Assembly Minority Leader Barclay posted on X last week that repealing the law “should be the first step toward improving the state prison system and addressing the disastrous situation unfolding currently.”
But Democrat legislators have continued to stand by their failed policy. After Senator Stec introduced legislation to repeal the HALT Act last week, it was voted down along party lines.
Despite the fact that the prison system in the country’s fourth-most populous state is now in danger of devolving into complete chaos, this shocking story has received relatively little attention from the corporate media – doubly surprising given the liberal press’s usual sympathy for union causes and government workers.
As Daily Wire host Matt Walsh noted on his podcast last week, the media has “[devoted] days of coverage to the plight of federal bureaucrats” upset over an email asking what they did last week, but has “demonstrated no sympathy” for New York corrections officers even as they point out that their very lives are in danger just by showing up to work.
Walsh also noted that the average life expectancy for a correctional officer in the United States is 59 years, almost 20 years less than the average American. According to New York State research, correctional officers have a 40% higher suicide rate than the general population, attributed to the high stress of performing the job and deadly attacks from inmates.
Although Hochul announced a tentative deal with union leaders to break the strike late last week, that agreement came unraveled over the weekend as thousands of officers said it did not go far enough in addressing their concerns. The agreement would indemnify all striking officers from discipline, “reduce mandated overtime, increase the overtime pay rate, and temporarily hire retired corrections officers to assist in transporting incarcerated people.”
However, the deal falls short on the strikers’ main demand – repeal of the HALT Act. The agreement would only suspend the HALT Act for 90 days, after which it would go back into effect. The mother of one of the striking workers told Fox News that the deal is a “slap in every officer’s face” and that Hochul only “cares about the inmates and their rights.”
Although discussions are still ongoing, some officers did return to work this weekend after facing threat of termination. According to the Albany-based Times Union, the state comptroller’s office has also stopped paying striking officers and suspended their health insurance. Others, however, say they are determined to maintain the strike until the HALT Act is repealed.
Though Democrats have done their best to distance themselves from the “Defund the Police” fiasco of 2020 and 2021, this crisis in New York is a reminder that the party is still as committed as ever to “woke justice” and putting criminals ahead of law and order – and basic common sense.
Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.
Typical stupidity democrats. Only thing they’re good for is screwing the little people. Obviously Hochul has no clue just like the rest of the party. People in New York need to wake up and pay attention that their government is being run in the ground with this continueas stupid leadership. Harden criminals convicted should lose ALL rights. Period.
And now cuomo wants to mayor of new york. They never stop. they unleashed and abused A.I. on the people and they now can’t control want they created. God help us all! And god bless Mr. Trump and his and you to.
As stated, no news coverage on this. It’s the kind of cultural mayhem, starting with family and quickly moving into other foundational areas, advocated and worshipped by the hardcore Bolshevik left; with dumb policies of every variety going along for the ride.
God bless the brave strikers and may they prevail.
And thank AMAC for getting the news out.
Democrats will be the fall of our country. I just don’t understand how they think!? They have destroyed major cities and then allowed illegals to push drugs and crimes in these cities.
How can they not be fed up with that kind of environment? What’s in it for them?
This is so crazy, you couldn’t make it up. Maybe the politicians in NY should go guard the prisoners.
Option one—-let them all out, ends complaints.
Option two—Tell the inmates that they are in prison for crimes and that prisons are not resorts.
Last summer I was a juror in a criminal trial involving a prison riot, and watched surveillance videos of the fighting between inmates and the intervention of the guards. The inmates ignored the commands of the guards until chemical agents had to be shot and sprayed into the inmate quad. I kept having to remind myself that this wasn’t a TV show, this was reality. It doesn’t surprise me that guards have a lower life expectancy after what I saw. They deserve better pay, better treatment, and the support of the lawmakers in their state.
The inmates are ruling the prisons. Like the illegals are running our neighborhoods. But DOGE laying off federal workers. Well the dems have to demonize that. Trump telling a pipsqueak former comedian now running the Ukraine is a billionaire you are an ungrateful little man. That is frowned upon. Zelensky was told by the EU leadership to do this. They want nothing to do with Trump and thereby get America out of Europe. I say let them try. Isolate America. All the prison guards should stay away from their jobs forever. Let Hochul run the asylum. Soros is paying for this law and it’s after effects anyway. The WEF and its policies are being followed by the dems to the letter. Like I heard an Imam say yesterday the west is getting weaker and the Arab world stronger. Why. Because of the movement of migrants all over the world. Years ago they were brought to the west to do the dirty work their own citizens wouldn’t do. But the migrants of today come to Europe and America to consume their riches at the cost of the citizens. It’s a gigantic shift to destroy countries and their culture. Birth rates everywhere are way down. Criminals have more rights than those guarding them. And the HALT act shows that. This collusion between the politicians and judges is coming to light. To correct it is almost impossible. The connection between dems and judges is so tight. Never will these judges rule according to laws but what the dems tell them how to rule. This HALT act should have never passed the courts. It is a free for all for the prisoners and a death threat for the Guards.
It’s their problem. Just like Cal, the voters put these people in office and they can replace them. VOTE SMARTER NEW YORK! Or live with the consequences.
Progressive Leftist Democrats love chaos and anarchy. They thrive on it by expanding BIG GOVERNMENT and raising taxes to pay for it.
I worked at Elmira and Southport back from 1980 till 2005 and it was bad back then. I can imagine what it would be like now. I would lock inmates in for fighting and they would be walking through the halls the next day with a big grin on their faces. Even attacks on officers only got them a couple days confinement. I got out when we were working double shifts every other day because of lack of officers. I’m glad I got out in one piece and I am sorry for what they have to put up with now. My prayers go up for the officers that have to put up with that crap now.
Even before I read all the comments from our Amac members on this topic, I must say, I am a New Yorker, Upstate NY. I read from you members that we, the voters, get what we deserve. We Up Staters are more RED than the city slickers that vote BLUE but they seem to out vote us. I for one vote RED and would never vote for the likes of Hockul or her ILK. How NY has gotten to the state we are in, Democtat controlled with no common sense, is beyond me. Hockul like Biden has destroyed this country and state. Now to the correction officers, They have every right to do what they are doing, strike!!!! How would hockul or any of the Dem. law makers feel if they had to go to work in the morning knowing that it could be their last? Hell, Hockul has security details guarding her retchid ass. I support our great correction officers and hope beyond hope that all New Yorkers someday wake up and right this wayward ship that we call NY.
Kathy: When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. You’ve learned NOTHING from your past mistakes. Get some help for your TDS.
What would happen if citizens of NY fed up with the criminals in charge of justice took the matter into their own hands and started to behave in the same manner as the prisoners, would they be dealt with according to the law ,I bet there would be all kinds of charges and punishment Should hand of God reach the corrupted swine I hope there will be no mercy.
The Governor is total out of it! She has go back and work with Prison Guards. She must do duty that she was elected to do!
I remember a movie in the 80s starring Kurt Russell called “Escape from New York.” Rather prophetic.
Why are you surprised Hochul supports Inmates over guard force? Inmates vote now. What’s the ratio of guard votes vs. inmate votes?
If only these inmates could reak havoc on all the believers in this nonsense. If only they would hurt them and their families and friends and leave the rest of us alone.
Burned over country—-every liberal idea sweeps across New England like a wildfire–burned over country.
Just reading the headline, one would think the guards were wrong to call a wildcat strike. However when you read the article and the limitations bleeding heart liberals put in via the HALT ACT one understands the dangers to and frustrations of the guards.
Horrible situation now pawned off on the National Guard.
Criminals and jail birds ARE the constituents of the DIMMs. Of course, they want them coddled. Is that a surprise? AOC wants them ALL released so crime will go down–makes a lot of sense?
Welcome to Thunderdome.
Thank you for this piece. I am sad about what has happened to the state I grew up in. The current so-called “glass-ceiling breaker” sitting in the gubernatorial seat does not inspire anyone to motivation; IMHO, she has cast similar to a pall over the office, similar to her predecessor. To be brief, NYS was in bad shape when I left there more than 30 years ago. In the 1980s, I had even looked into being in their ‘shock camp’ (do not remember the exact title), a program for drill instructor type Corrections Officers to rehabilitate first time offenders of non-violent crimes. I do not remember how far I got through the process, but now I am glad I did not make it. I am very sad for the COs that are still serving and dealing with such so-called leadership at the state level legal system. From what I gather, the COs and prison leadership have a difficult enough time in their roles (just like other law enforcement) without ultimate threat of being possibly incarcerated next to convicts that they were trying to keep in line and rehabilitate, etc. Again, prayer for GOD. to work on NY constituent’s hearts to put the right people, actual leaders who want to serve the people, into leadership in the next elections. Thank you for this comment section. Romans 13.
Sorry for this but someone voted for these idiots. Think next time you vote and make sure you do vote, or you may have the same results.
Liberal view of penal system: The “obvious” solution is to release these oppressed prisoners whose only crime was, well, committing a crime. While law abiding citizens are important members of society, those committing crimes, especially minority criminals, have many, many more rights because they have been wronged by society. The right to rehabilitation is primary, whether the incarcerated individual wants to become rehabilitated or not. It must be assumed that they will come out of prison better people than when they went in. Perhaps they will find religion, get an education, or better yet, a free sex change that will lead to a life of fulfillment.
Political run states with these liberal politicians, judges and lawyers should all be deported!
Qui bono?
(Who benefits?)
Arrest the whole bunch of them. They are all a threat to the state of New York.