Maine’s education system, like so much of our nation, is in freefall and, more accurately has crashed and must be rebuilt. Serious studies confirm that state schools – like schools nationwide – are in extreme distress. In the end, America’s kids, parents, and teachers have been betrayed.
Look at the studies. One of the best, by the Maine Policy Institute, was released in mid-2024. Entitled “The Decline of Maine K-12 Education,” it was comprehensive, original, and data-rich. What it describes could be in Oregon, Maryland, New York, or the Nation – but is Maine.
Maine – like many blue states – has suffered a breathtaking collapse in NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) scores in 30 years. Top in 1992, Maine has plummeted to dead last. Once leading in 4th and 8th grade math and reading, Maine is now rock bottom.
Other studies – and rankings – confirm the heartbreaking collapse of Maine’s educational system. Heartbreaking? Yes. We get one chance to educate our kids, not two childhoods.
If a child misses critical lessons, the chance for real learning – in math, vocabulary, reading, languages, history, biology, chemistry, physical, earth science, critical thinking, shop skills – disappears/ A child’s brain is wired for lifetime success or failure. Schools must teach success.
Instead, the reverse has been happening. Teachers unions, progressive Democrat ideologues, moral relativists, and excusers of childhood failure on the basis of gender, race, economic position, national origin, and prejudice, have promoted a terrible redefinition of education.
Pushing teachers to abandon traditional learning, or the pedagogical practice of a competent teacher passing forward knowledge with accountability – the national push has been to drop hard topics, moral compass, love of country, and mental toughness in favor of Marxist ideology.
In the place of real learning – a focus on achievement, how we think (not what to think), what freedom means and how to use it well, reading books, four years of math and science, literature, moral lessons, languages, creative and analytical writing, kids get none of that.
The average Maine high school student has not read one book cover to cover upon graduation, and ditto nationally. Three in four Maine 4th graders cannot read. They are taught to blame others.
They are taught that poor grades are “not their fault,” get grade inflation, and lower standards, can claim a disability, or personal prejudice, and that winning and losing is hard, making excuses easier.
Rather than celebrate a family’s history of achievement, service, hard work, and lifetime faith – the divine beauty of our universe and sacrifice that built America, all that is dismissed.
Truth be told, teachers are overwhelmingly dissatisfied, with hundreds leaving Maine and the profession. The freedom to make lesson plans impart wisdom is gone. Paperwork is endless.
Unlike a few years ago, when kids worked on perfect attendance, recited the Pledge of Allegiance, patriotism honored, strength of mind admired, and acting badly punished, anything goes, and leftist ideology is the norm – not an outlier.
Taught without shame are leftist notions like class warfare, political hate, diversity by skin, not ideas, equity (Marxism), “inclusion” (non-conservative, non-traditional, non-merit), critical race theory (which Martin Luther King would oppose), environmental hysteria, anti-capitalism, and constant redefinitions, from fluid genders to fluid identity.
Clever means are employed to infuse these ideas in impressionable children, often upending family values. What historians call indoctrination is insidious; it occurs. Marxist thinking undermines the Republic, families, and faith. Ideas like “restorative justice,” “equity” between groups (versus equality of persons), grievance articulation, activism, “peer juries” (communist idea reinvented), social ostracism, “social-emotional learning,” “white privilege,” confusing legal and illegal immigration, labeling conservatives autocrats, and the like are common.
Making matters worse, Maine teachers are pressured, and forced to conform. Their pay is near the bottom nationally, reporting endless. Discipline problems have tripled, and morale is among the lowest.
In the Policy Institute study – one of the best done on educational collapse – everything from charter schools, homeschooling, lawsuits, and the decline – is carefully detailed.
The question: How do we fix this? The answer is to return to what works. Admit failure, dump the Marxist agenda. Get Progressive Democrat activism out of schools, prioritize real learning, and reward quality teachers and teaching in Maine’s schools.
Needed is a statewide, arguably nationwide, re-empowerment of parents, quality teachers, and minimalist administrators, who value outcomes, not ideology, merit and achievement, lessons in history, math, science, literature, reading, writing, languages, critical thinking, patriotism, moral fiber, and industrial arts, mental toughness and can-do, make no excuses.
Bottom line: Democrats have reshaped Maine’s education system and our Nation’s – replaced success with rank failure. They own this failure. They did this to our kids and schools. There is no time to waste. We have lost enough childhoods. Now is the time to reform, no apologies.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).
It would be in everyone’s best interests to abolish the school system entirely. Let parents stay home to educate their kids on their own. No more wage theft that allows for allocating other people’s hard earned tax money to people who have children. End the free ride and government handouts like the child care tax credit. Parents made the choice to have kids and they need to raise them entirely on their own without any sort of free handouts or government assistance.
I believe if you look at (unedited) history, you will see where it’s been done before, manipulating the young to spread an ideology. Hitler did it, he even gave out little knives and rewards for ratting out your parents. The establishment of the Dept of Education cemented the school system toward socialist ideals and Communism. Things like “Common Core” edited the text books. Teaching only what the Left Wing needs, to sway young opinion. We now have college graduates screaming they want to be Communist. If only they knew what they were asking for. The News media and shows like “The Talk” keep them fed with enough propaganda that they really believe “Trump Bad,” “Liberals Good.” Without ever obtaining the facts. Ignorant sheep. This we have to fix, and starting by abolishing the Dept of Education, breaking up the teachers union, and dusting off old unedited text books is a good start.
The Democrats/Marxists WON’T let the schools be fixed. They depend on useful idiots to accomplish their ends. This is a war.
democrats like a dumb population. easy to control
Robert Charles is brave and clear thinking. We are privileged to have his wisdom. He nails it: every child must go though a process step by step to adulthood. Schools must contribute. We need responsible educators who won’t skip out.
Why are public schools demanding ever more funding? Why are there many more “administrators” than teachers? In my state (Colorado) a hard blue, why do the teacher’s unions proudly proclaim to be communists and socialists? Why are they emphasizing political and cultural indoctrination? To make our children into DRONES of the autocratic one world tyranny?
It is TIME to get government OUT of education. No more collectivist “commissars” of education. ALL schools need to be private, religious, scientifically oriented, or whatever the PARENTS decide to organize. Absolutely ZERO bureaucratic dictates! Funding or vouchers must be given to parents with NO strings or constraints attached.
Thieves! They have stolen the innocence and the opportunities from our nation’s children. I am beyond angry. Thankfully God is able to turn evil acts around for good. I pray for all these children who have been robbed of their opportunity to thrive. For the thieves themselves, God will have His say as to your due payment.
This isn’t complicated.Just do 100% vouchers and then let the free market take over.Eventually,there will be lots of education taking place online,for almost no cost.Today,in California,over 40% of all state govt spending goes to govt schools,that are a disaster.This money could be spent by citizens,instead of going to this wasteful monopoly.In California,the cost for one kid/year in public daycare(AKA public schools) is $24,000.This is insane.
The task of transforming the American educational industry will require an army of investigators, auditors and prosecutors, with an exercise in overhauling some of the judiciary to complement the efforts. The wrong type of people have totally infiltrated and overwhelmed the entire system of creating useful, independent, patriotic adults in the traditional American Way. They must be removed and we begin again.
It is obvious that many of our schools have evolved down into little more than propaganda indoctrination centers where actual learning is relegated to token status. The answer to a lot of this is school competition. Require states to provide vouchers to parents who can then choose which schools (public or private) to send their children. Those schools that don’t provide a vigorous education will lose funding and either wither away or will have to get their act together to significantly improve their “services” to effectively compete.
This had better be done right, as this is the future of America ! I think a person with common sense is just as valuable as the high IQ people.
Maybe you could accuse us of cowardice – we fought the local schools for several years. Finally we gave up and home schooled. Results: two doctorates, while our childrens’ former classmates are clerking at the local Family Dollar store. It seems in New Mexico, it is illegal for schools to educate.
Good article but it only sums up what we know and have known for decades. all over decline leaving Johny illiterate , with worthless High school diploma in his hand.If this to be turned around where do we find the good teachers necessary for the task. There are good teachers not allowed to teach properly Are there enough to turn this Titanic around. I guess starting with baby steps would be the start and acknowledging that one size does not fit all that there are children with abilities not necessarily academic ones . those should be stressed over failing academics. Not everyone is a scholar , does not mean they are failures.If that can be fixed our kids would end up winners.
Academic failure starts at the top. For far too long, America’s colleges have been indoctrinating future teachers with Marxist and cultural idiocies, resulting in “educators” who are ill-equipped to comprehend valuable lessons, much less pass them along to their students. Those people who “move up” into positions as principals and administrators are often so jaded that they don’t care whether students are actually LEARNING IMPORTANT SKILLS or, for that matter, TRUTHS .
Sadly, in many parts of America, PARENTS must share the blame for this disgraceful situation. With both parents employed outside their home, or one-parent families, kids are virtually left to their own devices. The only interaction most parents have with teachers is to complain about “unfair” grades or challenging some requirement/assignment by a teacher about which their student complains. Such parents can’t be bothered to attend parent-teacher conferences (if the school even HAS such things), but will loudly and proudly defend their student’s apathy and even antagonism in the classroom.
Eliminating the Department of Education is a good first step, for its been a money pit for teachers’ unions and too powerful EINO’s (Educators in Name Only). Delegitimization of the powerful teachers’ unions would be helpful. Then, set demanding requirements (including exams in subjects areas and in classroom standards) for prospective educators AT ALL LEVELS- pre-K through college).
This is a huge cultural adjustment, and I’m not convinced that even President Trump would be able to find a solution for this situation, which is critical to America’s future.
Just two actions could greatly improve our educational system. Getting rid of all teachers’ unions (and all government employee unions) which Trump might be able to make happen by linking federal funds and non-unionized teachers. Secondly, which will almost certainly be far more difficult, re-segregate schools – as it appears that a signicant portion of our society is unwilling or unable to receive an education but can certainly disrupt classrooms and the learning of others.
“Now is the time to reform…how do we fix this?” Indeed. Years later after you had immediately put your children into private or Christian or home-schooled and Trump has abolished the Dept of Education (I wish) and the State Depts of “Education” have done likewise, you can deliberate whether you want to put your children back.